Friday, February 1, 2013




Filed for Sat/Sun Jan 26/27, 2013

AS WE KNOW, Hillary's non-testimony was a wonder to behold. But what she said and didn't say told the world volumes about the gravity of what she and Obama are trying to hide. Having digested the spectacle and some analysis for a couple of days, I feel that perhaps there are now real conclusions we can draw circumstantially and with which we can use to getting the mysteries explained on this issue. As usual, the views are my own, but Hillary's performance is a media subject, and media is my business.

1. INSECURE. This manifested itself in several ways throughout the two sessions. Not content with allowing fawning Democrats to lavish absurdly exaggerated positive praise on her disastrous tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary was often seen congratulating herself on a job well done. This was not the insecurity of a shrinking violet; Hillary is one of the most rock-hard political operatives seen in recent history. Her continual recitation of meaningless non sequiturs comprised of lavish praise on her own work became comical and bizarre. It also showed that she clearly understood her record could not stand on it's own and needed to be helped by her telling everyone what a great job she, herself, did.

2. Hillary's NERVOUS LAUGH. In these circumstances, with the gravity and austerity of such a hearing before the world, that anxious too-loud laugh signals extreme internal distress. Watch it and also listen to John McCain (of whom I was really not a fan before now) lay it out as it needs to be said.

3. ESSENTIALLY ADMITTING TO NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE. She said she was responsible. She said she was in charge. She said she knew how dangerous Benghazi was. And she said she never (bothered to) read the cables citing desperate need for help, using as an excuse the many cables she receives every day and that cries for help would not be cc'd to her attention. Obvious absolute bull across the board. In many times past, cables have been read and prioritized when danger lurks. She herself noted all the threats that had been averted; such successes come from, among other things, reading cables. She may never be prosecuted for it, but IMO she can be sued by the families of the slain for hundreds of millions of dollars, more money than even her wealthy conbtacts could raise - or would want to raise - for an aging piranha whose value is fading and teeth have loosened. What is even more important is that, surrounded by superb - if sometimes apparently unconscionable - legal minds she must be entirely aware of the position she has put herself into: a Presidential pardon only works for criminal conduct, it cannot exonerate a person for civil liability. So what is so horrible that she would take such a chance to hide it?

4. Obvious PLAY FOR SYMPATHY. Hillary chokes up when talking about meeting the families of the dead. Now as a media specialist I'd like to add my own precise analysis on this clip because to me what has happened here is clear. I believe this is an obvious, insincere and not terribly convincing acting performance. Watch out of these telltale manifestations: 1. No pause during the emotional moment - her continuing with the machine-like tempo is entirely uncharacteristic for a true emotional moment, in which people pause to re-orient their emotions, or choke up completely. Like her tempo, her emotional level while "upset" never wavers; she is in tone and level as uniform as her tempo. It's almost a caricature of an unconvincing performance, and is exactly what I'd expect from someone who delivers like a seventh grader reading a report while putting awkward emphasis throughout to try to convince us the facts are accurate and her testimony sincere. Add to this the fact that two parents of different victims said that both Obama and Clinton were cold as ice to them during this same moment so 'emotional" as Clinton describes and this bit of testimony, to a trained and experienced professional,  is as phony as a three-dollar bill, and is a nauseating insult to one's intelligence. Watch the performance as described. See how it plays?

5. PANIC. The fawning left media called her outburst at Ron Johnson in the usual heroic terms: "Feisty", "Fiery" "Combative" "Powerful'. Such notions are ridiculous and should be shouted down. Her defensive interrupting of Johnson and ultimate explosion of a demand that we forget all about what happened and stick to the narrative she insisted upon - forget the "past" and focus on the future - was as close to panic as I have ever seen a national politician get in the public limelight. You have seen it. For  several seconds she's essentially going hysterical.

Clearly, not the behavior of someone confident with their own part in what happened in Benghazi,  but someone who fell apart and started yelling back at a tough question which had to be answered. Her own hauteur sense of dignity - as for most - would have prevented such an outburst  before the world unless she was simply scared to death that the more truthful answer would be discovered.

Additionally, in the above clip, the subject discussed during which she panics was that of the survivors, and when the few other times mentioned  her answers are sharp and quick - clearly trying to get past the moment.

Hillary, Obama and most democrats seem to fear the subject of the survivors the most, and for good reason: the Benghazi survivors are both witnesses and now missing under Obama's control, they and their families somehow silenced and not allowed to return to the free society which prides itself above all other countries in the world for allowing law-abiding citizens to walk among their fellows and speak freely. So where are they after 4 months? It is my own opinion that Obama wanted all the Benghazi personnel dead, that SEALS Woods and Doherty screwed up that plan by disobeying Obama's stand-down directive, saving their lives and once aboard military aircraft those survivors could not be easily dispensed with by soldiers who would have no part in anything Hilter-esque, leaving Obama stuck with 20 - 30 unwanted witnesses - which is why we have not heard from them. It is also my opinion that they have either been killed or are undergoing chemical and other psychological manipulation to either destroy their memories or fully, their identities, about which paid or threatened physicians will attest are the results of Benghazi injuries. 4 months is 3 months and 25 days too long for any kind of de-briefing.

Hillary has proved that we will never get the truth through the usual channels. We need to get to those witnesses through legal channels before they are somehow destroyed and we need to get to them now.

Originally posted on Dec 22, 2012
If you don't think this is important, you need your head examined.

The video of news sources from the Middle East, above, proves it (check the upload date: Sept 12, 2012). Our media and leaders continue to ask and wonder,"Where did the talking points come from - the ones about the video that supposedly outraged the Muslim world?" 

It came from Libyan Government Propaganda - released mere hours after the Benghazi attack - which Obama, Clinton and Rice repeated to everyone including the United Nations by Obama himself.

Incredibly, this evidence was found easily by doing a Youtube search of publicly available international news sources. This is something our media and politicians should have checked first. 

It is clear that the Obama Administration  appears to have been acting knowingly as the US distribution office of Libyan propaganda which blamed the US for instigating the killings of our own people. Interesting, it should be noted that worded differently, the part about blaming the victims for their own deaths is the same conclusion reached by the State Dept's own internal investigation which, in so doing, cleared itself. It's all coming from the same source: corrupt Libya propaganda sources.

Watch the video linked at the top of this article. Should this video, linked above, vanish from the internet, it will be replaced by our own copy which we will upload via the Fair Use Act. This is important.


The Libyan talking points in the eastern television news reports are extremely precise and well-informed for the reporting on a "mob event" that occurred less than 12 hours before the Government made its explanation. They had supposedly in less than 12 hours pin-pointed a video which caused an outrage. But that video caused no mob protest and outrage, which suggests it had already been chosen to be the scapegoat "cause" of premeditated murders by the - presumed - Libyan government through terrorist operatives, otherwise the chances of all this hand-in-glove timing would be extremely unlikely.

This probably explains why Obama and Clinton sent Rice out to repeat the bogus Libyan talking points. They did not want to be found to be officially repeating the Libyan propaganda - which in-part accuses the west of starting the violence via an imaginary scenario which never occurred.

We continue to know that seven (7) hours went by in which Obama did not issue orders to help, but did apparently issue orders to stand down. There has been much speculation that Stevens was either involved in or became aware of gun-running sanctioned by the United States. 

Therefore, for Bengahzi-Truth, for whatever it may mean, there appears to be only one likely scenario now, as mind-bending as it may sound: This was a premeditated set-up to kill Stevens by the Libyan Government and the United States was either complicit in the plan/murder itself or a cover-up after the fact. The Libyan government has too many of the usual unknowns accounted for less than a day after the murders for an outfit claiming to be unaware of who committed the actual crimes. Obama and Clinton were much too quick to jump onto a false explanation clearly already developed by the Libyan government in advance of the killings for which they wanted someone else to be the official face. And Clinton's and Obama's absolute avoidance at speaking about this in a way in which they cannot exclusively control the narrative - such as House hearings - simply reeks of suspicion which now everyone except the most fringe-element Obama water-carriers openly recognize. EDIT: as of Jan 23, 2013, Hillary Clinton has offered her explanation: she simply never got the memos - plural - from Stevens anxiously requesting military assistance - an excuse so absurd that it insults the intelligence, but she clearly doesn't care as long as what she says keeps the law from grabbing her.

It appears certain that Obama and Clinton were very intimately involved in either the killing or cover-up on some level, as evidenced incontrovertibly by the fact that they parroted the monumentally untrue recounting of the events by Libya and initially sold it hard on a very large scale; sending Rice out to five (5!) different TV shows on the same day to repeat the lie essentially proves it. They clearly attempted to overwhelm any truth to the contrary by saturating the media with this one story fast to make the truth otherwise invisible.

Bear in mind, also, that all the surviving witnesses remain hidden by the Obama Administration - the most alarming fact after the murder - since it reeks of a Soviet style silencing of the witnessing. Even Congress does not know who they are, where they are or why, though Congress has started to make it clear they're getting impatient on this matter, particularly, though even that seems Johnny-come-lately. Congress is usually apprised of the info of such info, according to House Rep Jason Chaffetz (R- Colorado), within 48 hours. It's going on 4 months. Edit: More than 4 months. Unfortunately, this, too, plays into the idea that Libya and/or Obama wanted Stevens dead, as in the presumed original plan all would die. Then ex-seals Woods and Doherty screwed up the plan by disobeying stand-down orders and rescued 20 - 30 unwanted witnesses with whom the administration has no plan to deal with - witnesses Obama clearly does not want to speak, since witnesses from Algeria, for example, were made available immediately. So, while the House dithers, what happens to these survivors? Will they turn up with "tragic brain damage sustained in the attacks" or will the world be told that the original records were wrong, there was only one survivor, in Walter Reed, and that all doctors agree that his brain damage was caused by the attack? ("How dare you think otherwise? this Administration finds such speculations offensive") 

The GOP House needs to issue subpoenas for Clinton (to return), a Grand Jury for Obama,  immediately subpoena the records that will identify the remaining witnesses and subpoena them to testify and should not stand on ceremony. The GOP House needs to find its inner rage and they need to issue subpoenas for all of the above and they need to issue them now.


100% MUST READ. You need to know how things work in the military to understand the depth of the Benghazi disaster/murders:

Filed for Wed. Jan 23, 2013
By Sergeant Major

The Chain of Command (CofC) is the term given to the organizational structure of the military.  Facilitating Command & Control, the CofC is a way for orders to be passed from higher ranks  to lower. Conversely, it allows intelligence and situations to be passed from lower ranks to higher.

In the Army the CofC begins at the top with POTUS, (President of the United States) then moves to General Officers then Colonels/Majors then Captains/Lieutenants before disseminating through the Enlisted Ranks. 

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) advises POTUS on matters of lintel but is, IN NO WAY, a link in the Chain of Command. POTUS may issue orders based on information/recommendations given to him by CIA but the Agency DOES NOT EXERT DIRECT CONTROL over the military.

The same goes for the State Department. They advise POTUS on issues of Foreign Diplomacy and POTUS may use this information to inform his orders, but the State Department DOES NOT EXERT DIRECT CONTROL over the military.

Do you need POTUS approval for Buck Private Snuffy to dig in for the night? Of course not. Almost all military situations are covered by Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Rules of Engagement (ROE) and Common Sense. Still, there ARE MILITARY SITUATIONS that NEED to be dealt with at the VERY TOP. 

One such situation is CROSS BORDER AUTHORITY (CBA). Approval of CBA authorizes the US Military to enter another country by force (if necessary  for what ever military reason. Cross Border Authority can be issued ONLY BY POTUS. 

One such example occurred during the Korean War when General MacArthur sprinted his Eighth Army through North Korea, to close in on the Yalu River which bordered with China. President Truman ordered MacArthur to stop advancing and when MacArthur did not, Truman relived him from duty. MacArthur may have had Five Stars, but he didn't have Cross Border Authority.

On September 11, 2012 elements of Islamic Jihadists affiliated with Al Qaeda attacked a remote "embassy" in #BENGHAZI Libya killing the "Ambassador" and a Crypto analyst. At a nearby CIA compound two former SEALS, now working for the Agency, scrambled to the rescue. Simultaneously a "Flash Report" was sent up the CHAIN OF COMMAND alerting ALL ABOVE of the attack.

The two SEALS manage to extract 20-30 "State Department" personnel and lead them to safety. Fearlessly these two SEALS returned to the "Embassy" to further rescue operations when they became engaged in a bitter firefight with well organized, well commanded, well ARMED Jihadists.

Throughout the Theater the American Military geared up. Marines aboard nearby US ships(#BENGHAZI is hard against the Mediterranean Sea) were put on alert. Delta Force Teams stationed at Sicily began staging. F-16s in Italy were spun up. A C-130 Spectre Gunship was launched. Support for the SEALS in their seven hour firefight was 45 minutes to two hours away. All that was needed was the CROSS BORDER AUTHORITY issued from POTUS. The GO CODE.

Cornered on a roof top, watching Al Qaeda mortar rounds walk towards them, one of the SEALS got on the "horn". "Lazing" the mortar pit with a range finder, he radioed to the Spectre Gunship overhead.


And back came the last words they would ever hear on this earth. "BE ADVISED SPECTRE CANNOT ENGAGE. SPECTRE HAS BEEN ORDERED TO STAND DOWN"

Cross Border Authority never came. In its place was the order to "STAND DOWN." 


Filed for Tuesday Jan 22, 2013


Tomorrow, Jan 23, the Grand Dame Hillary Clinton who never met a Republican initiative she liked or a leftist worldview she didn't, is scheduled to testify before the Republican-controlled House under oath about what she knows of the circumstances surrounding the murder of American citizens on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi  Let's be clear about this: Hillary is not, as many RINOs say, a "Good friend and a well-meaning person with whom we have some political disagreements" Hillary Clinton is, in my opinion, a conniving, cold-blooded political rattlesnake who is every bit in character the fanged serpent which was emblazoned on her Dracula-like cape she had the utterly bizarre and arrogant gall to wear to her Congressional testimony about Whitewater. She will say what she feels she needs to say whether it is remotely true or not. When even slightly displeased, her hauteur has the appearance of someone who would kill if she could only do it with impunity. She's clearly a spoiled and monstrously vindictive person who sows the seeds of the politics of personal destruction and she plays for keeps.  Therefore, expecting her to be a good person who just had a little boo-boo when she fell down and otherwise tell the truth, much less volunteer it, would be pathetically naive. When and wherever possible, she will lie, often brazenly with malice aforethought and feign self-righteous indignation when called out on those lies as has been her clear behavior for her entire life in national politics.

In the spirit of good sportsmanship then, here is a list of questions the GOP should ask her tomorrow. She plays for keeps. The GOP needs to toss off the robe of good manners and play the way the democrats do. If Hillary walks after Benghazi and the hearings are quickly forgotten, that GOP congress must be shown the door, angrily and without apology, in 2014 and there can be no if's, and's or but's about it and we have to get on with the job the day after tomorrow to ensure it in 2014. Someone will pay for our rage. If it is not Hillary and Obama then it will be the people who failed to properly investigate and prosecute them for their part, willful or negligent, in the murders in Benghazi.

1. What is the exact number of U.S. citizen survivors of the attacks in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Stevens and three other?

2. Where are the survivors located? Congress is always apprised of such facts withing 48 hours, it has been over four months (hold in contempt and threaten legal action if she does not comply, and let he know no doctor's note will save her; whatever befalls her is due to her own actions for not answering the question[s])

3. Can you give us the names of at least 3 survivors and if not, why is their condition of so little importance to you that you have not learned their names after 4 months? These people are witnesses to the events in Benghazi.

4. I ask the following giving you fair warning that we have it in our power to subpoena the White House security videos of the hallways leading to the Situation Room. Were you in the Situation Room during the seven hours of the Benghazi attacks the night Ambassador Stevens was killed?

5. (If yes to 4) who else was in the Situation Room during the seven hours of attacks in which Ambassador Stevens was killed?

Follow-up: Describe the events in full in the Situation Room for the entire time you were there.

6. (If no) Give us a full accounting of your whereabouts during the seven hours of attacks in Benghazi on the night Ambassador Stevens was killed. Presumably you came to this hearing prepared enough for that, and if you claim you cannot remember this House will hold you in contempt.

7. Why were soldiers not dispatched to the consulate and Annex in advance of the attacks as requested by Ambassador Stevens?

8. Why were troops not dispatched the moment our  government was first being informed that our people were under attack?

9. Did President Obama ever give any indication to you why forces to protect our people were not dispatched when Ambassador Stevens requested protection?

10. A film maker sits in prison for reportedly violating parole, but thanks to the untrue story you, Susan Rice and the President told the world about his video causing the killings in Benghazi, his life is now in mortal danger from Muslim extremists who, as the original youtube counts show, were not even remotely aware of his video at the time of the murders in Benghazi. Are you aware of these facts?

Follow-up: Why has the President not issued this man a pardon and given him protective security to compensate for the threats this administration has caused against his life?

Follow-Up: Have you asked the president to give him security and pardon him to protect his life?

11. The fabricated excuse of an anti-Muslim movie trailer causing outrage which sparked the killings was clearly derived from a large volume of Libyan propaganda sent out less than 24 hours after the attacks and murders. Why did your office and that of the President repeat that propaganda?

12. Did you or your office have any communication with the Libyan government regarding the cause of the killings?

Follow-up:  Did you or your office in any way collude or conspire with the Libyan government in the disinformation you both gave to the world?

13. How did your office come to the opinion that the killings were sparked by a Muslim video when there was no intelligence information whatsoever to that effect?

14. Was or is the United States Government, to your knowledge, involved in supplying terrorist groups in the middle east with  weapons? (If she gets cute like her husband and wants the definition of 'weapon", make it broad)

15. To your knowledge, was Ambassador Stevens,  who worked for you and your office, involved in or aware of weapons being supplied to terrorist groups?

16. Was Ambassador Stevens deliberately murdered by the US Government, unilaterally or in conspiracy with the Libyan government?

17. Do you have any knowledge in any way that would lead you to suspect that the Libyan government murdered Ambassador Stevens and the others, and if not, how can that be true when they had the fabricated story of the video sparking outrage already in place at essentially the same time of the killings?

18. Did President Obama order the death of Ambassador Stevens, besides in the manner of denying him the military assistance for which he cried out days before the murders, which itself was certainly a knowing death sentence?

19. When will the survivors be released?

20. ORDER: Your office will provide this body with the names and locations of all witnesses and survivors of the attacks in Benghazi for independent medical evaluation and subpoenas by this body for their testimony regarding the murders in Benghazi on 9/11/2012.  

Bloody hand-prints on a wall. This is how they died.

BENGHAZI-TRUTH has identified the source of the lies Obama & Clinton told about the killings being caused by Muslim rage over a video: Libyan propaganda itself. 

Filed for Monday Jan 21, 2013


I have never been a fan of the idea of a "Huge rally". Perhaps the biggest ever had by conservatives, the 9/12 rally a few years back opposing ObamaCare in which a minimum of 1.5 million people converged on DC was for me the last straw in understanding the degree to which some of the power brokers in my own industry will go to stop the dissemination of information helpful to conservatives: the rally of 1.5 million - history by any standard whatsoever - was entirely ignored by the media; only FOX covered it live and then pretended it never happened. Imagine the insanity of that determination to silence all that is conservative: Streets in DC tied up for a day, celebrity speakers' voices echoing down Pennsylvania Ave where sits the pinnacle of American power; buttons, flags, signs, music; a titanic, turbulent human mass protesting as one against ObamaCare was deemed too much a threat to be given even the tiniest media mention. In another 5 years you will be called an internet lunatic if you say it even happened, and the images of the crowds from high above will be called "slick photoshops". This is the history of how Germany and Russia fell, and it is repeating itself in the United States rapidly.

When I tell you the people behind closed doors in our media powers are communists you better believe it: I hear them extol the virtues of communism and plot against the right openly behind closed doors. A big rally is worthless against a big media that ignores it: nothing but a million people shouting into a media vacuum that silences them to the ears of their fellow citizens as surely as if they were dead.

THE GOOD NEWS is that as the Tea Party proved very, very dramatically - to the re-taking of the GOP House in 2010 - that being smaller, strategic and hitting main Street USA where it lives neuters the media almost entirely. It only takes a few people with signs on the street corner demanding justice for Benghazi to effect the perceptions of many thousands of people driving by who are otherwise not active on political message boards and twitter. The left learned decades ago that the image of people on the street with signs hits every person's personal buttons: it's human, it's different, it's important enough that even a few people putting aside their daily lives for a few hours because the cause is just. 5 tiny groups around the country have more impact than on rally with 1.5 million because those small groups cannot be contained to that one place with media silence as was the case in DC on 9/12 - the Tea Party worked with small groups around the country and was gigantically successful. There is no need for further analysis: you see what works, you do it again. It's as simple as that. Small groups protesting are part of the answer we seek on Benghazi.

Remember, when you picket, protest and rally for Benghazi, you are doing what the Tea Party did in opposition against Obamacare, only this time you do more than attack the symptom, which is ObamaCare, you seek relief from the cause - Obama himself - because whatever he and Clinton are hiding about Benghazi must surely be massively horrendous to keep innocent witnesses sequestered presumably against their will for four months and if so in almost certain violation of their constitutional rights simply because they are unwanted witnesses. This is no-BS serious. Hillary's pathetically amateur attempts to be above the law - or too ill to meet its demands - and avoid testifying have fooled no one regardless of what a few well-placed sycophants say: the American people are not stupid, and there are three hundred million of us and but a literal few handful of them: in a crowd, you would not even know they existed. If the Tea Party felt Obamacare was alarming enough for action, spread this memo with every one of them, because there is still a way to stop it: see to it that Obama is exposed on what happened in Benghazi. All our problems go away when Obama leaves office if we act quickly and before he has finished his agenda for America.

To be effective you must get your protesting some additional media attention. States like Texas where conservatism rules are very important, because there the local media will be most sympathetic to Benghazi protesters and give you some screen time. In places like new York, do the obvious: get outside the windows broadcasting morning shows such as Fox and Friends and make sure the word BENGHAZI in caps is well-seen. Take time on your posters. Don't fit too much, make a bold statement.

To get people for your protests, of course you want to contact the local Tea Party as well as any sympathetic conservative friends. Also advertise the function on Craigslist for free to get people in your nearest city to participate, but advertise only 2 days in advance or you will be beset upon by counter demonstrations, though God knows what they can say except, "Shut up about Benghazi" and that won't play in Peoria.

Call local radio morning drive-time shows the day of your "rally" and advertise it to the hosts, tell them about Benghazi and invite them to send someone down to interview participants.

Call Office Max and Staples and ask how much to print up a 20x30 inch poster (should be around $70.00). A slick poster with Steven's face and words like "Justice for the BENGHAZI Dead" will be powerfully eye-catching, but even a few people with hand-made signs sends a gigantically powerful message - because before your small group, there was silence.

It's cold but if you are hearty this works tremendously in your favor: people appearing to suffer any hardship for their cause get many times more credibility instantly and will be remembered for days or even months - along with their message.

Sometimes it takes permits on street corners if you aren't on public park land in the center of your town. Therefore, you might call your church and ask permission to stand on their corner. If the Pastor says yes, it's a done deal - no permits. If you live somewhere where there is a lot of traffic which stop by the light and there are houses nearby, think back to anyone who had a Romney or local GOP candidate sign on their yard. Ring their bell and ask permission to stand on their property by the road. no permit - done deal.

Approach your local Community Access TV station - find them in your local phone book, Google them online or call the local Chamber if Commerce and ask for the station telephone number. Those places are always dying to get anything on TV. Sell it to them as a call for world peace, ask if you can broadcast live, and then you and your friends can tell everyone in your and neighboring counties all about Benghazi. Believe it or not, people actually watch those stations. 

If you scroll down on this page you will see an idea about balloon releases - a great legal way to add splash to your protests and rallies and get extra attention.

Check back here for addendums and additional ideas as they occur to me or are offered by others. Be sure to contact Toni Taylor or Kathy Amidon on twitter about the next official schedule of larger, organized rallies. But you also don't need to wait. You and your friends can protest today. 

ADDENDUM: more ideas that work.

For additional protest locations  you can ask store owners in your town if you and your friends can stand outside the store. tell them it also serves as advertising for their store if your posters are not too anti Obama or you live in a state or county that hates him.

I forgot also to mention that you should call the tip/hotline of your local news stations and specifically tell them where and when you will be protesting. If it's a slow news day they may send someone to cover you. Even if they just send a camera kid out to take shots of you and then play them under a 20 second report by one of the desk hosts, you just had a huge impact advertising it to millions, especially if the host says something like, "These people are protesting because they feel that because president Obama did not dispatch military aid during the seven-hour seige on our embassy, that president Obama himself has blood on his hands from that massacre". If they say that, then many people at home will agree with that and start talking to their friends and families, who will then talk about it to their friends and families, of course. Just get a few people together with signs, find a spot where the owner or lessee allows you to picket/rally there and call the local TV news stations and the local radio stations the morning of the event. If it is just a few of you, you can do this every day. No one says you are being a person with bad manners if you do it more than once.

If the spot you get is in town with sidewalks, stores and lots of foot traffic, print out some simple fliers about Benghazi - a ream of paper at the usual office supply store costs less than five bucks and if you use their xerox machine it will only cost you maybe that much for each 100 you make - absolute peanuts, nothing. You should put website addresses on the flier so they can read about Benghazi. You can include this one if you wish - people might just decide to get active on this issue themselves.

GET CREATIVE if you are bold. Code Pink people may be lunatics but they get attention. Flip out the left-wing protecting Obama and use their own techniques against them & be dramatic: get a few of the people to allow themselves to appear bound with ropes with white sheets around their heads and have a large sign that says, "We are the Benghazi survivors! Free us from Obama!" It's a legit dramatic statement. People will ask who the survivors are - maybe even shout the question from their cars - and you can quickly explain it to them. Or make dummies as props with the same sign. 

Local Democrat headquarters may have pro-Obama signs, etc. Pretend to love Obama, ask for some and then write BENGHAZI in bright red paint across them as part of your picket signs. Show your passion. Make the importance of Benghazi clear in dramatic terms.

If you are shy and want top be dramatic, too, wear towels, bed sheets, pillow cases over your faces the way terrorists do in the pictures. It's a pretty good idea even if you are not shy: this way, you add more comprehensively to the street drama, though citizens expressing their views openly always works best. if you are not shy but others are, drag them along with that option. 

Check out this video link left by reader Pugs Lei if his BENGHAZI road sign creation. Inexpensive and gigantically effective.(link just goes to Youtube video: safe, no bugs)

More later.

Filed for Sat Jan 20, 2013


To begin with, Representative Rohrabacher's seeming CYA to us on Twitter to escape condemnation from the slow and ineffective action from the GOP House on Benghazi has evolved into something a bit more suspicious and worrisome than political self-preservation. Read these Twitter exchanges from last night and you see him segueing from CYA to seemingly participating in the Benghazi cover-up.

Here we see the Rep basically talking tough. We press (click for full-size image).

Straight talk: IMO Rohrabacher is basically 100%  full of it and I suspects he knows it. I'd submit as evidence of that likelihood proven by this segment from Greta Van Susteren, noted criminal defense lawyer and FOX news prime-time host of "On The Record", where she and fellow Rep of Rohrabacher, Jason Caffetz, both say subpoenas are overdue back in Dec 4, 2012 (6 weeks back from this writing). It seems impossible that Rohrabacher could be unaware of this yet be passionate enough to defend his position in the manner he does:

Then this:

So supposedly if we call him out for defending inaction, we are also attacking our "friend" Rohrabacher. He should go on Greta's show and tell her that same thing to her face, because we are doing nothing more than demanding the same things that she and Rep Chaffetz are; 2.5 million people would then see what she says back to him, and if nothing else, that would be very good television. Straight talk: Rohrabacher should tell it to Van Susteren.

Now this is where it gets ugly, personally insulting and begins to read IMO more like a liberal troll activist online than a GOP member of the House of Representatives. He seems to suggest patriot Melissa to avoid ("beware") any or all of the rest of us, making the case that if we call him out for not prosecuting Obama on Benghazi with greater effort.... we must be working for Obama! Well, bluntly, now I'm pissed off on another whole level. Straight talk: Appearing, IMO, to be trying to manipulate young patriots into taking the political heat from himself by turning them against fellow patriots is pretty damn low. My own opinion is that I hope a Tea Party primary challenger beats him in 2014, because if one doesn't, Rohrabacher could easily lose in 2014 to a democrat if this is the kind of record an opponent could show to the world.


Janson is referencing the Breaking News at the top of this page, and Rohrabacher, IMO, is seeming to run cover for Obama by clearing Obama of any connection to the libyan propaganda and blaming aides if there is. Now this gets serious. Very serious. Rohrabacher is doing nothing less here, in my opinion,  than attempting to clear Obama of culpability on the lie before it has even been investigated. He could have said, "Yes Libyan TV influenced Obama's advisers" but instead denies that there is a connection at all between Obama and the identical Libyan government propaganda. Obama told the exact same propaganda, word-for-word, days after Libya broadcast on television and uploaded it  less than 1 day after the killings. Of course there is a connection. Only a fool would believe otherwise. It's the same words, almost verbatim. It's ridiculously unreasonable to think there is no connection. Stupid, even. But it's worse because Rohrabacher goes further by blaming aides if there were a connection and putting no responsibility at all on Obama himself - the Commander-In- Chief.

What are we to make of this? Review what Rohrabacher said:

1. We need to wait. The time is too early for subpoenas (Baloney. Better experts disagree).

2. Anyone who demands the prosecution of the Obama Administration for Benghazi must be working for the Administration itself (message to conservatives: stop calling for prosecution)

3. Libyan media's propaganda is entirely unrelated to Obama's exact same talking points days later, and (I suppose) if it is related, Obama cannot be blamed for it, only his aides.

4. Rohrabacher suggests those who really care about Benghazi justice should distance themselves from those who demand it.

This now sounds extremely suspicious for a man claiming to want justice for Benghazi. Straight talk; for whatever his motivation, it's now extremely apparent, IMO, that Rohrabacher does not want to see Obama and his administration investigated and prosecuted for what happened in Benghazi.

One is tempted to say, avoid Rohrabacher. But really, it's more helpful to say, "Tweet him". I suggest that we as citizens put the pressure on this public servant in public - this man who volunteers these absurdities - and let's find out, while focusing generally on the larger picture, what Rohrabacher's game is, because he is, IMO,   running transparently obvious cover for Obama, and the why of Rohrabacher's actions might be information worth having for Benghazi justice. 

Tweet him at (Click name if already signed into Twitter & go straight to his account)


Let's get to the bottom of this. Be sure to tell senator Lindsey Graham and House Representative Chaffetz about this, too. IMO, while I want to be fair, the evidence suggests that something's afoot with Rohrabacher, and the appearance looks very bad.

Filed for Sat Jan 19, 2013

This is just a little memo today. I'm knocked out by the flu but no day goes by in which something is not accomplished on the issue of BENGHAZI. In this case, Stan Hjerlied has really done my work for me, so his timing couldn't have been better. Yesterday he posted a nice, off-the-cuff tutorial which walks you through how to tweet GOP House Reps so they are called out on their inaction in public, if you don't already know that relatively simple process. I recommend everyone watch it; just a couple of minutes and makes the process real and understandable for those who may be a little less tech-savvy. 

Stan's excellent tutorial Video is HERE. Be sure to read the rest of this memo!

I only make one little addendum. That's a pretty big list of House reps Stan is pulling from, and the idea of contacting them all or even many may strike some as a little daunting, though if you're game, go for it. Therefore, here's my best-shot list of GOP House Representatives to start Tweeting at. These are the people whose jobs most hang on investigating and prosecuting Benghazi, quite frankly.

If you open another window and log into Twitter, these links will take you straight to their Twitter pages. Doesn't get any easier than that.


Boehner may be the stumbling block to getting the Benghazi subpoenas. Too chummy with Obama, talks tough when not humiliating the GOP by crying about himself in public, but does nothing.

Here are some friends of the cause who have media recognition  but are faltering against the apathy induced by media sedentary collapse on the issue of Benghazi. Let them know that you pay their salaries, not the media, and you want firm and resolute action on Benghazi, before, during and after the Dame lady Clinton deigns to appear before the peasants when not hiding under her desk.

GOP House of Representatives




GOP Senators
Lindsey Graham, leader of the Senate minority  has been the only one in Congress who takes Benghazi seriously in the opinion of Benghazi-Truth; will to hold up future Obama appointment confirmations until Benghazi fully investigated. Support him!

Other Senators who have made statements in the past about Benghazi. Give them a kick in the pants and remind them who is in charge - YOU!



Yes, it's difficult sometimes to first step out of your comfort zone and speak up. But I have been an ever-loving online thorn in the side of all that is Obama for 4 years and no black helicopters have whisked me away. The terror is imaginary, but it may not be if you don't speak up now.

If you want to see an amazing example of someone who is a 100% textbook illustration of a great activist with this, look at new-to-twitter Melissa and I suggest you follow her:     

Take America back.

Filed for Friday Jan 18, 2013

PATRIOTISM AT WORK is a wonderful thing to see. It is so far removed and so utterly elevated from the work-a-day world we experience in an average day that it's like political Christmas: It's uplifting; it's inspiring; it gives us hope. That is what I have started to see as of yesterday, and it should give us all hope as long as it continues and grows.

For the last two years, after the bright momentary quasar that was - and hopeful will return as - the Tea Party, conservatives have been complaining to each other, often punctuating their remarks with any of a series of now all-too-common refrains: "We will rise again!", "There is nothing we can do", "We need to have the world's biggest rally and then Washington will be forced to listen." Mostly the ideas are absurdly unrealistic, and things like rallies have little value unless, like the tea party, there are thousands of rallies around the nation, getting into the faces of the entire US population. A single large reality is absolutely neutered by a single large media that ignores and refuses to report it. And, of course, there is useless Hannity's endless finger-waving at the mainstream media, as though he if admonishes them enough they will shake their heads to wakefulness and obey him. All that has gotten us is the re-election of Obama and losses in the senate and House. Those things are worthless. They aren't working. We have to stop running on this stupid treadmill before all we see receding behind us is a ever-dimming memory of what America used to be.

But something different happened yesterday. It may prove to be an historic moment of the sort  Founding Fathers would cheer on to victory: On Twitter, for all the world to see, and the world does watch Twitter, people started calling out the GOP Reps on the do-nothing culture among them that has resulted in 4 months of almost total inactivity on the scandal of the Benghazi murder cover-up. There were only a a couple of dozen people doing it, but that was a couple of dozen more than the day before. Very fast, one senses a larger sea-change growing in the air. 

People have learned that they don't need the media for even a split second. Whoopie and Donaldson and  Matthews and Maddow and the rest are suddenly irrelevant - as thin as air and twice as transparent. The real and true power is in the Washington DC House of Representatives.  The GOP controls it. And now, by calling them out, as the GOP ourselves they need to re-elect them - embarrassing them and maybe even humiliating them in the responses on their own threads - responses they cannot delete without silencing their own original message - and directed at those people who they need to re-elect them in 2014, we the people now control them. You, me, all of us now have unbelievable power and leverage at controlling the House of Representatives in DC and with it, the fate of Obama's agenda and probably even his ability to remain president through his second term.

The greatest part of all is that this power and control over the House of Representatives does not need advertising to maintain it. It does not need sycophants in the media to spread it.  It does not need corrupt and prejudiced editorials to give it life. On the  hopeful assumption that this sudden, powerful movement started here, yesterday, that with 800 - 1,000 readers here every day, this new and amazing form of Tea Party activism online only needs one thing in all the world to make it quickly reverse Obama's left agenda, change the face of a nation and restore America to the proper historic course and it's larger destiny. All it needs is you.

Yes, there is no doubt about it: patriotism is a wonderful thing to see. It's uplifting; it's inspiring; it gives us hope.

We'll be at each other's side every day on Twitter. We're all together. Let's exert our power, enjoy it, revel in it, laugh about it, and joyously get the job done. We'll have our country back, again - soon.

Filed for Thursday Jan 17, 2013

EDIT: This is being written 12 hours after the original article. I have partial twitter service restored and the first thing I saw on my wall were many patriots making their voices heard loud and clear to Senators and House reps on twitter - the first time I have seen that. I've never been more proud of my fellow citizens. Thank you for picking up the virtual musket with your powerful words. This will make a gigantic difference if you continue. Media is my business; your demands in public to congress on twitter can put the brakes fast on Obama's agenda. I absolutely guarantee it. You are now at the beginning of saving our nation through this one activity, and every living person in the free world needs to thank you, because as goes America so does the world.

I AM MAKING A PLEA from the podium of a leader, here, again. Clearly I'm not good at this particular life function because despite very successful leadership roles in the media business, my efforts have thus far to get my fellow conservatives active on Twitter and not just talking to each other have yielded nearly zero practical results. It can't be a bad idea so it must be me, somehow. But like you I'm anxious for this country's future and so I will try again. Maybe someone else will take the charge more successfully. I hope to God they do. But in the meantime I appear to be the only one of 200 million twitter users to be steadfastly trying to get some traction for this amazingly simple and gigantically effective little technique, so I am shackled by conscience to keep trying.

In yesterday's Daily Memo I implored all readers of Benghazi-Truth to contact GOP Senators and Representatives on Twitter. I didn't mean just your Representatives - there is a mistaken assumption that God will frown on people who contact Reps and Senators not exclusively serving their own state or district. The fact is that there are only a few key players in Congress who can make a difference on Benghazi, and what happened in Benghazi is of tremendous national importance, so the nation has the right and obligation to contact them, regardless of state or district.

"Oh, they don't listen".... "They won't pay attention". Sometimes those are just conservatives making excuses for unconscionable laziness, and it's terribly disappointing that some of us have come to that point when people died for our right to say "No". But more often they are liberals online pretending to be conservatives to convince you and me and all conservatives to, as Obama did on the night of Benghazi, "stand down". We saw what happened to Stevens when people stood down. 

Don't stand down. Stand up. Like this: Here we give our irascible old pal, U.S. House Representative Dana Rohrabacher, the angry-citizen-business and even sneak in a condemnation about not dealing with Obama's obvious shaky eligibility status at which point he predictably flies the coop. (Click on each for larger, more readable image) Huge kudos to Kathy for being the first in this round to talk to him as he needed to be spoken to: like a servant, because that is the job for which he applied and was hired: a servant.

It is so simple. For God's sake, it's fun, and is it ever a catharsis for your frustrations.  The next time you're on Twitter, just search for a rep or Senators name - you know several, "Lindsey Graham", "John Boehner", "John McCain" and go to their latest post. Click on "reply". Then post your demands about Benghazi in the reply area, where they cannot delete your post, and it sits like an accusatory finger at them for all the world to see, forever, unless they delete their own initial announcement to which you have replied and re-post it to eliminate the unhappy citizen talk. Boehner did that once. We just repeated the remarks on the new thread. Looks like Boehner gave up being simultaneously tight-assed and cute and has accepted the evolving situation in social media.

In your frustration haven't you ever wanted to stick it to a congressman and twist it sideways? The opportunity sits before you, easy and free. All that matters is whether you care enough about America to do it, or if you are only interested in doing what you are used to doing - talking to each other.

And to allay deeply-sown paranoia by liberals and talk-show opportunists, no one can or will arrest you for it. No secret online organization will destroy you through some terrifying conspiracy of zeroes and ones. Black helicopters will not land in your backyard at 3:00 AM. Putting it bluntly, all that talk is scare-tactic baloney and has been disseminated from two sources: liberals trying to frighten you into hiding under your beds so they can swagger around and laugh at the cowards while Obama ruins America, or from guys like Alex Jones, who in my opinion, plays his audience for suckers by scaring the ever-loving stuffing out of them with entirely fabricated nightmares so that, terrified of what tomorrow will bring, will tune in tomorrow to see if the end of the world has arrived; a snake-oil salesman variation of making a living which I find utterly beneath contempt. 

You see what happened in the screenshots, above? The worst that happened is that Rohrabacher got snippy and cut and ran. No black helicopters. No nothing, except a bit more important insight into how some in Congress think when off-camera. You see what also happened: Thousands of people sat on the sidelines and watched when they could have and should have been involved like the angry citizens they are. Complaining about Obama to each won't do a damn thing and it hasn't - he won re-election. We are at the point where no one can help you except you, which you should embrace because it is a fundamental Tea Party philosophy - absolute power shared equally and universally by law-abiding citizens. Rush has exhausted his rhetoric and Obama is President again. Hannity accepts praise for being a Great American, but failed to use his microphone to address anything but political entertainment and left things like Benghazi and Obama's citizenship mostly unaddressed - and Obama is President again.

Everyone you relied on to win the election in 2012 failed you. No one else can help you, now. You need to start helping yourself. But there are tens of millions of "you"; so many of "us". We roll like thunder when we raise our voices together, like we did in 2012, kick the mainstream media aside and stomp our opposition flat. A tiny fraction of those millions, rattling the doors of congress every day online, can do the job like a shockingly dramatic tsunami. But it's now or never.

Think of your kids the next time you read something like this and think it's "too much trouble to bother with". Think of your elderly parents. Or dreams for the future. Whatever it is you love, because there is nothing you love that will not in some way be adversely affected by Obama and what his actions in Benghazi mean as it relates to how much he cares about anyone but himself. Only this kind of activity - shaking the foundations of congress online - can stop Obama now. Your families' lives and happiness are in your hands. Will you rise to the occasion, or just dismissively shrug it off as too much trouble?

America is at a crossroads. There's nothing more I can say to make this case for becoming active. It's up to you. Literally.

Filed for Mon Jan 16, 2013

I am taking this blog off-topic for once, but only slightly. Benghazi is in many ways very much about armed people protecting unarmed people from other armed people. So is this.

Depending on when you read this, Obama reportedly will or has used children as propaganda props to sell the idea of the first step of de-arming the citizens of the United States when he announces his intention to use executive orders to take away the most effective guns to fight a tyrannical government: assault weapons - because we "don't need them to go hunting". This would have been like our Founding Fathers taking away muskets and telling the people of their time that they could catch animals with traps and knives as an excuse for seeing to it that they could not fight back against the tyranny of a government gone wrong.

Politicians have always kissed babies to look loving and sensitive, that's nothing new. But at no time in the history of this nation has a President been so brazen and so manipulative as to use the image of children to soften resistance to people fighting from having their weapons to protect them from tyrants and dictators taken away. Until now. 

But it has happened elsewhere. 


Once the people were disarmed, Hitler killed 5 million Jews.


 Once the people were disarmed, Stalin killed 20 - 40 million of his own Russian people.


Once the people were disarmed, Mao killed. Final death toll? Nobody knows.

Today Obama uses images of himself next to children to sell the idea that people will not need guns because he will love and protect them, and that guns hurt good people who love their country. This is exactly what Hitler, Stalin and Mao said before they murdered countless millions of their own people. As Obama gave a stand down order in Benghazi  assuring without a doubt that Stevens and the rest would be murdered, do not assume that Obama is not cut from the same cloth. And when 2 navy seals broke ranks and saved 30 survivors who were witnesses to the events in Benghazi  Obama ordered them whisked off, and after 4 months not even Congress has been told who or where they are, information that is usually given to Congress within 48 hours, according to GOP House rep Jason Chaffetz. This elimination from the world of witnesses and apparently their families is just exactly what people experienced under Hitler, and Communists Stalin and Mao - and don;t assume the media back then told them any more than most of society is getting right now. If not for Fox News, Chaffetz would have had no venue to tell what he knows of this tale.

When this very disturbing video came out:
It was mocked for seeming like this:

Mocking it was the wrong response. It should have sent out alarms, but like the victims before us whose fate we may also share, we as a society are too frightened and angered by the emotional pain of disappointment when our expectations for a safe immediate environment are confronted by unpleasant reality - so most reject the reality to make the pain go away. The common-sense understanding that Nazism was a strict but benign necessary political construct is how the German people in the late 1930's reacted, certain that their enlightened society would ensure that such nightmares of which some were warning were no longer possible. It's the mistake that the Russians made when they were certain that such a loving man as Stalin, with his wide and charmingly, thickly moustachioed smile, could very obviously never be such a monster. It is the mistake the Chinese people made when they awakened one morning to discover that believing evil among their leaders was impossible was the only choice left allowed to them by the state. 

In every way, now, Obama has been found to be following, point-by-point, the strategies used by and behavior exhibited by those evil, murderous tyrants: His election was marked by intimidation and fraud as the dead voted again by proxy though Obama operatives; Obama's sometimes rambling and unhinged speeches were marked by words like "revenge" - when he was already the President; he has demanded total media obedience, and when Fox News resisted, Obama and his operatives tried to convince America it was not a legitimate source of news information; he is bypassing the legislative process to rule by fiat, already in violation of Constitutional restraints and so far unchallenged by congress; he has ruined the US economy seemingly in pursuit of a communist political structure in America which demands that the capitalist economy be decimated before communism can be ushered in to replace it; he has reduced to rubble our space program and ordered us to now rely on communist Russia to handle everything from our communications satellites to space defense systems; ObamaCare is nothing more than the same socialized medicine used by those prior Tyrants to allow opposition members - or people in areas heavily populated by those known to be among the opposition - to die for need of help while those who support the party are allowed to thrive and vote again in larger proportionate numbers; Obama has politicized religion, and now in Obama's America Christians clinging to their Bibles and supposedly oppressing good people are Obama's stereotype equivalent to what Hitler's stereotypes of Jews were minus the demand for their extermination - for now - and what all religions were to Stalin; Obama lives like a prince with vacations and extravagant personal luxuries without conscience on the tax money of the people whose lives he ruined, as did Hitler and as did and do the Soviet/Russian leaders in the splendor of the palace-like Kremlin while tens of millions starved and froze to death, without work or sustenance; and political enemies - from alleged former homosexual lovers to Bill Clinton's best friend Bill Gwatney, whom it is rumored by those who should know was going to make an announcement that Obama was not eligible to be president - have been murdered.

And now our benign fearless leader, up to his neck in the worst possible political associations imaginable, from communist/terrorist Bill Ayres to "mentor" Communist Frank Marshal Davis, whose "poems" were virtually love letters to the murderous Soviet Red Army, surrounds himself with children and assures us for their sake that he will take away America's weapons because they are now unneeded in our modern and enlightened society because our loving and benign President will protect us from all who do - and say - bad things; just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

How do we know that Obama's intentions are for freedom and not tyranny, love and not hate, good and not evil? I use one benchmark: when our people in Benghazi called for help, he told his military specifically to not help them. This was not an unsuccessful attempt to save them. In my opinion it was deliberate murder, because his order was essentially an intentional death sentence for those people and everyone knows it, and instead of an explanation, he lied and told us his orders to the military were to help them. Everyone, including congress, has openly acknowledged that as a lie and other Benghazi lies from Obama, so if you are reading and don't already know all this, be apprised that what you are reading is not internet conspiracy theory. This is fact.

Also fact is the reality that the saved witnesses - unexpected survivors from the Benghazi attack in which Obama clearly made the conscious decision that Stevens and all the rest be killed - have vanished once taken away by the military on Obama's orders. Again congress does not know who they are though everyone agrees the survivors exist. Also fact. Also fact is that is is the kind of thing people experienced in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia and China. Will Obama go the full course and have their memories erased by any number of means which will also remove their identities? Or are they already dead, awaiting an announcement that their hospital had a "disaster"? - but they will be remembered in a somber ceremony by the man likely to have ordered their murder - just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did. Until the unthinkable which has already occurred is rectified and these people are returned to society where they belong, any theory which follows the pattern set by Hitler, Stalin and Mao, is absolutely valid.

As the days proceed we will read online many useless things from fellow conservatives which have done not one thing for us in the last four years: "They will take my guns over my cold dead hands", "We will rise up", "There will be a revolution". Those remarks are the most dangerous things in the world for a Representative Republic, because they give people a way to vent their anger non-constructively and then go back about their daily lives, the emotional need satiated by pontificating passionately onto a screen, leaving the reality of their plight in the real world unaddressed, allowing evil to eat their country from within like a cancer via nothing less than a communist regime which has taken control, and with the power, in theory, to kill them.

There is only legal way Obama can be stopped, now, and it's a thin but actual hope: For the next two years the House of Representatives will be controlled by the Republicans. In that sliver of a window of opportunity, Benghazi must be investigated, prosecuted and Obama impeached. Obama's removal from office is a trickier matter, but having no clear way forward on removal does not mean we should wait for a master plan before proceeding with resolute action on investigation and prosecution immediately. The United States did not have a sure-fire master plan to beat the British when our Founding Fathers declared independence - they just did it and persevered as the circumstances evolved and what they did was truly dangerous.  Our presidents had no master plan on World war I and World War II; we just fought as best we could, tried to lead, and reacted as best as humanly possible when leading proved impossible. If we wait for a master plan we're finished as a nation because while we suffer from paralysis by analysis, Obama will complete whatever plan it is exactly that he has in mind, and whatever it is, like his other plans and often expressed thoughts, it won't be pretty.

Our primary stumbling block is a country-club, do-nothing GOP House (the minority in the Senate, ironically, has more will to fight)which has the legal power to do it all. The only way they will save this nation, these lazy and quite frankly often not very bright men who if smarter would have chosen more challenging and financially rewarding careers, is to have their easy, three-half-day-a-week work schedule threatened by an angry primary electorate. Already tea party groups are re-emerging from the shadows, but they will fail without you. Public humiliation and concern is what motivates those men because their way of maintaining their easy lifestyle is to convince the public that all is fine. Once the public rises up publicly and states publicly that things are not fine, they scramble. 

Your job is an astonishingly easy one compared to generations past. You don't even need to leave your home. Presumably you have a Twitter account or the chances are you would not even know about this website. Go to Twitter, search the following names: John Boehner, Ted Langford, Lindsey Graham, Peter King, Darrel Issa, Frank Wolf, Jason Chaffetz, (our argumentative Twitter pal, who I still like, Representative) Dana Rohrabacher, Trey Gowdy, John McCain, Kelly Ayote and any others you know. Go to the Twitter page of each. In the "reply" areas of posts/threads already started by them, tell them you want Benghazi investigated and prosecuted and don't be genteel about it, give 'em real hell. If you just post to them directly no one will see it unless they retweet you, and they won't do that. You need to and can put your angry demands, every day, as a reply to their posts and then they are stuck with it, in public, where the people who they need to vote them back into office will see the unflattering demands about Benghazi you write. We need all of you to make this work. Don't assume you will be lost in a crowd - there is no crowd without you. Tell them you want Subpoenas for the witnesses. Tell them you demand to know where the survivors are. And tell them you want it all now and feel no need to be polite. 4 Months of inaction is too long. And for God's sake don't be afraid of the hysterical paranoia from the left of black helicopters designed to frighten you into passive and quiet insecurity: I have been a non-stop thorn in the side of all that is Obama for four years and I am still here to tell you that time is now running out for you to take back America. 

Do it, while you still have an internet to enjoy, because if Obama continues the pattern he has set, following (in their case proven murderous) tyrants of the past, then the internet will soon be restricted to "education" for the children while you are allowed only one personal message a day to a relative, provided you can prove they are ill. Don't shrug off the possibility - the pattern of Obama is clear.

Do it: 

1. Log on to Twitter
2. At the top, Search for Senators and Reps
3. Comment for all to see so the congressmen knows he is being outed for laziness in public
4.Repeat until it becomes a daily habit and then addiction. Once Obama gets your guns, your life may depend on it.

A little prayer while you do it wouldn't hurt, either. I'll see you on Twitter as Frank M Davis Jr. We need to do this and we need to do this today. Starting "tomorrow" won't help.

Edit: clearly someone did not like this article because my Twitter account has been suspended, certainly by liberals working to silence opposition to Obama. It's easy enough to get the twitter account back, this has happened before, as you know, but will take a day or so. I will join you back there, then. Until then, lead the charge on Twitter. See you there, soon.

Filed for Mon Jan 14/Tue Jan 15, 2013

I AM KEEPING THIS MEMO UP ON TOP FOR TWO WORK DAYS because I want to give all our twitter friends a chance to get it to the GOP members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Our Twitter friends have been amazing: Day Count #123, featuring Boehner as complicit in the cover-up, is, as of this writing, nearing an astounding 200 retweets in 48 hours, to a probable minimum of  600,000 people on Twitter alone. Benghazi-Truth social media chief Kathy Amidon says she has seen it also all over Facebook and message boards, as well, the numbers for which are not being read by Twitter. On Benghazi Day Count #123 we're just throwing our hands up and assuming that one is reaching millions and we'll leave it at that.

But I digress. 

GOP House and Senate: Today's Daily Memo provides free media advice from a NYC media specialist - yours truly - to you in the GOP Senate and House. Advisers good enough to have clients in the Big Apple get paid good money for this kind of thing, so listen up, guys, because this is for and about you and you're getting it for free.


Yes, yes, I know your response and I'll say it for you, "But I will look silly if I go off topic on television and seem to be obsessing about Benghazi." Those are the words of an insecure coward. The degree to which you look silly is in proportion to your own lack of self-confidence. Benghazi is a winner politically that will make Watergate look like  nothing and will provide justice to the slain and needed closure to their grieving families.

There are two examples of how to do it in minute doses from yesterday, on Meet the Press and Fox News Sunday with Senators John McCain and Kelly Ayote, respectively; both glued Benghazi to the Hagel discussions. See your fellow congressmen doing to right (just need more volume to the presentation) McCain, here and Ayote, here

You among the House and senate who read this - and we know you're reading - are Congressmen, but you did not build the austere walls around you, you only occupy them. Whether you measure up to the napkins let alone marble columns will be determined by how you handle Benghazi, an opportunity handed to you by God on a silver platter. You are Congressmen, but you have proven you are still media students. Your PR skills, for some, are  okay, but you lose to the competition because your scripts are usually truly weak and terrible. 

Here are some hypothetical examples which are more pointed and effective than the video examples. Memorize them, class:

1. Host: "Why do you continue to question the President's choice of Hagel?"

You: "Because the President has shown a serial inability to make common-sense choices and decisions. Look at Benghazi! In 7 hours no order was given to save those american civilians working for the US government and no explanation has been offered as to why Obama did not send military assistance to save them. And incredibly, Obama is keeping the survivors of the attack and their names hidden from  Congress and the American people and we will investigate and prosecute and impeach as the evidence demands".

I know, already you think this is too strong. You are one-third correct: those people who hate conservatives and love Obama will think that is too strong. Everyone else, including those you need to fight back primary challenges in 2014, will love you for the strength and hope they will get from hearing you say those words.


2. Host: "What about gun control. Do you oppose it?"

You: "I do oppose it and I oppose it because the 2nd amendment was not to make it easy to go hunting, it is to ensure that each citizen can protect him and herself from criminals and tyrants. Obama put people in harms way in Benghazi and refused to help them when they were attacked. 2 navy SEALS saved those people because they were armed and they saved those who were not. A President who is that out-of-touch with common sense and the value of human life cannot be allowed to disarm the public he was sworn to serve. The next person Obama ignores and allows to die could be anyone watching this program now. We can no longer give president Obama, a man who campaigned on the word "revenge" the benefit of the doubt when you combine what happened in Benghazi with his desire to disarm the American people. We need to find out where the President was during Benghazi, why he allowed those people to die and where the hidden survivors are before moving forward with anything Obama wants to do."

Strong stuff? Very gentlemanly compared to what Reid, Pelosi and the media would be saying about you if you were president and in some impossible way all this happened on your watch. If you do not beat them now, their time will comes again, and they will show you no mercy. They never have and they never will.


3. Host: "What do you think about the President's choice for Secretary of the treasury?"

You: "Before we move ahead with any item on the President's agenda, Benghazi must be investigated and, if appropriate, prosecuted. We need to know how Obama thinks, first, and we do not know how he thinks, really, because what happened in Benghazi is horrifically at odds with the soaring patriotic rhetoric of his speeches.  We know the President lies and has lied about Benghazi.  Blatantly.  That's a proven fact only denied by the lunatic fringe of his supporters."

4. Host: You are willing to tie up the entire progression of the the United States over this one issue?"

You: "We are not tying it up. The President could have explained what happened in Benghazi the next day. instead he lied. he could have turned over all records. He hasn't. He could have allowed those survivors to be identified to congress, but instead he keeps them hidden away in defiance of their constitutional rights like kidnappings by the S.S. or KGB.  He and Hillary Clinton even lied to the parents of the dead during their memorial service, perpetuating the lie that the murders were caused by a video when they knew full well that wasn't a fact. No sane person would take one step forward without knowing what happened in Benghazi, first."

5. Host: "What did you think of the President's State of the Union Address?"

You: "As usual it was filled with promises to spend more of the taxpayer's money on a big-government agenda that the people do not want while bankrupting this nation. You know, one has to wonder what goes through the mind of a man who would promise such things but would also deny life-saving help to non-military US civilian workers, like those killed in Benghazi. Obama put them there, gave them no way out, and it appears simply let them die or decided he wanted them dead intentionally. Before we make the mistake of taking the President at his word again - like those dead victims did -  we need to find out just exactly happened there, why he lied about it initially and if there are criminal consequences to any people in the president's administration. Benghazi is not some accidental mistake. People cried for help and president Obama refused to give the assistance which would have been so easy and effective to deploy. We need to know why he behaved that way before we go down any more roads with this President."

6. Host: "How about Obama having the Easter egg hunt with those kids. You have to admit, that was cute."

You: "Well, the kids were cute, but to see them there also makes me concerned about their futures. Obama is piling up record deficits which will ruin their futures. They will never know the America we grew up in and love. I also find it unnerving to see those kids, quite frankly, with a president who has time for frivolities but when the phone rang at 3 AM and our people we being killed for 7 hours in Benghazi, he either chose to ignore them for reasons unknown, or decided he wanted them dead intentionally. We need to know and don't bother defending the President because it won't do any good. My mind is made up on this and many people in congress are just as angry and concerned about what Obama did to the people in Benghazi as I am."

7. Host: "What is your opinion of toilet paper?"

You: "It's not the toilet paper so much as what Obama is giving us that we need to clean up with it. For example, when our people were killed in Benghazi  the President and Secretary Clinton lied - even to the parents of the the slain, lied to them - and repeated Libyan propaganda that the murders were caused by outrage over a video. Nothing can go forward with this President until we know what happened in Benghazi  because if his decision-making process is what Benghazi makes it appear, then we can never trust this president. We must have investigations first and prosecute those in the administration whose actions resulted in death by gross negligence  and then we can talk about toilet paper later."

You get the idea. If you want to win, this is how you do it. Stop letting Obama and the media control the national conversation.

When the media and Obama start going into angry hysterics about how you are obsessing over Benghazi at the risk of ruining the country, then you know they're afraid  and that tells you you're winning.

GOP Reps & Senators, that is what you do. You do it now, you do it often, you ignore the mockery and angry posturing of the left, and you stay with it until Benghazi is resolved, and don't bother considering a fall back potion because there isn't one. You must win this.

You're welcome. You'll get my bill in the morning.


Today's DAILY MEMO is posted below, but first I wanted to show you another in a line of little skirmishes we have had on Twitter with our old pal, GOP House Representative Dana Rohrabacher over the lack of Benghazi subpoenas. I like Representative Rohrabacher, but IMO he's obviously packed clean full of high power, industrial grade alfalfa fertilizer on the issue of the Benghazi subpoenas. Anyway, you can see for yourself. From late last night (click for full size):

Exchanges with the great, speaking to us through the burning bush, are not always contentious, however. From early Jan:

Now, the fact that NYC media is my business has nothing to do with it, because they don't know that. You can do this, too! America needs you to!


Filed for Sat Jan 12/Sun Jan 13, 2013

IT HAS BEEN four months since the attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens, the first US Ambassador to be murdered in nearly four decades. During that time we have learned a lot. We learned that despite untruths to the contrary, that messages from Stevens showed he knew he and his people were in desperate need of help and indeed requested it. That the killings, originally blamed on a video which sparked "outrage", turned out to be a planned and coordinated terrorist attack (see our Dec 22nd Breaking news detailing how Obama got the excuse of the video, and how the facts imply that Obama and the Libyan government conspired to tell that tale.) We now know that no one is willing to volunteer what Obama was doing or where he was that night. We now know that Hillary Clinton really does not want to testify in a very big way. We know that there are 30 survivors whose names, whereabouts and condition remain unknown. 

We now know something else, too. The road to justice appears to be blocked by the one man who can provide it: GOP Speaker of the House John Boehner. 

When Benghazi-Truth was created, it had a single and simple purpose: to provide an easy way for people to contact the Benghazi GOP hawks who were determined to get to the bottom of what happened on Sept 11, 2012. By providing all contact info and videos of each, people could learn to know the people most likely to seek justice and talk to them and their offices. That purpose remains, but as the opportunities and complexities have grown on this issue,  so has the activism become broader is scope. An average of 100 people (always a mix of regulars and newcomers) retweet the day count images every day on twitter to an estimated 300,000 - 500,000 people. We've mixed it up contentiously with Representative Rohrabacher, communicated with radio personalities and Tea Party activists on Benghazi, been commended by Donald Trump directly on Twitter, educated thousands who did not know the facts before, and continue to grow.

Now necessity dictates that we must take yet an additional new direction: we need to start calling out our own in the GOP who appear determined that America should not know what happened in Benghazi. We need the GOP in Congress to straighten up and start marching instead of lounging about in elegant repose in their offices while burning the midnight oil from 10:00 AM until 3:30 PM, Tuesday though Thursday.

The most singular figure now impeding progress appears to be Speaker of the House John Boehner. When Greta van Susteren asked Representative Jason Chaffetz why there were no subpoenas issued yet, Chaffetz said he wanted them, too, and laughed nervously. Greta laughed along with him, the clear implication being that someone above Chaffetz was disallowing them. As the images of Steven's terror frozen on the face of his corpse amply demonstrate, this is Not funnyVery not funny. Representative Rohrabacher, always open, declines to offer who is trying up subpoenas. All this is almost certainly inspired by the same cause that also causes other Representatives to clam up: because if Boehner is not happy, he can yank Chairmanships like the french military beheaded traitors. Senator Graham appears to be taking an approach of denying confirmation of future Obama appointments until Benghazi is addressed (which we applaud loudly)which seems to be a strategy of moving forward while disregarding the GOP House entirely. And Beohner says nothing. This all points to Boehner now as the singular stumbling block.

The definition of "Obstruction of Justice" includes the following, from Farlex online legal dictionary (click on the quotes to go there and confirm definitions and examples), 

Section 1503 proscribes obstructions of justice aimed at judicial officers, grand and petit jurors, and witnesses. The law makes it a crime to threaten, intimidate, or retaliate against these participants in a criminal or civil proceeding. In addition, section 1503 makes it illegal to attempt the Bribery of an official to alter the outcome of a judicial proceeding. 

Besides these specific prohibitions, section 1503 contains the Omnibus Clause, which states that a person who "corruptly or by threats of force, or by threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice" is guilty of the crime of obstruction of justice. This clause offers broad protection to the "due administration of justice." Federal courts have read this clause expansively to proscribe any conduct that interferes with the judicial process.

Federal obstruction of justice statutes have been used to prosecute government officials who have sought to prevent the disclosure of damaging information. The Watergate scandal of the 1970s involving President richard m. nixon is a classic example of this type of obstruction. A number of Nixon's top aides were convicted of obstruction of justice, including former attorney general john n. mitchell.A federal Grand Jury named Nixon himself as an unindicted coconspirator for the efforts to prevent disclosure of White House involvement in the 1972 Burglary of Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate building complex in Washington, D.C.

It is Benghazi-Truth's opinion that Boehner is now likely guilty of obstruction of justice for the following reasons:

In paragraph 1,if Boehner is in any way telegraphing to House members that they must keep quiet about Benghazi subpoenas, that paragraph applies, and that seems essentially certain.

In paragraph 2, the same, more pointedly stated.

Paragraph 3, people don't need to be destroying documents - the usual melodramatic illustration - to be guilty of obstruction of justice as defined, just as the definition of conspiracy is likewise very broad, making clear that two people do not need to know the other's plans or even intent beyond knowing however vaguely that their actions in concert will harm the interests of a third party; that's all it takes to be found guilty of criminal conspiracy. In this case, just knowing that justice could be rendered and refusing to issue subpoenas for the purpose of defeating that justice would clearly condemn Boehner on obstruction of justice charges. 

These GOP politicos playing Silent Sam should understand that their democrat opponents are nasty players. After Benghazi breaks and the dust clears, those who have not lost to Tea party candidates running in primaries  will find that their democrat opposition, already having positioned themselves as condemning Benghazi in the harshest terms and throwing Obama under the bus once the jig is up to advance their own political ambitions in 2014, will savage any Republican who could have spoken up and did not, claiming that integrity matters over party affiliation - and those democrats will win because despite being wrong on their party platform, will be right about the GOP needing to have prosecuted over Benghazi.

We now, then, return to Bengazhi-Truth's original purpose: to contact Congress. Below is Speaker Boehner's contact info. Politely ring his phones off the hook, e-mail him so he feels your love and give him a hundred big bear hugs every day on Facebook and Twitter. Let him know you are positively red-faced furious over his stonewalling on subpoenas and send him this article so he knows that we know what the score is. Send it to his Congressional pals, too, so they know that we know. Obstruction of justice is no laughing matter, and it is a cloud that clearly hangs over all their heads. Unless they want to at the very, very least some day to be spending all those future days whining, "I tried to tell the Speaker but he wouldn't listen" which never plays in elections, they better convince him.


TWITTER: @SpeakerBoehner 

Washington D.C. Office
1011 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6205
Fax: (202) 225-070

  • Office of the Speaker
  • H-232 The Capitol
  • Washington, DC 20515
  • Phone: (202) 225-0600
  • Fax: (202) 225-5117

Miami County Office
12 South Plum Street
Troy, OH 45373
Phone: (937) 339-1524
Fax: (937) 339-1878

Butler County Office
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road
Suite B
West Chester, OH  45069
(513) 779-5400

Contact him, politely but firmly. Unlike the threat that motivates the cowards in congress to irrationally hide under their desks, he cannot yank your chairmanship for saying something he doesn't like. Tell him! SUBPOENAS FOR BENGHAZI WITNESSES! They cannot do anything other than listen to your compliant or hang up. Ask anyone who has called. It's safe. please do it, for America's sake!



Filed for Friday, Jan 11, 2013

ANYONE TAKING ODDS on the gamble that

1. Hillary does not offer another excuse to not testify (Remember what happened to her husband Bill when he had to testify about Lewinsky - public humiliation, impeachment and loss of his law license)?

2. If Hillary does testify, she will claim  answers to any questions which can hurt her or Obama cannot be given because they will "jeopardize national security"? 

3. If Hillary testifies, every question from a democrat will begin with praise of her wonderful work and conclude with a damning remark about Republicans?

4. If Hillary testifies, that "I cannot recall" will be offered often, and the democrats have already gotten the message to defend those answers on the basis of "Secretary Clinton's recent serious illness"?

5. If Hillary testifies, that everyone will be expected to praise her courage in the face of her illness and anyone who does not will be characterized if given the opportunity as being in some way insensitive to their fellow human beings?

6. If Hillary testifies, she will lavish praise on Obama and attempt to answer questions about what he was doing during Benghazi with generalities about his fine leadership and be absent of any specifics, staying within the law to protect them both no matter how absurd the realities may seem?

7. If Hillary testifies, that certain democrats will find some excuse - any - to attack a Republican in mid-question as being heartless or disrespectful to the finest Secretary of State the world has ever known?

8. If Hillary testifies, all other potential responses from her will be in the form of, "We have not gotten X's final report on that yet"?

9. If Hillary testifies, that at some point she will use the term, "I resent...." as part of a response?

10. If Hillary testifies, that she will lavish praise and honor on the people whom she and Obama allowed to die for reasons suspected but as yet unknown?

11. If Hillary testifies, that the Democrats will heap nauseating amounts of praise on her evasive answers while Republicans will call the event, "Disappointing".

Lets keep this real: Hillary has had months to work with handlers, Obama, Obama's handlers, Bill Clinton, and to rehearse in advance the anticipated questions and answers in the testimony like candidates rehearse the anticipated questions and answers in a debate in advance. Indeed, it is Benghazi-Truth's suspicion that her illness(s) were entire fabrications in order to get her out of the SOS offices so she could rehearse her answers to anticipated questions without unwanted witnesses. Doubtless she has certainly has tied up loose ends while making sure the democrats know what to ask and what to say. Given both Hillary and Obama's manifest personal behavior in all things political, any other assumption would be maddeningly naive. Putting it plainly, they both scheme, they both play games and they both lie. That isn't theory or opinion, that is an historical fact.

GOP House: Hillary Clinton's testimony is going to be an obvious and utterly frustrating dog and pony show to try to put more time and distance between Obama, Clinton and other parties clearly guilty of a cover-up from the murders in Benghazi.  Please issue the subpoenas of every person on earth who could have any usable knowledge and get on with it and do some real work which may yield realistic, real-world results. Waiting out and then enduring the disappointment certain to result from Clinton's testimony is going to be an exercise in futility certain to make the public even more angry, more distracted and more enraged about Benghazi than it already is.

Why does the GOP House not just compromise down the middle and do everything we just asked for, because you already have had it your way: you have done almost nothing which is apparent to the world for over four months, and 2014 is not that far away. 

(On a related side note, The Benghazi-Truth poll has wrapped and 99% of the respondents think the last choice/answer - to subpoena all people and records possible - is the way to go)


Ambassador Steven's face is a death mask on which the terror at the moment of his murder was affixed and frozen, while Obama and Hillary Clinton likely watched him die from the warm, austere and elegant environment of the White House Situation Room.

Filed for Wed/Thursday Jan 9/10, 2013

TODAY'S MEMO is not for everyone. However, you may want to read it anyway. Basically, it's for the creative-minded, high-spirited go-getter types. Primarily, it is for our friends at the Washington DC Tea Party, who, on Twitter, already seem to be warming to this idea. 

Imagine this. It's a cold winter day in D.C., a week or so from today at most - long before Hillary Clinton allows the GOP House to ask her questions, of which she will not have to answer fully because she has not been subpoenaed to do so - and the usual hustle/bustle around the Capitol Building proceeds as it would on any business day. Aides, reporters, secretaries, assistants and the House members themselves, among others, go to and fro from the Capitol Building; many stopping on the sidewalk to exchange a few friendly words in the course of the day.

People then notice, each in their own time, many without a second thought, maybe a few hundred randomly aligned white balloons floating downwind toward areas around the building. These balloons are not up in the air, but because they have been filled mostly with air with a small amount of helium, they drift just above the traffic, somewhere between 4 - 7 feet. These balloons are not evenly high off the ground, and are drifting in a sort of ballet-like slow motion all around. 

Suddenly you hear a laugh, or an "Oh my God" and a giggle. After a few minutes a congressman catches one, stares at it for a moment and makes an absurd gesture in the form of throwing it away as he turns, but balloons are not well-thrown, and it just bounces in the air as if mocking him, and his angry act looks ridiculous enough to laugh at. You catch one, now, because you sense something is quite definitely up. You look and it reads, "GOP HOUSE, BENGHAZI SUBPOENAS! STOP BEING STUPID AND LAZY!" You look around and you realize there are hundreds of these balloons slowly dancing down the street and floating helter-skelter, here and there, and just at the right height that even without stopping one, their messages are easily read by tens of thousands of people at least all through DC. 

Within moments everyone anywhere around the capitol steps is talking in varied tones from whispers to loud laughing. Inside, House Reps, on both sides of the aisle, seem tense. Someone mentions the word "Balloon" from across the hallway a bit too loudly and heads snap at him, but the room is silent. "Forget that, we have work to do" says a ranking member and all are too eager to agree and scurry this way and that, and while the balloons are not near them, the memory of them follows everyone around like hundreds of gleeful little ghosts.

That night, wives of politicos all over the DC area, in Georgetown, in Maryland and Virginia, are asking their husbands about what their friends told them of the event on the phone. Every GOP House member is embarrassed. Every democrat is edging into a state of panic, because they have eased into the idea that as long as the media covers them, the wall of silence that protects Obama from his own scandals will remain unbroken. Suddenly that has all changed in a way most devastating:  it was fun and entertaining to all but the people it upset.

That night the media easily decides to not mock the GOP over the balloon story because the story hurts Obama more than the GOP, so it is not reported. The Washington Times picks it up as a little sidebar piece and the Wall Street Journal the following day through them. The networks, Fox, AP, etc remain silent. However, hundreds if not thousands of kids from grade school to college are Googling "Benghazi". "What is it? How could that happen? Why did the News not tell us about it? What the hell is Obama doing, I though he was cool!"

In two days many House Reps and Senators are being grilled by friends and family, albeit quietly. GOP wives are asking, "Did you ask Royce about the subpoenas, yet?" "No, not yet." "Why not! We're being laughed at!"

It's worse in the home of democrat Congressmen. "Have you found out who did it and have them arrested?" "No." "Why not?!" "Because we asked the lawyers and they said it isn't illegal!"

For the next two days both sides make lots of meaningless political noise to drive attention away from an issue neither wants to address. And just when it felt safe to go to work, it happens again: balloons everywhere, acerbically mocking and taunting them with absolutely legit 1st amendment political messages

Soon, the GOP huddles in an effort to do something meaningful without frightening themselves silly thinking about taking resolute action - something they have never done on a meaningful subject.  But they will have to figure out something, because the following Monday it happens again.

Eventually Hillary testifies, someone makes a balloon joke, all laugh with a sense of relief. Hillary is here, it's all over. Whew, that was a close one. But the next day it happens again. The messages are becoming more diverse and alarming, now: "WHERE ARE THE BENGHAZI SURVIVORS! FREE THEM FROM OBAMA! GOP HOUSE LAZY ASSES!" "WHAT DID JOE BIDEN KNOW THE NIGHT OF OUR MURDERED PEOPLE IN BENGHAZI?"

Eventually, House people corner Bohener who wants nothing to do with anything other than his hanky and shoe-shine boy. "Mr. Speaker, we are going to have to establish a Select committee." "No." Divisions in the House put Boehner's leadership at real risk. Eventually - this is only weeks from now -  Lindsey Graham sits Boehner down, and in quiet, southern style, stares him piercingly in the eyes while he reads Boehner the riot act. "These Tea Party people don't care if they destroy the Republican party in pursuit of what they want, and we have no legal grounds to stop them. We have to do this, John." With the courage of lambs choosing a shearing instead of being someones' next chop, they very sternly declare the formation of a Select Committee and hearings. Left-wing media goes crazy initially, but backs off into a vague uncertainty: they can't ignore it and they can't report it. They decide to "wait".

What happens next depends on what the witnesses say, and they will say plenty, because some of the more conservative House members will be asking questions - the hawks - and the scene is likely to turn into the most dramatic television C-Span has ever broadcast, for whatever Clinton and Obama are hiding, it must be truly horrific.

All this because the Tea Party did something unthinkable in the minds of the left once again: they co-opted the liberal strategy of doing something creative, inventive and entertaining and glued to it a message so alarming that it forces action instantly on all political fronts. In this case, some patriot Tea Party members and a few hundred dollars of helium balloon kits easily bought from Walmart and Party city, among others.

Balloon kits can been seen HERE and a store locator to buy yours is HERE.

Just a few rules to remember:

1. Balloon releases are legal, but only rubber ones, since Mylar balloons conduct electricity and can be dangerous around wires. Rubber is fine and legal.

2. Rubber balloons have been found to not be littering because they are so quickly biodegradable. However, attaching a string to one meant for intentional release might break that rule, so don't attach a string to one, but release as many as you want.

3. The statements on the balloons cannot be threatening or libelous  This goes without saying, of course. Angry, pointed, withering - yes; threatening or personally defamatory (Joe Blow had an affair)- no

4. Custom printed balloons with a 1-day turnaround can be had cheaply - at $120.00 for 500 balloons, including photographs - HERE and elsewhere; the service is a common one and probably come cheaper still. Inexpensive helium tanks can be had at places like Party City

Use very wide marker if writing by hand so the message can be read at several feet. They make extra wide ones. OR, your group might invest in a rubber stamp kit and try to make them look professionally printed before inflating. 

5. Suggestion: Since this needs to be done during the work week to be effective, and the balloons need to be written up by hand, I would suggest having a weekend party with lots of white balloons and lots of markers, inflate, write them up, and then deflate until the day of release. If stamped or professionally printed, this is not an issue.

6. Check THIS SITE (at the bottom of the page is a state-by-state listing of current balloon release laws, which are minimal at most) and glance over the laws to make sure nothing was overlooked. Will take a few minutes; it isn't complicated. All but a few states have no restrictions on mass balloon releases.There appears to be no law about how high they must fly, and they slowly return to the ground in time anyway, so I see no law on the books yet which suggests that balloons 5 feet off the ground are any different in the eyes of established law than those which go up to the stratosphere before, during their slow descent, wind up eventually being 5 feet off the ground.

There's the idea, strategy, and a sensible hypothesis of the potential influence and resultant political action. The rest is up to you.



Filed for Tuesday, Jan 8, 2013

GOP HOUSE: ENTER ED ROYCE, the new Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Rep Dana Rohrabacher (see open letter to him and his responses a few memos down) Tweeted to me that Royce is now the go-to guy for BENGHAZI subpoenas.  

We want to hope he does well, of course, but looking at his website, the prospects of he doing anything on his own initiative look dismal, so roll up your sleeves and prepare to start contacting Royce in full measure, because when it comes to being a terrorism expert, he looks like he is going to be perfect at what he is: a small business executive. How this fellow - a man with no terrorism or military expertise - became Chairman of this committee is beyond bewildering and many times more than maddening. Worse, he serves on a second committee devoted to job growth, so you know he cannot possibly give full time to either. I never speak like this here, but I must; for all the GOP establishment/RINO grandstanding about terrorism, it's becoming proportionately clear that they just don't give a damn whether we live or die as long as it doesn't disrupt the elegant and upholstered quiet of the Country Club. It's as simple as that. They say they do, but this is not demonstrable of the fact; this arrangement is demonstrable that they do not. 

Points of alarm re BENGHZI one can glean from Royce's website, HERE

1. Most alarming, is that in his list of "HOT TOPICS", made important-looking with a big red button, there is not one mention of Benghazi. The four "Hot topics" listed are exactly what you would expect from a small business and tax expert: Economy and jobs, Spending Cuts and Debt, immigration and Energy Independence.  Anyone who reads this new blog, Benghazi-Truth -  many sending our BENGAZHI DAY COUNT graphics well into 100 retweets which equals 100,000's of views on twitter, Royce should know - understands how serious Benghazi is. It's one thing to not want to rock the boat for your own party. It's quite another thing to have oversight and investigation responsibility and make it clear you never want to rock the boat at all

People want partisanship despite what the media says, because without it the democrats simply take over forever.

2. In his latest BLOG, Royce congratulates himself and thanks his fellow Reps for this Chairmanship. Incredibly, he starts his blog about his new Chairmanship like this: "Washington, Nov 28, 2012 - Over the years I have written over 350 Foreign Intrigue blog posts." Apart from serving on the subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-proliferation and Trade, (a weak and unfocused committee as the name suggests)and "travelling", the guy who is supposed to be in the center of the House effort to keep us safe has, essentially, the following credentials: HE'S A BLOGGER! WHAT?!?! I'm not kidding. Read it yourself. He could not be less qualified than the man on the moon.(I have written more blogs than he has, so give me the job and I'll subpoena Hillary, Biden, every White House aid in the building that night, all records and all security videos showing the outside of the Situation Room and then I'll subpoena the people you can see on the video. That's how you do it, Congressman. Take it from an elder statesman; in other words, someone who has written more blogs than you have) By the way, his blog, HERE, never once mentions Benghazi. Not once!

3. If Rohrabacher is right - and we will call him out if he is not - Royce has sole subpoena authority on BENGHAZI. Royce is not a lawyer and never has been. He has no military experience. Never been in the CIA or FBI. Not been an Ambassador. Has no law enforcement experience. His only experience is serving on the hopelessly confused committee on terrorists, trade, and trade with terrorists -over which he presided when BENGHAZI killed our people. And a blogger. The chances that this is anything but ground-up on-the-job training are low, and - conversely - the people responsible for the deaths of Stevens and the others need to be identified and prosecuted. This is no job for a guy whose credentials on terrorism equal that of a morph between an accountant and an average 7th-grader.

4. There is scarce little about BENGHAZI in the main page of his website. One thing is a video - watch it - where he has as much inside-info as you or I: "Benghazi is serious. It was never about a video"

One must also understand that he, himself, may bear some responsibility re Benghazi because he was chairman of a Committee that has oversight on such matters. So unless he wants Obama to turn around and blame him when he does a softball routine and let's Obama off the hook - let's hope no one is stupid enough to do a deal with Nasty Barry Backstabber -  Royce better get his act together on BENGHAZI.

You get the picture. He's an elected worker whose job is to serve you: Politely explain his job to him. You want Benghazi subpoenas for all witnesses! Congress has played footsie with Hillary and her ilk long enough. It is time the GOP House showed who is in control of the House, unless they want to give that to Hillary, too. Here is his contact info: 

Phone and Fax Numbers:Orange County: Phone - (714) 255-0101 Fax - (714) 255-0109
Washington, DC: Phone - (202) 225-4111 Fax - (202) 226-0335 

TWITTER: @RepEdRoyce 

Oh yes, send him here, too. We'd love to speak to him directly.


Be sure to also read the excellent Guest Memo from a reader 
(Pugs47, lifelong military man) immediately beneath the Daily Memo. BENGHAZI-TRUTH is more than one voice. BENGHAZI-TRUTH is America demanding justice and accountability for the murders in BENGHAZI!

Filed for Monday, Jan 7, 2013

MEMO TO GOP HOUSE: Hillary is not a star in the eyes of the law. She is not a celebrity destined for the witness stand whose busy schedule and absurd excuses are to be met by you with respect and humble apology for the inconvenience to her. In my humble opinion she is, as a politician, not nice. Yet the staggering objective perception, with your stalling on subpoenas and never questioning her "illnesses", is that you appear to regard her as all of these things. A star. A celebrity. A woman of divine character whose unsupported explanations have barely been questioned by you.

You also behave as though she is the only witness available for you to call to testify. In case you have not recently looked around you, aides are everywhere, there are generals who issued Obama's orders to stand down on the "NIGHT OF BENGHAZI". There is Joe Biden. Yes - gasp - he can be subpoenaed to testify just as Bill Clinton was over a ridiculous sexual affair being brought to a civil proceeding.  And, of course, there are the survivors of Benghazi, whose names Obama has not provided to you and whose names you do not seem to care about. Why not just write and pass legislation to define them as non-human entities unworthy of your concern? Surely Reid's Senate will pass it to Obama will sign it.

In my opinion too many of you are lawyers who have come to regard the general public and media as tough judges who will reprimand you, hurt your practice and hold you in contempt if you but utter a few truths forcefully in the public square. You can say things in the court of public opinion in ways you cannot in a court of law. Here are a few examples: 

1. "Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and all potential witnesses of the events in the White House before, during and after the Benghazi slaughter must be brought to testify! We are immediately issuing subpoenas!"

2. You do say, "The American people were lied to" in timid voices without naming names. Reality check: this is not how the world works. YOU SAY: "Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice lied to the American people! We will not rest until we discover the exact reason why our people were left to die and we shall hold and prosecute those responsible!"

3. If brave men who died saving Benghazi survivors had not disobeyed orders, many people would have been killed, not just those four. Who ordered a blanket death sentence for all those innocent civilian American government workers? For surely, if orders had been obeyed, all would have died.

4. Where are the Benghazi survivors? Obama's administration has hidden them away - somewhere unknown according to your own House Rep Chaffetz - away from family and contact - unable to even give a Christmas greeting to their loved ones - for four months! Obama's America is not the America we grew up loving. It is North Korea, or the old soviet Union, where people vanish in the night without a trace! Or Communist China, where even today, children with exceptional abilities are taken from their families to be athletes and scientists for the state, never to have the love of their families or live a normal childhood. That is Obama's sick and mad dream for America, and he proves it with each passing day. Obama will mock these remarks, but he will not tell you, the people of America, or your elected representatives, who the survivors are, where they are or why. That is not democracy. That is tyranny."

5. "If Obama let those four people die, and was willing to let dozens more who survived die - and they would have, had two brave soldiers not disobeyed orders and lost their lives saving them - then how can you trust that same President to give orders about your health care? If Benghazi is the measure of his heart, then we dare not let him take control of your lives with ObamaCare, because the chances are, for as much as he cares, that you will die as surely as they did."

I just said these things. It was that easy. It appears you will not because you have, by rationalizing, confused "terror" with "quiet resolve", "scared" with "careful" and "certitude" with the manifestations of confusion. But you must say those things. Why? Look at the image below. It is Benghazi Day Count 118, and it matters.

When we first started the "Benghazi Day Count", the "retweets" on Twitter were maybe 10 - 15 per Day Count, every day. 

Let me explain what a retweet is: It is not how many people see it. It is how many people send an instant copy to their followers who then see and some of those may retweet it down the line. This process rolls on and on until the interest is exhausted - until someone rediscovers it again. Most celebrities get maybe 10-20 retweets on their pictures. often less. Picturesque Kim Kardashian's image of her and Kayne got 50 at last count. Most others by her get 20 or so. Now, bear in mind that Kardashian has a mind-numbing 17 million worldwide twitter followers and yet the picture got 50 retweets total. This is true for most celebrities, though very few come close to her following. 

Now the Benghazi Day Count: In the first 24 hours Benghazi Day Count #116  managed 108 retweets. Our rough estimation is the message has so far been seen by over 300,000 people, assuming an average of 3,000 followers each. Many people have fewer. But many have many more, at approx 10,000, 12,500, 17,000, 22,000 and 29,000 followers each, to cite just five of which I am aware. 300,000 people made aware every day is clearly a modest estimate. Day Count #117 was when last checked at 98 retweets in 17 hours, same people average per number of followers per retweet. The retweet numbers are on a steady incline every week. Today we have #118. The day after will be #119. The day after that #120. Then #121. Then #122.  This will not stop. It costs nothing to do so finance cannot ruin the operation and the energy and anger will not go away, and people who were not aware of your failures are growing angry by the day. This has now gone from Obama versus the truth to becoming a matter of you versus the people who are  demanding that you do your job.

On election day, 2014, the Benghazi Day Count will be at #784. The message delivered on that day depends on you. We can stick it out if you can. We will. Benghazi-truth feels confident in assuming that you do not want to face the polls in your districts with by then tens of millions of people watching the Benghazi Day Count drip on endlessly, knowing you failed to do your jobs of oversight and investigation; failing to indict and prosecute, simply because you have grown fat and lazy and fearful in protection of an easy, country-club lifestyle on the backs of the people.

You failed us on Obama. You failed us on ObamaCare. You failed to increase the House majority. You failed us on the fiscal cliff. You ignored the fact that a duly elected law enforcement office with the third largest constituency of any law enforcement office in the United States - 5 million people - has determined after a 6 month investigation that Obama or someone on his behalf committed a felony forgery in the form of a cut-and-pasted birth certificate so obvious that Photoshop message boards were alive with the talk for months (you're being too timid on that one was pathetic and infuriating - Obama must laugh his head off at the notion of having such timid fools as adversaies).  If you fail us on Benghazi - an investigation given to you by God on a silver platter - the Tea Party will look forward to winning your primaries and sending you out into the world, where you, too, will face ObamaCare. Oh yes, you will, because if you do not think Obama will find a way to yank up your health care after you leave office by some executive order just to watch you suffer, then you do not know the nature of the - Obama's word for political opposition - "enemy".

Do your jobs. We pay you, and if you do not deliver on so easy a task as the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the deaths in Benghazi, then we will fire you, and you can suffer in Obama's world as we will suffer in Obama's world.

Time has run out as Obama, Clinton and the rest get their stories in order into an impenetrable wall of common-sense absurdities which are nevertheless legally unassailable. How wise have you been this far in predicting the future? Now is the time. If you fail us again you are out. The Tea Party has that power, and they are amassing again as you read this. 


Filed for Monday, Jan 7, 2013

In response to our request for Guest Memos, Pugs47 has responded with a terrific, passionate editorial from a lifelong military perspective which minces no words while being both determined and realistic. Benghazi-Truth is proud to place it here where it will remain for several days. 

I post on Twitter as Sergeant Major (@pugs47). I'm retired US Army Special Forces...25 years spread over 5 decades...tour in 'Nam...Jump Master 87 jumps...Top Secret Clearance...multiple deploments to Asia, mainly Korea and Thailand. I've been there, done that, burnt the T-shirt.

My politics skew towards Genghis Khan's. Since I live amongst Libs, Progs and Dems, I pretty much keep my politics to myself but this #BENGHAZI MASSACRE and its fallout has got me pissed off. 

Its one goddamn thing for OBAMA to hand out free cellies with the Food Stamps but its quite another to allow Four Men To Die In A Godforsaken Land where HE SENT THEM to Do His Bidding. And make no mistake, the Order To Stand Down At #BENGHAZI was given by OBAMA and one of these days I'll explain why.

Right now I'm focused entirely on obtaining some modicum of Justice for FOURDEAD@#BENGHAZI and I am finding the job difficult to do. The Main Stream Media has Blacked Out #BENGHAZI but what else is new? They are, after all, nothing more than sycophantic, obsequious, leg humping Lap Dogs to OBAMA.

What is of more concern to me is the lack of urgency, hell, INTEREST, amongst the House Republicans, including the so-called "HAWKS". They are dragging their feet, hemming and hawing, spewing bildge about waiting for Hillary to testify. In the meantime Clinton dances around them like a little girl around the May Pole, putting time and distance between her and #BENGHAZI.

I have a very close friend who served high up in Bush the Younger's Administration. When the Limo's rolled my friend's seat in the Order of Battle was next to Condoleeza Rice, third vehicle back. Though not in politics any more (she teaches) she still has her ear to the ground. I asked her what she thought about #BENGHAZI and this morning she replied:

"Hey, Pugs, I think everything is on hold until Clinton testifies. I think she'll have an easy time of it. No one wants to be seen beating up on the most admired woman in America -- God knows why she's got the title but she has. There will be some tough questions but I don't expect much to come of it. She'll be on her way out the door and I fear this whole thing will be swept under the rug."

Swept under the rug!?! Not on my watch! 

Of course, "Amateurs Discuss Tactics while Professionals Discuss Logistics" . It's one thing to say you'll fight for Justice @#BENGHAZI, quite another to figure out how. We are beyond Electorial Politics, but far, far short of Armed Rebellion. 

That leaves PROTEST, whether snail mail, e-mail, or Tweeting. I'm not one to stand on a street corner beating a bass drum, but I don't mind beating on a politicians' in-box. 

Almost everything I know about life I learned in the Army. There's no such thing as too much FirePower. In order to survive on the Battle Field you need to be able to Shoot, Move and COMMUNICATE. You don't HOLD GROUND, you TAKE IT. 

Find #BENGHAZI-Truth's list of Republican Representatives, pick three, and light up their ass with JUSTICE FOR #BENGHAZI tweets. You might not change minds but it's sure fun watching them scramble. Later on, we can gather and discuss more effective ways to get our point across.


Thank you, Pugs47! Some solid inside info, very well-written  and inspirational. Looking forward to the next one and hearing more about how the operational structure is such that the orders must have come from Obama. Seems like there aren't many people with credentials as solid as yours to speak to the subject, and people need to know. 

If you would like a showcase to make you views heard without needing to set up a blog, be reduced to few words on twitter or fight trolls on Facebook  leave your Guest Editorial Memo about Benghazi and we'll publish it here!

Filed for Saturday, Jan 5, 2013/Sunday, Jan 6, 2013 

WATERGATE TOOK A LITTLE OVER 12 MONTHS from the discovery of the break-in being tied to President Nixon to President Nixon's resignation. Benghazi is almost at the 4 month mark and we already have known for months that Obama, Hillary Clinton and Rice lied about the cause of the Benghazi murders - including the killing of a United States Ambassador! The GOP house has not issued a single subpoena. Not one. Not to any White House aides, not to Hillary Clinton, who has given 3 excuses for not testifying so far, not to Joe Biden, any generals - no one. We have only heard from two low-level lackies in a couple of short hearings and that has been it. 

During Watergate, in a tad 4 over months the chronology went from Oct 10, 1972, when the  FBI realized that the break-in was connected to Nixon's campaign to January 30, 1973, when former Nixon aides G. Gordon Liddy and James W. McCord were convicted of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping while five other men pleaded guilty. That was over a cover-up for a lousy break-in when one group of rotten politicians was trying to get the edge on another. No one was killed after pleading for help. No one scraped an elbow.

In 6 months President Bill Clinton went from testifying in a deposition to having to admit lying during the same deposition to a Grand Jury - over his relationship about a simple sexual affair arising from a civil case. No one during the Lewinsky scandal was sending calls and emails stating, in effect, "If we are not given reinforcements we are all soon going to die" as the civilian government workers were in Benghazi

Obama and Hillary heard those increasingly anxious calls for assistance. But Stevens and the rest were, in effect, being held prisoners in a shooting gallery: committed to their roles for the US and needing the money and resources to get out that were denied by that same government that put them there in the first place, denying them also the military protection needed in one of the most dangerous places for Americans in the world. They were trapped. The military was apparently ordered to stand down - in other words, in effect, specifically ordered to let Stevens die. 

That's when amazing heroes Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty sprang into action, arriving soon - as could have the military had Obama ordered them not to - and those two men saved an estimated 20 - 30 lives before their own lives were lost, with Woods found caked in his own blood, hunched over the weapon he used to desperately save the lives of others. Remember and never forget that if it had not been for Woods and Doherty, Obama and Clinton's orders would have resulted in a minimum of 24 (twenty four) deaths of non-military (civilians)because a minimum of 20 people were saved by Woods and Doherty - and they had to disobey Obama and Clinton's orders to do it.

Also, Watergate and the Lewinski scandal did not have the issue of a minimum of 20 survivors having been, in effect, whisked out of society, their names given not even to Congress - a normal process - in all this time. We don't know who they are, where they are or why they have been hidden away - and that is Soviet Union-style stuff, and this is real and now and happening. It could have been you or me. Next time it might be.

And what does the GOP House do in it's obligatory legal role of investigation and oversight? Chases singularly after Hillary as though she is the only witness while she leads them through a merry maze of absurd excuses. Dozens of people testified about Watergate from May through the summer of that year, but our stalwart GOP House doesn't seem to care about that. Two lackies and - maybe - one Secretary of State who has a history of bold-faced proven lying so profound as to make her testimony merely a formality of the process is the only target objective of their definition of "oversight" and "investigation". House Rep Chaffetz says his attempts to get the names of the survivors was thwarted by the Obama people. Thwarted - past tense - as though that is the end of the issue and to hell with those twenty people, who there are, where they are, what their condition is and what they may know. Pathetic and infuriating.

What does House Rep Rohrabacher say to me in our increasingly tense exchanges on twitter? He says the subpoena process is slow and needs to be done right. Well, in 4 months during Watergate the process went from identifying that the break-in was committed by Nixon's aides to sending several to prison in almost the same amount of time since we have known that Obama and Clinton lied about the cause of Benghazi. He says that we are being too impatient and that I don't know my history. Well, he pissed me off good and proper with that last one. I like Rohrabacher, but if he is go to get insultingly snippy with me he's going to hear about it here - and so will all of you. I invite Rohrabacher to explain why there are no subpoenas yet to Greta Van Susteren on her show, since Van Susteren - a high-profile lawyer - is herself saying that subpoenas are long past due. Make your point to a lawyer on her TV show, representative. Finally Senator Lindsey Graham says one thing: "Hillary Clinton will testify" - very unconvincingly - as though she won't lie and they will have instant success on her appearance alone, like the grand dame of all that is Right and Truthful. And Speaker Boehner says nothing at all.

One senses that what is happening here is that Speaker Boehner is a tyrant who is protecting Obama by withholding subpoenas and the Representatives, more concerned about damn dumb things like agriculture chairmanships, which are bestowed by Boehner alone, are too frightened and self-involved to speak the truth to the world, as they were cowed into re-electing him speaker for fear that they would lose Chairmanships if they dared to vote against him, as though not liking him made them unfit for their other duties not involving him. Others would call it by another name, but I call that tyranny.

TO THE GOP HOUSE: Obama cannot be let off the hook because Boehner is a jerk. We need a little old-fashioned Founding Father courage here, because if Obama is guilty of wrongdoing, his agenda stops cold, and the American people need that and you have no other way to do it.

You might also ask for his college records and passport to Indonesia when he was younger so you can find out if he should even be sleeping in the White House, if that isn't too anxiously terrifying a prospect for men who are more likely to soil their depends than stand firm on dependable spoil.

We want answers, Representatives, and we want some indication that you mean what you say. A little passion in your voices might help, too. You might also worry Obama in so doing, which is good, since as we all know, nervous men make mistakes.

We're all GOP elephants, here, Representatives  and as such we have long memories which will be reminded of this issue every day until the election of 2014. I will do it myself if I must - this issue will never lose it's anxious appeal to me, nor to millions of others. You do not want to test our resolve in 2014 if you fail now. The Tea Party is standing by, just itching to get rid of most of you when the next election comes. With a ruined economy and a laughing communist President making fun of all of us because you were unable to do a job so simple that people 40 years ago with a fraction of the technology beat you by a mile, you really do not want to fail now. It does not take much imagination to see what your political futures hold if you cannot even investigate an issue given to you by God on a silver platter.


Filed for Thursday, Jan 3, 2013

GOP, please follow the diagram and instructions:

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