Saturday, June 22, 2013



Filed for Mon, March 11 /
Tuesday, March 12 2013 / Continuing
Bumped back to the top by request


Scroll down to the screenshots for the quick version.

UPDATE 1 (UPDATE 2 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ARTICLE): The Neilson ratings are in for Saturday, March 9, and by showing a general ratings drop of 21% for that day essentially confirm what we reported yesterday: The Tea Party FOX NEWS boycott slammed FOX NEWS, dropping it for those 2 days by 22%

In all reality, this should be a monumental accomplishment covered by all media. maybe the left snarks will chide FOX it, anyway. I'm confident FOX NEWS won't report it!   

FOR MANY PEOPLE, MEDIA SILENCE AND TIMID GOP BUMBLING ON BENGHAZI IS THE LAST STRAW. The message loud and clear to FOX: "Stop screwing around and start serving your core audience, or your core audience will take their business elsewhere."

People should also know how boycotts work. Just as boycotting a store is more than a popularity contest, the teeth of the argument lies in the downward hit on the store's profits, boycotting a TV show effects what the network can charge from their advertisers for air time: the better the ratings, the higher the price for the time, hence the huge amounts paid to air on Super Bowl. Fox is already down 50% of it's audience in 2 years. Can they afford another 22%, 28%, 39%, 50%? Can they charge big rates if no one watches at all? We'll find out soon enough, I suspect, by how they respond. 

By the way, as reported a week ago, this boycott had the support of Tea Party leaders around the country who represent more than 700,000 people. They delivered. The drop in FOX ratings numbers, on-average, hit that number just about exactly right. Let no one tell you it was anything but true conservatives who made this happen. Not only did it work, but we have a reliable operation, now, to do it as many times as we want, provided the Tea Party leaders support the boycotts again, which seems likely, since all conservatives are simply fed up with just about everything. We thank them for their support in this; In theory, whether FOX obeys its audience or not, this is stage one in turning this country back to the right. 

You can check the validity of the screenshots at this very reliable reporting site of Neilson ratings numbers:

As always, I give you the tools to prove the facts for yourself. Here is a free online percentage calculator, but you can use any and many are readily available. Just enter the rating number from any day on any show against the March 8 Boycott day numbers for the same show and you can calculate the percentage of the ratings drop. Always a drop, the boycott day never exceeds other day ratings.

SCREENSHOT 1 shows Friday, March 8, 2013, the first day of the Boycott. You will note that the numbers in this screenshot are lower and sometimes considerably lower than any others. These screenshots were not cherry-picked for effect, but to give a reasonable sampling. 
(Click each image for a larger version for easier reading)

Here is the day before, Thursday, March 7. While the numbers drop across the whole day, this sample shows the prime-time ratings, where viewer numbers are strongest. The difference between Friday's O'Reilly, Hannity and Greta (from this point onward, O, H & G) of 2,382,000, 1,633,000, 1,309,000 and Thursday's higher 3,087,000, 2,256,000, 1,747,000 is a drop on the Friday Boycott of 22%, 38% (!)and 25%, respectively.  

Here is Wed, March 6. We see the difference between Wed and Friday - Friday's loss - is O = 28%, H = 29%, G = 23%. No, the pattern developing is not a trick of the eye, the drop on each night compared to Friday is more or less uniform  except for Hannity's Benghazi special at 38%, which we singled out particularly for the boycott, because we're not interested in smoke and mirrors and shiny objects designed to fool the carnival suckers, we want the GD Benghazi witnesses to testify and we want them now; 6 months of Obama secrecy and game-playing is an intolerable outrage and FOX needs to do its part or prove itself irrelevant.(also, though, liberals would be less likely to watch something that upsets them like proof Obama was not a good POTUS during Benghazi, so I would split the difference between the 22% and the 38%)

Tuesday, same thing, more or less, O = 18% difference H = 24%, G = 17%

Monday, March 4, the same, O = 22%, H = 18%, G (a bad night for her regardless) = 9%

In the event that people say Fridays are different in the ratings, they can be, because it's date night, so shows/networks with a younger audience fluctuate wildly from week to week. Not so much for FOX because people tend to turn conservative from their stupid youth;  FOX's audience skews older, and are less likely to be going out on Friday, especially with kids at home. But guess what? Comparing the previous Friday shows the day of the week makes no difference - the boycott still smacked 20% plus from the network.

O = 21%, H = 22%, G = 20%

Rewind to Tues, Feb 26. Same thing. O = 18%, H = 24%, G = 10% (another bad night for Greta generally)

You will see there is a pattern of uniformity, on-average, in the drop between all other nights and the Friday boycott ratings, averaging around a roughly 22% drop on the boycott day of Friday, March 8, 2013.

Something else to be noted is that while liberals and moderates also watch FOX, Hannity, who draws the largest proportion of conservative viewers, takes by far the biggest hit from the Friday boycott. This demonstrates, again, almost conclusively, that the ratings effect was generated by angry and dissatisfied conservatives walking away. Bear in mind, too, that liberals were trying to artificially inflate FOX's numbers to keep FOX from becoming a greater threat by moving right, and their efforts were simply clearly overwhelmed on a massive scale. 

EDIT: The ratings for Saturday, March 9 are in and proves the success; the second day of the boycott, Saturday, also showed a 21% - 22% drop on average. To any reasonable mind, this proves it: the boycott was successful beyond anyone's wildest dreams and we can do it again and again and again until FOX gives this audience what it wants.

The week before the Boycott, prime-time

A week later, On the second day of the Boycott: 1,088,000

A total loss on the 2nd day of the boycott of 287,000 viewers is a second day loss of 21%.

Do angry conservatives mean that mean Ailes was correct to steer the network to the left? No, because as the demographics show, FOX's audience relies heavily on older viewers, and proportionately the older viewers lean way to the right. 

Additional points of interest: 1. Conservatives just made it clear that they won't hang around for FOX's hypocritical expressions of love, coddling them superficially while knocking their teeth out on substance. 2. We're going to keep boycotting, with longer day counts and with bigger numbers, until FOX meets our demands or conservatives realize they are happier without FOX and walk away.

Another thing FOX needs to bear in mind is that after every boycott, they are certain to lose a percentage of the audience that boycotted and lose them permanently; sampling from Facebook remarks and Tweets is that some felt a sense of relief not having to yell at a supposed friend every night for betraying them. As FOX allows this to continue by staying left  their audience will shrink until, hypothetically, they are battling CNN and MSNBC for moderates and liberals, and sharing their same pathetic, sewer-drain numbers, because the conservatives will have gone, and they proportionately make up the lion's share share of news talk generally anyway, just as talk radio is buoyed by conservatives seeking expression in a pop culture world that demeans them.

IMO FOX was quite stupid to let it go this far. Their audience now knows it has the power to make or break them, and will use legal boycotts like this last one to attempt to draw concessions, and this time we want more than the Benghazi witnesses - we also want to see Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his experts explain why a law enforcement official with the third largest constituency in the United States - 5 million people - and 30 years federal experience and 20 years serving his 5 million people found Obama's birth certificate to be a fake (the biggest non-secret in DC); we want FOX to get active as investigative journalists making life tough for Obama the way all reporters are supposed to make life tough for politicians; complaining with patriotic fervor of things which sound good but do nothing to actually put Obama on defense is unacceptable and those days are over. As of Friday, those days are over.

For a boycott organized in a week on social media started by a handful of people from a Benghazi internet site, bolstered by the immediate support of Tea Party leaders around the country representing hundreds of thousands, to dunk FOX's ratings by an average of a full, mind-shattering 22% across their entire broadcast day shows FOX is incomprehensibly vulnerable to the manifestations of audience dissatisfaction. My advice to FOX would be to straight up and go way right fast - really fast -  because when a situation has a security level this whisper-thin, control can be lost in a heartbeat.

We Boycott again soon. In the meantime tell everyone you know this boycott was amazingly successful and send them here to see and know the results with no question about the proof whatsoever.

MESSAGE FOR FOX: IMO your audience is now organized and holds all the cards, as has been entertainment tradition for all of history and as it should be. Your audience has tasted control and success in their expression of dissatisfaction to you. In my opinion the situation is plain: Do what they want or do without them. You are the Roman Gladiators, and the crowd in the Colosseum is about to give your ideological shift to the left a colossal  thumbs-down

UPDATE 2: The Tea Party made history this past week - REAL history, not screwing-around "ohhhh, Ahhhhh, isn't that interesting?" history. With a snap of their figures the Tea Party with no central governing force, just a date set and advertised, knocked FOX NEWS' ratings down by 22% and when the event was confirmed, in my opinion they stare into space for 30 seconds and go back to their same old habits. 

There is no way to win if victories are not celebrated and exploited. So far everyone seems to be waiting for someone important to tell them the good news because it's clear they won't believe it from me, the facts or each other. IMO, if you dio not celebrate this moment, don't dare ever open your mouths or go online to complain about anything - not ever again - because whatever befalls you and the nation will be your own fault for not seizing the moment when you had the opportunity.You have made history and only you can report it because FOX and thje MSM won't. You have to say it for yourselves. Rely on it.

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