Monday, December 24, 2012

THIS PAGE IS A REPOSITORY OF PAST DAILY MEMOS FROM BENGHAZI-TRUTH. Please visit the Home Site for updates & new memos every day. We will not rest on Benghazi 

Filed for Saturday & Sunday, Dec 29/30, 2012

WHAT THE GOP HOUSE NEEDS by way of testimony and evidence for the Benghazi investigations is more than a single, senior-citizen political piranha in the form of one Hillary Clinton, who has mocked and lied about those same GOP House members for decades while they act gentlemanly and call her a "friend", behaving like an absurd collection of self-flagellating patsies; a senior-citizen political piranha whose recent fainting spell and concussion is even less credible than the idea that she lost her breath over a decade ago upon hearing that her philandering president husband had had an affair(GASP!), which was simply more serial skirt-chasing for which newspapers in their home state of Arkansas made routine mockery about Bill Clinton for decades before. 

What the GOP house needs to do is get serious, act like serious adults with a very serious job to do and stop drifting about like theirs is a get-along country club while the democrats throw hydrochloric acid in their faces and play for keeps; simultaneously ruining the lives of every citizen in this country because the socialist media favors those democrats, leaving the GOP Forrest Gumps in Congress as our last, pathetic line of defense. 

The GOP better get it together and take Benghazi as seriously as the democrats would take it if those murders had happened under a Republican president because this is not a game and the midterms are not so far away that many millions of us will not still be boiling mad over their ham-fisted ineptitude.

Bearing all that in mind, here is a list of must-have's and must-do's that the GOP House should gather together, and in so doing stop acting like stereotypical dim-witted southerners whose idea of the fast lane on the highway is Aisle 4 at the supermarket being traversed by an octogenarian in an electric wheelchair.

Precise instructions to the GOP House which appears to not know what to do:

1. Speaker Boehner must be replaced. His foot- dragging will turn into the Obama/Benghazi protection wall - throwing strong-willed conservatives off the investigation so he can continue to play footsie with his favorite African-American Communist - if Boehner feels he has no threat of removal. So removed he must be, because if he is Speaker once more and does a deal with Obama behind closed doors, or just lacks basic intestinal fortitude (Benghazi-Truth thinks it's a combination of both) there is no turning back. We will have lost this precious moment where we can control the direction of the country once more - perhaps for all time - if we do not succeed. Boehner is manifestly weak and incompetent on a massive scale. If you think not, then ask yourself when the leftist media last said a bad word about him; that's a red flag because they always attack effective republicans. The left media wants him right where he is, handing victory after victory to Obama and so we need to have him out. DUMP BOEHNER; NO OPTION.

2. Hillary Clinton must testify, of course. But enough of acting like her assurances to do so are worth a damn. If the GOP does not by now realize she will change the rules at the very last minute and either find another reason to not testify, or find ways to give evasive answers if the rules are lax, then we need a whole new GOP House. Once again, Clinton and her ilk are vipers and the GOP House members are gentlemen and that needs to change because gentlemen do not win against vipers; when the viper strikes, the gentleman dies - the gentleman cannot kill the viper with a bite.  The left has learned to play our side like an accordion on this account and we need to get down and dirty and win for a change. Hillary must be subpoenaed - immediately - and enough of good manners toward someone who has lied through her teeth to the people of America about anyone or anything that gets in the way of her cold-blooded political ambitions. She must be treated for what she is: a viper, and we need to stop blushing over the fact and get on with business. SUBPOENA HILLARY CLINTON.  

3. When Obama picked Joe Biden to be his running mate, the whole reason was because Obama's ticket would have a foreign affairs expert as part of the pairing. Okay, so who believes that the foreign affairs expert was not informed or consulted during the 7 hours of the Benghazi attack and murders? No one, though the left, if pressed, would demand we believe it and will call us bad people with a very stern wave of the finger if we do not subjugate ourselves to their will. SUBPOENA VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN and make no excuses about it. 

4. Somewhere there are twenty (20) survivors from the Benghazi attack - no one disagrees - and no one knows who they are, where they are or why they are wherever it is they are. According to Greta van Susteren - who is as reputable a TV news-person as it gets -  one survivor is reportedly to be in Walter Reed hospital though no one knows who the person may be or even if the rumor is true. The GOP House members have started to get vocal about this because they are entitled to know such information within 48 hours of the event. Started to get vocal. AFTER FOUR MONTHS. What the hell is the timidity all about? GOP HOUSE: Stop "asking" and get the answersSUBPOENA ALL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO WERE IN BENGHAZI WHO ARE PROBABLE SURVIVORS, GET THEIR NAMES AND FIND THEM AND SUBPOENA THEM TO TESTIFY. Stop "asking and waiting". This is becoming infuriating. Get the answers; that's why we elected you.

5. The White House has security cameras all through the common halls and those cameras make video records. Those records need to be immediately subpoenaed and watched in open, televised hearings to see who came and went from the Situation Room on the night of the Benghazi attack and be prepared for fakes, so find the spine you have not had about other Obama scandals you have deemed to be too controversial for your delicate sensibilities and roll up your sleeves for a fight, for a change. We cannot just take people's word for what happened, because the lies are all being formulated and have been for months and rehearsed between the players. If you take their word for it, alone, you will lose and look like fools and give Obama a sense of open rein that will be irreversible for someone of his egotism. GET THE EVIDENCE; SUBPOENA THE SECURITY CAMERA RECORDS FOR AREAS AROUND THE SITUATION ROOM BETWEEN THE DATES OF SEPT 10, 2011 THROUGH SEPT 13, 2011.

6. There are legit reasons to suspect that what happened in Benghazi was being watched in the White House Situation Room in real time. Doubtless records of those video transmissions were the first things destroyed, but subpoena them anyway and if they were destroyed find the trail that leads to their destruction and who ordered them destroyed, because that is a felony in itself. SUBPOENA VIDEO RECORDS OF THE EVENTS IN BENGHAZI.

7. During the Watergate hearings there was an endless parade of witnesses and it made for mighty good television according to most who watched as lucid adults at the time. Subpoena the records to find which White House aides were on duty that night and make them testify as to what they heard and saw that night. Conflicting stories need to have witnesses brought back to explain the conflicts. SUBPOENA ALL AIDES ON DUTY AT THE WHITE HOUSE DURING THE BENGHAZI ATTACKS. Don't be so damn lazy. Just do it.

8. There will be records in the military as to who gave the stand-down orders which prevented the people in Benghazi from being saved. SUBPOENA THOSE RECORDS and angrily protest redactions and get un-redacted copies.

9. Last but not least, a Grand Jury needs to be arranged for Barack Obama. Doubtless the spineless GOP House will cringe at the idea as though former House members, made of sterner stuff in the past, did not arrange a Grand Jury for Bill Clinton over a simple affair and his recitations after the fact, which they did. That was over oral sex and lies about oral sex. We have four dead, twenty unaccounted for, a President unaccounted for the seven hours of the Benghazi attacks, a Vice President unaccounted for during the attacks, a Secretary of State unaccounted for during the attacks, absolutely proven lies by the President himself (even timid mainstream agrees) on a very big scale - including as Benghazi-Truth has proven manifestly, using Libyan propaganda to whitewash the issue - which itself is likely obstruction of justice - at least. We have a film maker unjustly accused and now imprisoned over a minor unrelated offense but only after he was unfairly blamed for the Benghazi murders - his life is now ruined, and probably in grave jeopardy from Islamist radicals, because of and completely by Obama -  and the very unsettling fact that the families of the survivors have failed to speak up - survivors known to exist though not identified, which suggests in the loudest terms, like writing in the sky, of soviet-style silencing of witnesses and their families under threat. This kind of thing has happened before in the world. It is happening in many places today. just because it is unthinkable that it could happen in the United States does not mean it is not now happening in the United states.  Who are the survivors, where and why are they being hidden for four whole months with not a hint of who they even are? Find out. Fast. Before they are all found to have fallen down and gotten concussions - or drug-induced brain damage by a communist administration.

SUBPOENAS ALL AROUND and this, quite frankly, is only a start. But it gives all you House Representatives, seemingly unable to find your heads with both hands, an idea of what should be getting done instead of focusing on just two - in Obama-Truth's opinion - liars and one stonewalling Secretary of State as though God's Holy Truth will come from the lips of that precious trio of unconscionable liars, alone. This is now an infuriatingly  pathetic show, so far, by the GOP House members who appear to not give a damn when American citizens are killed as long as it isn't them. 

GOP HOUSE; FIND YOUR SPINE. SUBPOENA  TODAY AND HOLD HEARINGS. Since you don't seem to know what to do on your own, we'll tell you what to do after that. If you can't manage it, you can say your goodbyes in 2014.

Filed Friday, Dec 28, 2012

WHERE WAS JOE BIDEN on that horrible night of September 11, 2012 while our people were being killed in BENGHAZI?

While we are chasing our tails chasing after Hillary Clinton who plays us for fools with her ridiculous excuses for not testifying, Joe Biden's name has gone unmentioned as a witness. Why? Was he not featured in the famous "Situation Room" picture (see below)when Osama Bin laden was killed? Is he not the expert between he and Obama on international affairs whose inclusion on Obama's ticket was much-touted for that reason? Wasn't it his international expertise on which he campaigned in 2008?

Any Vet will tell you that seven hours in a firefight is an eternity. Are we to believe that Biden had NO knowledge - never consulted, was never in the situation room - while our people were being killed? That is even more absurd than Hillary Clinton being unable to testify because of an absolutely ridiculous excuse of falling and hitting her head. If Biden's international expertise - much stronger than Clinton's - was not requested, then what are we to take away from that? That our Ambassador and his people being killed - and there were 20 other people, also, who survived - in Benghazi simply wasn't important enough to trouble his otherwise busy day? 

The excuses by the Obama administration regarding Benghazi have become insane, off-the-chart and beyond even the slightest measure of realistic believability. 

There is no point in making this case at great length because the need is immediate and true and justifiable and without substantial debate: JOE BIDEN MUST TESTIFY. WHAT HAPPENED ON THE NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 IN BENGHAZI IS NOT A GAME. GOP HOUSE: STOP DRAGGING YOUR FEET AND SUBPOENA JOE BIDEN AND HILLARY CLINTON.

Filed Thursday, Dec 27, 2012

SEVERAL OBVIOUS SIGNS that the left realizes Obama did something horrendous on the night of Benghazi and they are scared to death of the political consequences. Media is my business  so here goes:

1. The usual self-righteous indignation which accompanies most mentions of Obama scandals is missing, and a somber, dreadful cloud hangs over reports of Benghazi.

2. Obama and Hillary Clinton are doing a truly tortured tightrope act between needing to be visible - especially Obama regarding the Fiscal Cliff - and not making themselves available to the press.

3. Mainstream media has stopped mocking and insulting conservatives for being "obsessed" with Benghazi. This is actually a huge barometer. Silence seems to be their aim, now, and it isn't working. Being inside the belly of the media beast I can tell you that most are beside themselves with what to do with Benghazi  because they cannot control anything about it and it scares them to death for that reason.

4.  When Benghazi is mentioned, the left media tries to make it go away by declaring it a "dead issue" but, per number 1, the performance is lackluster and unconvincing and it's clear they know it.

5. Online, the most absurd comparisons are angrily drawn when Benghazi is mentioned and liberals hear or read it. Everything from "What about the 20 babies murdered in Newtown" - a true non sequitur - to an amazing one I read which was leveled at GOP rep Dana Rohrabacher: "Are you only interested in their deaths because it's political?" Well, if Watergate wasn't political, what was it? It was a 2-bit break-in over nothing - literally. But the left convinced America to be transfixed to their TV's every day watching this "terrible drama" play out. Should the fact that people were killed make it less political out of respect for the slain? The left wants you to say "Yes" but unless we are to be suckers and patsies for the left for the rest of our lives the answer is "No". Because people died it is more of everything; more outrage, more important and yes, more political.

The left is demanding that we join their chorus of "Foul" on Benghazi simply because they know the issue will destroy them. We will not cry foul. We will cry, "Subpoena", "Indict" and "Impeach".

Those four who, as the hours passed, realized they had been hung out to dry - and die - would certainly want to be avenged in our legal system. To assume they were so noble and saint-like that they would want to pat Obama on the head for killing them is too much to accept by any measure.




(Prior Memos have been abandoned; this repository is being kept at reader request)
Newer memos are at the main site, HERE

Filed for Thursday, Jan 3, 2013

THE GOP NEEDS A HIP REPLACEMENT. No, I don't mean physical surgery or a metaphor for greater leverage.  I mean we have got to stop equating nerdy with pure and geekdom with competence. We need to get hip before we stand as much chance of winning again as a cro-magnon man with Urkel's glasses. There are plenty of nasty nerds, and whether we get rid of our latest one, Boehner, the problem is, to quote the State Dept internal investigation on Benghazi, systemic.

Is this "hip replacement" talk on-topic to Benghazi? You better believe it.

Granted, there are plenty on eye-popping undesirables on the left, such as pallor-burdened Harry Reid, who makes the stereotypical mortician look like James Bond, or Nancy Pelosi whose well-earned reputation for dim-wittedness makes her the only person imaginable who could be a perfect match for her district, where grey-pony-tailed hippies long to run about the streets naked, their minds reduced by decades of LSD into a blather of low-voltage but conflicting electrical impulses.

Still, they have the media on their side, groomed and taken-over by many years of Marxist kids getting the best grades by their Marxist journalism professors and therefore landing the best jobs, where the bosses went through the same rite of Communist journalistic passage. Like Reagan, until we get the Fairness Doctrine back - the one that outlaws leftist media monopolies - we need to get straight to the people. That's why in 2010 the Tea party was such a startling success: thousands of local rallies struck home and left the TV screens ineffectual by comparison.

This is not to say we cannot win without one thing or the other, or need some grand master plan before talking the first step; that latter leads to paralysis by analysis. The problem is we aren't winning, so a change is in order. Many changes in fact. 

One such change is to push our most attractive Tea Party conservatives to the top. It was the fact that Sarah Palin was perfect casting for that role, despite the twangy charm, which so rattled the left media that they still despise Sarah Palin. It isn't that she is a bad person. Just the reverse: it's that until such time as she loses her looks and persona, Sarah Palin is a threat to the left because it is easy for the world to fall in love with a smart and beautiful person - and the world might just listen to and agree with her conservative philosophies  Since the Kennedy/Nixon debates in which Kennedy was polled to win the debate among TV viewers but lost it by radio viewers, looks matter in politics.

Having Boehner weeping like a fool is the last thing we need and my media pals in NYC and LA know it. That's why you never hear them say a bad word about Boehner; they want him right where he is, handing victories to Obama (edited after House vote for Speaker).

How else can we turn things right-side up to win and see justice for Benghazi?  Ask yourself always, "What would the left media do?" Because no matter how you slice it, the strategies work. I know. I make my living at it.

Tyrone Woods was an ex-Seal killed in Benghazi rescuing over 20 people before being killed by a large force of terrorists when the President refused to send assistance after seven hours of cries for help. If all else was the same but the President had been a Republican, we would already be seeing TV Movies and Documentaries about Woods with titles such as "America's Abandoned Heroes, the Shame of a President". That's what we have to do. Flood the internet with that message. Images of Woods et al as heroes abandoned, whose ghosts cry for justice after their deaths at the cold-blooded, sadistic hand of a monster of a President.

Send this message to the hawks, and the most attractive of them. Issa, Chaffetz and any of the attractive female ones for starters, who can speak on-screen with casual and engaging assurance without seeming as though they are ready to pop their mainspring like McConnel.

The GOP can no longer be exclusively the party of pickup trucks; country music (I'm a smooth jazz/classical big-city Tea Party boy myself and know others, so I assure the world that such animals do exist; and the way Hannity, from Long Island - a place which wouldn't know country music from a Russian Sailor's Dance - acts for the sake of his career like he was raised on Charlie Daniels makes me want to vomit); skinny, unshaven Aryan men in theme t-shirts with their overstuffed wives tearing the seams of their Lycra surrounded by the beautiful but unplanned consequences of using condoms from the dollar store, quoting brilliant but pop-culture-irrelevant Founding Fathers in a world where Lindsey Lohen is popular not because she is smart, but because she is alive; and for God's sake, please lose the Downs Syndrome guy with one tooth dressed as Uncle Sam at conservative rallies, who is fast becoming the poster boy for the Tea Party by a maliciously gleeful media.

We need to be smart and hip. Newt was a perfect elder-statesmen in our new, hip conservative world; gigantically accomplished, brings the past to life with conviction, once smoked pot, has a friendly and loving trophy wife, takes no prisoners in a battle and can talk animals to those that love them and dinosaurs to their kids. (My God, how we catastrophically screwed up not having him as our candidate - would have made Obama look like a snotty kid with a runny noise once it became just the two of them squaring off). We need to be the party of smart and funny attractive people. We need a world of Palins and Gingriches, not Boehners and McConnels whose most salient on-screen characteristic is the impression that their tight asses could resist the toughest of hydraulic iron crowbars.

And yes, we are the party of heroes, who disobey orders in dangerous, far-off lands to save their fellow human beings, not because they are programmed, inhuman soldiers, but because they are not, giving their lives with stunning, humbling courage when a cold-blooded President decides that people must die and then blames the decision on a film maker who rots in jail in the United States of America.

Tyrone Woods was a hero. Let's broadcast it Hollywood-style. He deserves that much at least, as do we all.

Yes, the GOP needs a hip replacement. Let's start by making Tyrone Woods the posthumous hero-star he deserves to be. We won't have to say bad things about Obama to win then, because all of America will do it for us.

Filed for Wed, Jan 2, 2013 

This memo, critical of Boehner, no longer serves a practical purpose now that he has been re-elected as Speaker. There is no point in helping our enemies, so it has been removed.

This blog is up to an average of 1,000 views a day and growing fast. Per the Daily Memo for Jan 3, 2013, I would like to solicit volunteer editorials about Benghazi from readers/followers.  Media is my business. I know what the conservative cause needs. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE COMPOSE A GREAT DAILY MEMO IN THE COMMENTS SECTION! We'll do the rest! 

Filed for Tuesday, Jan 1, 2013

WHAT DO WE MAKE of this world that greets us on this first day of 2013? There is no point in detailing the negatives, expostulating the outrages, marveling at the hypocrites, pronouncing with patriotic fervor the most inspiring quotes of the Founding Fathers, damning the media from within a conservative society vacuum which no one else hears and staring with dumbfounded disbelief at the gutless wonders in Congress who spend more time sitting in front of their shoe-shine boys than they do applying themselves to the jobs for which they were elected. We have been doing all those things simultaneously for years and it hasn't helped a bit. We need to dramatically shift our collective strategies.  We need to win a devastating battle, and we need to win one right away.

To win in the broader sense, we need a law which once existed which literally proved to forbid media bias. It was called the Fairness Doctrine. It has since been redefined by the left as a talk-radio bogey-man to frighten us into running from the very thing we must have, because the position we are in as conservatives with 95% of the media outwardly against us is entirely unsustainable for us. Media is my business and has been for a long time. Trust that I know what I'm talking about.

It should be quite apparent that Rush, Hannity and the rest have put themselves before their country. These increasingly ineffectual radio Town Criers are clearly fearful that a balanced media overall threatens them personally because it makes what they offer to society meaningless. Therefore, the radio icons have carried the water for the left on the Fairness Doctrine issue. In other words, they've sold us out.

But before we can get the Fairness Doctrine we must first have a House that will re-write it - so it gives us back our stolen 45% of the media - and pass it, and a President who will sign it. So we need a new House and President. Simple in theory. Not as impossible in practice as you might think.

We are being told by our opponents that if we regard the Benghazi scandals as in any way political and do not think only in terms of how to honorably apply whatever is learned, we shall be regarded as bad people. That should be a tip-off to anyone but an ignoramus. The obvious fact is that whatever our enemies advise in friendly terms to not do is what we must do. Therefore, pursuing BENGHAZI knowingly politically is what we must do. 

Benghazi is a tragedy and an outrage. But if we want to fight fire with fire against the left, then we must treat Benghazi entirely as a political weapon and must get it through the thick skulls of our GOP reps that we want them to work and this is how we want them to do it.

So let's be clear: yes, there is justice to be had for four dead Americans and, apparently, it seems, the additional target objective also for freedom for the twenty Benghazi survivors who after four months have not secreted themselves away from the world, obviously, but have been secreted. By now at least one survivor should have spoken up. Or a family member. Someone. Anyone. A nephew. A sister-in-law. A mother. A daughter. Somebody. We know the survivors exist - or existed -  because GOP House Reps tell us that and mean it, though they themselves do not know their names. Our presidential administration refuses to tell even Congress who or where they are. Refuses. This is how nations fall. The implications have become truly serious by any measure, now.

If Benghazi is prosecuted, Obama's tyrannical, communist Presidency might fall. That is a worthy objective as long as it is done within the letter of the law. Doing it means contacting your otherwise spineless GOP House Rep and tell him if he does not get on the stick, you will actively support his primary opponent in 2014, and if he does not have an opponent, you will find one - and win. They need to work at Benghazi first and win, and then they can go back to glad-handing shoeshine boys for votes, again.

So what kind of world greets us in 2013? A much better one than the year we just left if we do our jobs and direct and demand that the GOP House does theirs. No President has been as vulnerable to impeachment as Obama is now, perhaps in the history of this nation; the media cannot save him if congress does its job.

It can be a Happy New Year if we do this. We can do this. We will. 

Happy New Year. 

Filed for Monday, Dec 31, 2012

It would be nice to leave the scandals behind for a day and do what everyone else will be doing today - either wistfully looking back at the past year, anticipating the shape of things to come, or both - but there is news and that's show biz.

HILLARY CLINTON is ill once more and - shock of shocks - quite frankly I don't believe it's serious for a second. Now, such a statement will inspire all sorts of reactions from indignation from liberals to sad head-shaking from spineless, get-along country-club republicans. But I don't believe it and there are reasons why.

1. We know she seems to want to do anything other than testify. That is quite clear and everyone pretty much agrees on that publicly and only the Obama/Clinton defends won't acknowledge it.

2. She has not bothered to account for where we was during Benghazi or where Obama was. That's 7 lost hours, so whatever it is they are hiding must be truly horrendous.

3. And here is where it gets interesting; you need to read the statement about Clinton's hospitalization very carefully. Reuters reports the story like this:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was admitted to a New York hospital on Sunday with a blood clot linked to a concussion she suffered earlier this month, the State Department said in an announcement that looked sure to fuel speculation over the health of one of America's best-known political figures.
Now what does that make you think about in terms of where and how serious the blood clot is? Why, it must be one in her head or brain, right? WRONG. It turns out that blood clots at Hillary's age are often linked to bed-rest. Which assumes she spent much time in bed at all. Seems that the blood clot is more likely in her leg! USA Today reports it like this

The most likely explanation for her illness is a blood clot in the leg, brought on by her extended bed rest after suffering a concussion earlier this month, said Cam Patterson, a professor and chief of cardiology at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. 

So as we hear our GOP lawmakers preface the fact that "Hillary will testify" - like there is no one else they could call to hearings in the meantime, the lazy, worthless idiots (yes, I am losing patience fast, now) - with heartfelt remarks of  "We wish Mrs. Clinton a speedy recovery", remember that we are being played for suckers. Everything Clinton has done has been to avoid testifying in ways which, if called out, risks the caller being labeled "insensitive", "awful", "heartless" and our GOP lawmakers, certain that terror awaits them around the corner of every decision that they might make which carries some uncertainty, are merrily playing Clinton and Obama's game.

The fact is a blood clot in the leg is not terribly serious as both reports make clear. She could be brought to testify in a wheelchair, if they want to play this game, and she should consider it so she can look as pathetic as possible in the hope that people will be too uncomfortable to ask her hard questions like, "Why were troops not sent to save our people?". 

This blood clot (in the leg) routine is no excuse for not testifying.

Forget Hillary in the hospital; if we allow our lawmakers on the right to continue to be manipulated like timid puppies by the laughing left, then we should all see a doctor - to get our heads examined.

GOP House: you are fast realizing the investigation equivalent to the American People of what Obama and Clinton did to Stevens, et al in Benghazi: allowing whatever motivates you into gross dereliction of duty which will cost not four people, but this entire country, dearly. We'll remember this in 2014 if you do not act quickly, because the clock is against you.



Filed Wed, Dec 26, 2012

OBAMA'S GRAND GESTURE of returning home early from his Christmas vacation because of supposed angst over the "fiscal cliff" is nothing more than an obvious dog and pony show, probably calculated before he even left, so he can been seen giving up a well-deserved rest for the sake of his Country. 

This is intolerable BS from an amateur who thinks that cute is convincing, smug is cuddly and complimenting one's own untrue actions for the good of the country is heroic. Obama's penchant for cheap political gags, drama-queen hissyfits and self-aggrandizing phony sacrifices is becoming impossible to stomach, now.

Because of the very obvious dramatic nature of the artificial sacrifice - nothing about the fiscal cliff is any different now then when he left - and having learned as we all have that Obama breeds suspicion like mold in a petri dish - this writer on cannot help but conclude that the utterly unnecessary grandstanding is more than just wanting to rise to the top of the stage in the budget standoff: I believe it is a further distraction to keep talk off Benghazi  because with Obama gone and Boehner not playing the game, Benghazi is starting to become visible again for the masses, and that Obama clearly cannot allow to have happen.

Whatever horrendous secret Obama and Hillary are hiding from the American people which is so bad they have 20 Benghazi survivors secreted for over three months even from congress who have a legal right to know - so bad that Hillary Clinton invented the most ridiculous of excuses to avoid testifying - that Benghazi is what is clearly most on Obama's mind, and what likely drives all his actions, including his make-believe pretending that it doesn't. That being the case, returning home "early" from an expensive vacation he was enjoying on the tax money of the citizens whose finances he has ruined  is nothing more than drama for drama's sake in the hope that like all drama, it proves to be an effective distraction from Benghazi.

Obama should understand right now - today - that no matter what he does as a distraction, no matter how much the media tries to ignore Benghazi into nothingness, that all attempts to make Benghazi vanish will be in vain: the GOP House controls the Benghazi investigations and with it Obama's future, and quite frankly - as it should be - we in great part control the GOP House, for as they will be the first to say, they work for us. AND WE WANT ANSWERS AND WE TELL THE GOP HOUSE EVERY DAY BY THE THOUSANDS THAT WE WANT ANSWERS. The career concern of GOP House members that they may enrage us with non-action is much more important to them than Obama's sarcastic swagger and finger waving. Obama's House of cards is already crumbling before the GOP has brought in the wrecking ball, and bring it in they will, because we will be fueling the truck that carries it. 

As I have offered before and I stand by it, every sign seems to point to the looming very fast collapse and conclusion of the Obama presidency. As Nixon's and Clinton's scandals proved, when a president cannot even leave for a week because he needs to remain in town to keep the lid on the scandal, the end is near, and Obama's scandal is the worst of any president in American history. Doubtless when we know the details, it will decimate every politician whoever supported Obama. It's obvious that whatever the secrets are, they really are that bad.

Filed Monday, Dec 24 / Tuesday, Dec 25 2012

OBAMA'S CHRISTMAS is shaping up to be a bit more like "OBAMA'S BENGHAZI CHRISTMAS CAROL", and it would be funny if the parallels were not so wretchedly pathetic and utterly infuriating.

To begin with, Obama's figure, like Scrooge, cuts an angular swath through the air when he hunches over at rallies, brow down, expression contorted into an angry grimace and berates those among the three-hundred million citizens he has sworn to serve who have dared to displease him. He does not wear the stovepipe hat and tattered scarf, but his communism is ratty enough, and that he wears on his sleeve.

His point of view is singularly about himself. Never in recent memory has a President come from such an amateurish, low-level of life accomplishment and yet, like Scrooge, built a self-involved empire on the smashed hearts and dreams of those he has thrown away when their value to him had been exhausted. Reverend Wright, deplorable as his sermons are, was good enough for Obama until Wright became a political liability and Obama publicly disowned him. Obama started his career under the good-graces of communist/terrorist Bill Ayres and Ayre's wife, terrorist Weather Underground leader and chief spokesperson, Bernadine Dorn, with Ayres writing the book that made Obama famous, until Ayres, too, became too hot to handle, and was steamrolled by Obama's political machine that Ayres, himself, like Frankenstein, created with his own determination. Unsurprisingly, then, at no time also in modern history has a President uttered the words, "These people work for me" as much as Obama; the words of a man whose first true responsibility in life is being leader of the free world, making him drunk with power. Truly a Scrooge.

Like Scrooge, Obama's heartfelt generosity is in direct proportion to what he gets back from the investment. All causes are measured by Obama's power, all expenses are measured by his wealth and all people appear to be various forms of prostitutes to Obama, perhaps the only form of love he can know: one directed to and from self, and all else is just window dressing and hedonistic pleasure for his own gratification.

Obama has smashed the US economy, yet in his many extravagant vacations, lives like a prince on the tax money of the citizens whose lives he has ruined. Even his idea of health care seems cut from Scrooge's shockingly sadistic and insensitive heart, as his "death panels" who decide who is worthy to save and who is not seems to be lifted from Scrooge himself: "If they'd rather die then perhaps they had better do so and decrease the surplus population."

He has swaggered arrogantly in the face of heartbreak, made thinly veiled obscene gestures about his opponents, lied in spectacular fashion and then lied about those citing his lies, hidden his records, released a forged birth certificate and allegedly - but from credible sources - threatened Bill Clinton with the death of Clinton's daughter if Clinton went after Obama on Obama's citizenship status, using the murder of Clinton's best friend, Bill Gwatney, as proof of his intentions.

Now we have Benghazi and what apparently happened there is right in line - IMO - with Obama's absolutely horrendous personal character, as Obama refused to give aid to the people he sent into harms way while they cried for help for seven hours. And the number of Ghosts from that day? Four, just like in the book. But none are of Christmas past or present; all are Jacob Marleys, rattling their shackles and moaning dire warnings which reverberate through the ether of the afterlife in cables and e-mails and blogs from their hands and voices which continue to live on, pointing manifest accusatory fingers at Obama on Christmas Eve, their dead bodies laying in the cold winter earth while Obama vacations in warm, tropical weather, once more on the tax money of the people whose lives he has ruined. 

The reverberating warnings of those four ghosts are clear: "The media cannot save you from the legal and political consequences of your own actions, and the American people and Republican House, sick to their stomachs of your emotional torture chamber you call an administration, will see that justice will be done for our sake and in God's name."

Scrooge has one up on Obama, however: He had enough conscience to be rehabilitated by his lessons. Obama appears to know only self-pity, egotism, selfishess and rage, traits that laid the foundation of his upcoming undoing as surely as they fueled his ascendance.
On another note, during this Holiday in which some celebrate Christmas for its meaning, others as a party, others for material gain and some not at all, in all Christian nations the entire population, whether they admit it or not, benefit from the uplifting good will exhibited by so many millions of believers.  So remember, too, to carry that joy and good will forward past the holiday, because that good will toward each other is how God meant us all to live all the days of the year, not just for a week or two marked by lights and candles.

God bless.

Filed Saturday, Dec 22 / Sunday, Dec 23 2012

THE FALL OF THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY appears to be where this is going, and there are palpable signs of it everywhere:

1. Those liberals still unwavering in their defense of Obama and Clinton are now taking the art of indignant, defensive posturing from the sublime to the ridiculous. The absurdness of the words spoken by liberals in defense of Clinton and Obama on Benghazi would make Samuel Beckett green with writer's envy, especially the ceaseless and meaningless demand to "wait".

2. With each day, the media silence crumbles as two camps emerge: those who are going down the path of Beckett and those who realize the jig is up. As cited here yesterday/Friday, the latter is being smart, since the media cannot help Obama & Clinton. Obama and Clinton's futures rest with the GOP House of Representatives who have at last found their spine and are seeming to start to handle the democrats the way the democrats have handled Republicans: take no prisoners.

3. Obama's well-known penchant for disloyalty and throwing political liabilities under the bus, from his own pastor to the man who launched his political career, has made Obama the likely fall-guy when the you-know-what hits the fan, and that point comes when Hillary Clinton is finally forced to testify, which is a certainty. She will not throw herself on Obama's rubber political sword; when the moment is right she will wrap it around his neck for all the world to see. She's just like that, and hubby Bill will enjoy seeing that the job is done in a solid, professional manner to the man who lied about his wife so Bill and his wife did not go back to living in the White House as they had hoped and planned.

4.The GOP House understands that there are 20 unaccounted-for witness survivors and are already demanding that those witnesses be brought in to testify. This, IMO, is where the real drama will begin: when witness after witness recalls with tears and terror the 7 hours of crying for help while human monsters played with them like cats do with mice until 4 American heroes were killed; cries for help which went unanswered when a simple order from Obama could have released boots on the ground within minutes and within an hour saved all involved.

5. It's clear that Obama can never make a reasonable accounting for where he was or why he chose or did not chose to do what he did/did not do. The problem is that the GOP House is certain to force him to testify in that regard, just as Bill Clinton was forced to testify about Lewinsky.  It will, in my media opinion, be Obama's certain pathetic performance - after the democrats themselves,  moved by the testimonies of the witnesses,  begin to truly abandon Obama - when Obama's Presidency is wrapped up in a pound of newspaper and sent down the sewer drain once and for all. No democrat congressperson will want to enter the 2014 election with their opposition citing them as supporting what is certain to be at that point a disastrously unpopular president, as the idealistic youth, hurting badly soon from the devastating effects of Obama's economy, who ushered Obama into office turn their boiling youthful energy from adulation into indignation when they realize their cool and determined-for-peace hero is simply a heartless cardboard suit manufactured by the worst kind of political establishment, one whose cold-blooded methodology will be laid bare by his inability to answer even the most basic questions involving himself about Benghazi and the lives that could have been saved and were not.

It now appears impossible for Obama to escape checkmate by the GOP House. The only real question now is just how long it will take for liberals in the media and senate to do to him what he has done to so many others: throw him under the bus.

Filed Friday, Dec 21, 2012

WHAT IS THE MEDIA TO DO when it cannot control the political narrative in America? Media is my business, so I speak with some inside, closed-door authority on this one.

Right now they would love their silence to make the Benghazi nightmare go away. The problem is, for the first time in many years, they have no control at all over the events now brewing about Benghazi, because for the first time in that long the events arising from a significant national issue are not being shaped by public opinion. The people who control the narrative are the GOP ranking members of the Republican-led House, who control oversight and hearings, and have unilateral power to impeach. 

Yes, those Republicans - the ones who have been politically kicked by liberal democrats, lied to, lied about, mocked to humiliation and spoken of by those liberals as though  Republicans are a disgrace for loving their country, heartless for loving the unborn and extremist for trying to save their lives, and crazy for loving the God who made them. Their heroes have been held up unfairly to ridicule as national jokes. Their movements characterized by a close-up of the one guy in the crowd missing a tooth while conservative beauty queens are avoided by leftist shutterbugs as though they have the plague. Republicans are painted as unsophisticated - though polls show them to be generally better educated than the rest of America, racist for not judging people by the color of their skin, and greedy for  wanting all Americans to have a chance at becoming wealthy. And Republicans' claims that the media is leftist - meaning (and I know)that leftists are extremely politically biased in their hiring practices (they are, 95% of media is not democrat by some strange trick of statistical impossibility)and that most colleges are packed with communist professors (they are, and have been for 60 years)are crazy, paranoid mirages of unhinged and unsophisticated minds when it just so happens that those claims are, in fact, true. 

Since Watergate  the left has been drunk with a sense of invincibility. And why not? They control the media through illegal hiring practices and managed to con a nation into electing a nasty communist street punk with a mechanical-sounding speech delivery, zero executive experience and one whole year as a senator, to be President of the United States of America.

But now liberal democrats face a growing realization that they are in real, no-fooling-around trouble. They lied about Benghazi  but the GOP House members discovered the truth of the lie. They tried to blame others, but the GOP House members found those others to be innocent. They tried to make the problem go away by being silent on the issue, but the GOP House members did not need the media to lead them the way the media leads the masses - they lead themselves and each other.

Basically, it comes down to this: liberal democrats have for decades infuriated the very people who now hold the entire political future of their party in their justifiably vengeful clenched fists, and those infuriated Republicans seem intent on doing what Obama, himself, recommended that the American people do against Republicans: those Republicans will "vote for revenge".

So what will happen if the media does the only thing it has left by way of broader strategy and goes completely silent on Obama's connection to Benghazi?  That's easy to answer. If that happens one day the American people will wake up and Barack Obama will simply no longer be president and they will be surprised because the media will not have told them, and it's as simple as that, because the media has zero control in what is transpiring and what will transpire when it comes to the fate of Obama and his party. Zero. And that scenario is the very best that the media can hope for. 

It was quite stupid for the leftist media to crow about their Watergate victory for 40 years, because that is where they set the bar for political scandal and outrage.... and Benghazi is one hundred times worse.

Filed Thur, Dec 20, 2012

HILLARY WILL NOT BE AT THE HEARINGS, TODAY and that did not need to be the case. The GOP, despite having started to find its voice in some circles, allowed Clinton to avoid the day she fears: saying what she knows. This is not acceptable. Each day that goes by Hillary works with lawyers and advisers to sharpen her story so while it may be unconvincing, no one will be able to nail her on the legal points necessary to hold her and Obama accountable. This is dumb and timid by the GOP: Hillary could have been subpoenaed to testify via teleconferencing at home and then called in later for more. Instead, the GOP wrings its anxious hands and makes hollow threats of terrible things that may happen some day down the road.

The GOP House needs to get rid of "Sniffles" Boehner, the incomprehensibly and pathetically weak, weeping leader, who has shown zero - zero, none - leadership on the Benghazi outrage and cover-up and move ahead in a workmanlike manner on Benghazi. While many good GOP reps demand subpoenas,Boehner is clearly blocking such action and must be thrown out ASAP. Those 16 House members must abstain from voting and deny Boehner from resuming this continued nightmare scenario.

This is what the situation amounts to: It's now all or nothing at all. We're at that point and no amount of self-assurance will change that fact. We can either follow through, discover the secret horror that Clinton and Obama fear and impeach and remove Obama and to hell with the media cries of terror and restore this country onto a sensible trajectory, or we can allow one man - one man, the crying, incompetent Speaker Boehner - to block action Reid and Pelosi would take in a heartbeat if the roles were reversed and by allowing Boehner to block such action, allow Obama to destroy America. For all we know Boehner is corrupt and took a deal under the table from Obama. His actions are unacceptable, and so Boehner needs to go, immediately.

The House needs to politically rise up against Obama and Boehner, throw Boehner out and handle the political opposition - Obama and the democrats -the way the opposition has handled the GOP in the past; show no mercy, play the heartstrings for the dead for public consumption and see justice done and stop Obama's mad agenda in its tracks. This will be our last chance, and moving slow and carefully is the OPPOSITE of what we want to do, because time is desperately against us.

Benghazi-Truth original editorial graphic about 
Clinton. Please spread it everywhere 
and don't worry about giving credit, 
just so Obama and his pals & all people 
everywhere know the American people 
aren't buying it for a second.


Filed Sunday, Dec 16, 2012

HOW MANY EXCUSES will we get to keep Hillary from testifying?

The first indication that we would be given the patented Obama/Clinton dodge-and-weave was when it was reported a week ago that Clinton had a stomach virus as the date of Benghazi testimony approached - something stated through extremely low-level sources who could claim to know no details and get away with it. Many of us saw that as subtle as King Kong throwing his shadow down onto 34th street from atop the Empire State Building.

Second, a few days ago it was hinted that Clinton might not bequite available to testify yet because her own internal investigation had not yet finished determining whether she was culpable or not in the outrageous Benghazi deaths, the circumstances of which now announce the probability of negligent homicide with writing in the sky.

Now we are told that Clinton is staying home, once again avoiding cameras, telephone interviews and any venue where someone might squeeze an unwanted question in sideways, and told this from a spokesperson with "no additional information". This order to Hillary is supposedly from her "doctors", also unnamed and unseen, who have told her to stay home with a note from the school nurse, given to the blistering-mad Ranking Members of Congress. This behavior, also, is quite stupid, as the GOP now holds all the cards and is literally holding Clinton and Obama's political futures in their red-knuckled, clenched fists.

These attempted too-cute-by-half games of winks and slight-of-hand by Clinton and Obama are obvious, amateurish,  childish,  insulting, brazen and so suspicious as to simply scream "convict me" from every corner of the globe. And if reaction among the US masses online is any indication, that is exactly what most are prepared to do, not on the evidence presented per se, but already at this point on the mountain of probable cause offered asevidence from Clinton and Obama's suspicious actions and conflicting stories, alone. 

As this pathetic and infuriating game of media cat-and-mouse drags on, perpetuated by a hopeless apparent prayer from Clinton and Obama that mainstream media silence can make the infuriated leaders in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives somehow go away and abandon their rights and, frankly, personal determination to politically eviscerate this administration on the basis of the well-deserved "revenge" on which Obama campaigned for a second term, this criminal case is already playing out in the court of public opinion. As of yesterday the verdict appears to be in from the American people: GUILTY AS CHARGED.

Now we watch as the GOP Congressmen, their political heavy-lifting already done by Clinton and Obama themselves, simply pick the political carcass of the Obama administration into delicate pieces to savor before shoveling the bones of Obama's mad and reckless political ambitions into the deep and foul-smelling pit which is marked by a simple sign: "Political Lessons from America."

The Final Historical Chapter of Benghazi appears already well-conceived and determined by the authors of this political horror-show: SHAME, ANGER, AND THE IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL OF A PRESIDENT AND HIS ADMINISTRATION WELL BEFORE THE UPCOMING SPRING.

Originally Filed Saturday, Dec 15, 2012

SIMPLE QUESTION: Where are the survivors of the Benghazi attack? Many were Americans, and yet have been held by the US government  presumably against their will, away from not only their families, but all contact from the world for over three months. What is the US government doing to these people? Brainwashing them? Torturing them? Threatening their families if they talk? Three months is too damn long for this game to continue. Do their families know where they are? Are they even allowed to get or give a Christmas greeting to their loved ones? Why are their families not stepping forward? What the hell is going on, here?! We - the public, Congress and the media -  do not even know who they are, or where they are. This is not how free countries with a constitution and freedom of speech operate. 

When the witnesses to obvious wrongdoing by a government are kept away from their families and all contact from the world, in secret, for three months by that same government, this is no longer "Watergate times ten". This is Nazi Germany, or the Soviet Union in its heyday when "enemies of the state" routinely disappeared into the night. I am not being melodramatic  here. This is a catastrophic  civil rights violation that is worse than anything we are aware has ever occurred via the United States Government, and every GOP House member must stand together on the Capitol Steps, and give a scathing and electrifying press conference to the American people, demanding to know the whereabouts of our fellow citizens, who have been locked away by the Obama administration, presumably so they cannot tell to the world what they know. 

What will we see when we do finally see them? People who all suffer from "brain injuries sustained by the attack" that just happen to resemble crude lobotomies, electric shock therapy and permanent drug-induced incapacitation? This is not a game. This is possibly the most serious violation of human rights ever committed by the US Government against its own citizens. These people need to be freed and they need to speak! Note to left wing media: open this story up unless you want to risk having happen to you by our government whatever is happening to them, because the obvious appearance is that they are being kept from the world to shut them up. 

Please let your GOP Reps know, via the contact info below, that giving a collective demand for information on these people - on the Capitol steps -  is what they must now do before December 20th when Hillary Clinton is tentatively scheduled to testify. This is a simple message to deliver. No foot-dragging. It needs to be said, it needs to be said powerfully in the strongest possible language and it needs to be said now, before more of our fellow citizens vanish into the night.

*Personal note* Having been suspended from Twitter for no good reason per their usage policies, I now seem to be getting the same run-around on my suspension as we have gotten from the US Administration on Benghazi, and perhaps for much the same reasons.  I have no time for chasing the shadows, so I will be taking a break from Twitter to concentrate on this site and investigations on my own. Any Twitter friends and followers can chat on the message board below. Please spread the daily countdown graphic, immediately below, on Twitter. But most of all tell our Congressmen that they must demand the information about the survivors, and demand to your fellow citizens that they do likewise. Thanks.

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