Filed for Monday, April 29, 2013
IT'S TIME TO TURN UP THE HEAT. As you know from the last Memo, Kathy Amidon successfully outed Boehner's motivation for keeping from a vote HR36 - a bill designed to initiate a Select House Committee (like the one that got Nixon more or less impeached) - about Benghazi; amazingly, Boehner, a supposed Republican, is refusing to initiate the legal mechanism which would investigate Obama, a Democrat, because he knows the bill would pass on the floor of the House. In other words, denying the majority will of the people through their elected Representatives to have Obama investigated on Benghazi. So far more than half of all republicans have signed onto this bill - 129, a huge number well in excess of the "Hastert Rule".
This kind of fawning, sycophantic behavior toward Obama on Boehner's part has had GOP tongues wagging for months creating speculation of the motivation of Boehner protecting Obama from Boehner being threatened by Obama to being mentally ill (Benghazi-Truth's opinion based on Boehner's repeated uncontrollable public sobbing over the slimmest of reasons is that he is mentally ill, and Obama's people have experts in psychology guiding Obama on how to manipulate a person in Boehner's particular psychological state, which basically would wrap it all up these questions in one jigsaw puzzle completed).
But even if Boehner is half-crazy, the other half of him isn't, and even a moron can understand when his career is in jeopardy via public opinion, so in today's memo I am going to show you all how to do exactly what Kathy did - easily and entirely legally.
First, it's easy to imagine people saying, "Why are you putting such a dramatically powerful heretofore unused political weapon into the public hands? Might it not be misused by the liberal democrats against conservatives?" The answer to that is easy: it is the Democrats who have secrets to hide and Conservative Republicans who are in desperate need of having the truth be shared between each other and the world. The imbalance is so outrageous that the proportionality isn't even worth discussing.
The second question you might ask is, "Why Boehner?! He's a Republican! He's one of our guys " Well, I would disagree with all of that except his party affiliation. Indeed, our party, the Republican party, is so fragmented because of feckless country-clubbers like Boehner who play get-along while the leftists beat the living stuffing out of us that liberals have been able to exploit those divisions, driving some conservatives to start chattering stupidly about "third parties" while we know that any party that divides the right becomes the instant election victory card for every single democrat in the United States of America. The point here is we need to rein in our own before moving ahead against the enemy. This means putting a fire under the lazy get-along Republicans and get them to stop wandering the halls aimlessly and set them to their jobs with the kind of intensity that only comes with public awareness and pressure and the very immediate fear of losing an easy lifestyle that comes with that awareness and pressure. There is no point in doing this to Democrats because the media will cover for them. But if we do it to our own - Republicans - so they know a challenger awaits them in the next set of election primaries, maybe, just maybe, we can wake them up and get them off their butts. And that is what this is about, because once you eliminate the media cover and the lazy, timid behavior of the Congressional GOP, you strip away all of Obama's protection and the fact is he is perhaps the most politically - and legally - vulnerable President in the history of the United States: the economy because of his policies is a disaster, we are under regular attack by Islamic terrorists, this birth record is a criminal forgery, his background is a socio-political nightmare and he is - and here's where gets gets particularly important - almost certainly 100% responsible for the deaths of the people in Benghazi and apparently definitely responsible for the silencing and who-knows-what-else of the 33 Benghazi survivor-witnesses he clearly does not want to see testify. If Obama is impeached because of that the democrat party and media will be left in a smoking ruin and as conservatives that is just exactly what our target objective should and must be to restore the country as we think it should be. So we have to get our guys rolling.
What I am about to show you how to do should strike absolute terror into all but those with the most responsible congressional records. I want you to do it. The founding fathers want you to do it. The ghosts of the Benghazi dead want you to do it. The 33 silenced witnesses want you to do it. And future generations will thank you for doing it. You will be doing it to republicans. You will be doing it to expose them to appropriate public scrutiny to frighten them into doing their jobs.You are their boss. Literally. This is nothing more or less than the taxpayer/elected official version of a boss showing the worker something he said and did and demonstrating he or she has the power to have that elected official fired. No politician wants what will be said on the telephone to be broadcast to the world. That is what you are going to do, and they will become afraid for their careers and lifestyles and Benghazi will get the Nixon times ten treatment that it deserves and with God's help America will be set right again. That's the plan. Don't let your countrymen down.
1.IS IT LEGAL? That depends on where you live. What allows this is the "One Party Consent" law, which varies from State to State. All but 12 states allow recording a conversation if you, basically, agree with yourself it can be done and are a party to the conversation (recording a conversation in which you are not a part is called wiretapping and is not at all legal, but as long as you are doing part of the talking which is recorded it's legal).
The states in which it is not legal: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada (needs to be an emergency, otherwise, no), New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Vermont (There is no state law on this and federal law allows it, but it's included here to be safe about it), Washington State (not DC, the US Capitol, where it is legal, and to whom most of your calls in this matter are likely to be directed) and Illinois.
If you want additional reading or proof that you are not being led astray somehow by this blog, read these:
Are you allowed to make these conversations public? As long as you are calling a public office about public business, the answer is clearly a resounding yes. We're not a communist country.
1. A speaker phone.
Do you have a speaker phone option on your land line or cell phone? If not, a new speaker phone can be had cheap at Best Buy (you only need to plug it into an existing outlet, you don't need a new phone line)
2. A computer with a recording option as part of your built-in accessories (it's hard to imagine one in the last ten years that doesn't this is standard built-in stuff, so take a peek and see if you have it). You find it by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories (yellow folder icon) > Sound recorder. If you have a desk PC you might need a separate microphone. If you have a laptop it is almost certain your laptop has one build in. It's easy enough to check, turn the sound recorder on and start talking. Play it back. It's safe, no one else will hear it, it's within your own computer. If you hear yourself your laptop is like most and has a built-ion microphone.
So if you have a laptop, all you need is a speaker phone option on your home phone or cell phone. That's all you need.
Start recording. Dial the number. Ask Boehner's lacky (or whomever) what the rep's position is on House Resolution 36 for a Select Committee on Benghazi. You don't need to be Mike Wallace about it, so don't let lack of confidence deter you. Just do it.
This is so simple you have no idea. Go to www.youtube.com. Click "Sign In". Open the "Create account" or "Registration" option and just fill it in. This can be done by a novice in 5 minutes. Don't let assumptions about it being too difficult stop you - little kids can do. Try it. Simple. Then you will see a button called "Upload". Follow the prompts and click on the file you recorded (probably automatically saved to "My music" or "My video"). If you cannot upload, contact Kathy or myself on Twitter (@Kathy_Amidon or @FrankMDavisJR) and we'll sort it out in 2 minutes.
It probably won't take many of these audio/videos, maybe only three or four, before a very alarmed GOP House moves as fast as possible on Benghazi so this sudden power of the people is not felt so well by the people that Congress winds up having to deal with it forever; they would throw Obama under the bus in two seconds if they thought that was their future.
So there you have it. It's really simple once you start to do it. Just let the first step be followed by the next and you'll be amazed how simple it is.
Conservatives have been crying and pleading for fatcat radio hosts to bestow salvation upon them. Guess what? You don't need them. You can fix this damn problem for yourselves, easily. Remember, our nationally-covered FOX boycott resulted in FOX suddenly deciding that Benghazi was a bit important as opposed to not important at all - big change. Not long after the boycott got traction One America TV network announced it was coming on the air (coincidence to the boycott or causation? Who can tell?) and a week after I publicly suggested to Chuck Woolery that his agent should contact the Washington Times for a gig with them the Washington Times announced it was signing him. The point is that you have influence and power that you don't know you have, and it works. I can assure you that recording House member office phone calls and posting them on YouTube will get them moving on Benghazi and Obama's prosecution so fast it will be blinding. Trust me. Media is my business. I've been right before.
Boehner's DC Office number is
(202) 225-6205
I'm looking forward to hearing all your great calls on YouTube. Let the restoration of America begin!
Filed for Saturday, April 27, 2013
WHAT IS UP with Speaker John Boehner?! That's been the question on the lips of most conservatives for months, particularly since the advent of the murders by Islamic terrorists of Americans in Benghazi. In the interests of full disclosure, it must be said up front that Benghazi Truth was never a fan of Boehner years before there was an incident, quite frankly, in Benghazi:
Since Benghazi, as Obama's culpability has become more clear, Boehner appears transparently determined to replace the clearing fog with downright obfuscation and cover-up. We have written here before about Boehner's utterly apparent infatuation with Obama; he quietly reprimands the President as he is expected to do as the leader of the opposition, but with no force. Countered with bizarre public expressions of admiration for Obama's very presence - he truly takes on the face of a star-struck child gazing adoringly at a hero, we've all seen it, there's no point in being coy about it - Boehner's behavior has been easy to predict: he covers for Obama.
But prediction in the form of speculation and supposition are not the same as having a fact; a cold, hard fact in hand on which the sunlight glints and there is no vague mystery about it. However, thanks to Tea Party Fire Ants' Twitter team leader, the amazing and no-fooling-around Kathy Amidon, we essentially have that cold fact in hand.
Abiding by the legal demands of the One Party Consent Rule, which allows telephone conversations in most states to be recorded without the person on the other end being aware, Kathy called and recorded conversations with a person who calls himself "Rick" who answers the phone in not one but two of Boehner's offices - somehow. Rick in my opinion had some very interesting things to say, as you can hear. Rick, to begin with, denies answering the phone for two offices when he does just that, and Kathy catches him at it. Rick says a select committee would cost a great deal of money, but Frank Wolf rightly cites that it would cost nothing additional in the budget, since the allocations are there already and would otherwise go partially unused. But it gets worse. Much worse. And this is what is so important: Rick admits twice, speaking on behalf of Boehner, that if Boehner brought HR36 to the floor, it would pass! Of course it would, HR36 has 126 co-sponsors (most bills have two or three co-sponsors, so Boehner is really swimming against the tide)
Here is Kathy's audio recording with the two "Rick" conversations. Listen carefully, as Rick clearly has his marching orders from Boehner on how to handle such calls and therefore in effect speaks for Boehner as directly as anyone besides Boehner himself ever could:
So what do we have here? Just an argumentative lackey? No. Rick's job is to speak on behalf of Boehner when people call. Rick says that if HR36 was brought to the floor, it would pass, and then launches into a highly debatable point-of-view about hypothetical expended resources. What Rick does not do is admit his boss Boehner is thwarting the will of the American people and that is just exactly what Boehner is doing. All those other House Reps who Rick - speaking directly for Boehner - admits would cause HR36 to pass were each themselves elected. In that respect they are each and all equal to Boehner in the eyes of the Constitution. They are exactly what their title suggests: they are representatives. They represent the people in their individual districts. Each was elected to carry out the will of those who voted them into office. Each Rep vote speaks for many thousands of people. By denying HR36 to be brought to the floor because he feels he knows best on the merits of his own opinion when 126 of his peers representing about 30% of the total American population of 300 million citizens, he denies those people their chance to speak and be heard though their Representatives on the floor of the House.
There is a well-worn colloquial term for this which should signal the loudest possible alarm: it's literally called "tyranny", and it is real and it is manifest and it is happening and it is now. And it must be stopped immediately. I'm not being melodramatic; one man stopping all others from having their will heard and obeyed as a collective is what our Founding Fathers and earliest citizens suffered, fought and often died for.
We - the Tea Party Fire Ants - are working with Tea Party members in Boehner's district to send him a message, but if Boehner's office mouthpiece Rick speaks accurately for his boss, then faster, more immediate legal measures need to be taken.
It is our growing opinion that we all need to work the Twitter accounts of every influential House Representative to demand and successfully have an awkward but now entirely obviously necessary vote of no confidence for Boehner and have him removed as Speaker. We don't have years to screw around - this must be done now.
Whether covering for Obama or truly concerned about the measures of expense in a Select Committee it's entirely possible he simply does not understand, it is now, as of today, essentially proven that he is using his power to silence and unconstitutionally deny the voice of the American people by using raw, arrogant power to try to impede the most basic mechanism of our republic - the vote - to prevent from passage a bill which has more co-sponsors than most ten bills - which see a floor vote - rolled together.
Boehner must be convinced to allow HR36 to be voted on or must somehow have the gavel legally removed from his hand essentially immediately or ASAP. Obama rules by unconstitutional Executive Order and Boehner seems to be cut from the same cloth, following Obama's lead.
By any legal means necessary Boehner must be thwarted so the machinery of our American system can be allowed to resume. Don't be shy. It's time to get angry and it's time to get loud:
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