Saturday, June 22, 2013





Fox News: If you don't think this is important, you need your collective head examined.

The video, above, is from news sources coming out of the Middle East, uploaded by Middle eastern news sources. Check the original upload date: Sept 12, 2012. This pre-dates when Clinton and Obama starting citing the excuse of the video as an explanation for the killings, and that timing suggests that Obama and Clinton were complicit with the Libyan Government in at least the cover-up.

Our pathetic media and leaders continue to ask and wonder,"Where did the talking points come from - the ones about the video that supposedly outraged the Muslim world?" It came from Libyan Government Propaganda - released mere hours after the Benghazi attack - which Obama, Clinton and Rice repeated to everyone including the United Nations by Obama himself.If you think it was a coincidence you're crazy; the world does not work like that, as everyone knows. 

Incredibly, this evidence was found easily by doing a specialized Youtube search of publicly available international news sources. This is something our media and politicians should have checked first. 

It is clear that the Obama Administration  appears to have been acting knowingly as the US distribution office of Libyan propaganda which blamed the US for instigating the killings of our own people. Interesting, it should be noted that worded differently, the part about blaming the victims for their own deaths is the same conclusion reached by the State Dept's own internal investigation which, in so doing, cleared itself. It's all coming from the same source: corrupt Libya propaganda sources.

Watch the video linked at the top of this article. Should this video, linked above, vanish from the internet, it will be replaced by our own copy which we will upload via the Fair Use Act. This is important.

The following may be dismissed by many as "internet conspiracy theory" and so be it. As someone with over 20 years media experience in competition-heavy NYC, at this point I could care less about the opinions of intellectually dishonest mainstream media. This includes FOX NEWS which pretends to be divorced somehow from the mainstream even though they have the highest ratings on cable, and who also manifestly ignore or even mock those issues which are truly politically damaging to Obama. Know it: FOX NEWS can be regarded, at best, as "Mainstream Media Light". IMO their posturing as anything else is an insulting con job to conservatives. The facts are what they are.

The Libyan talking points in the eastern television news reports are extremely precise and well-informed for the reporting on a "mob event" that occurred less than 12 hours before the Government made its explanation. They had supposedly in less than 12 hours pin-pointed a video which caused an outrage. But that video caused no mob protest and outrage, which suggests it had already been chosen to be the scapegoat "cause" of presumed premeditated murders by the Libyan government through terrorist operatives, otherwise the chances of all this hand-in-glove timing would be essentially physically impossible: too fast, too detailed for a Government claiming to have not even a single suspect from which to glean reliable information.

This probably explains why Obama and Clinton sent Rice out to repeat the bogus Libyan talking points. At least initially, it's clear they did not want to be found to be officially repeating the Libyan propaganda - which in-part accuses the west of starting the violence via an imaginary scenario which never occurred.

We continue to know that seven (7) hours went by in which Obama did not issue orders to help, but did apparently issue orders to stand down. There has been much speculation that Stevens was either involved in or became aware of gun-running sanctioned by the United States. 

Therefore, for Bengahzi-Truth, for whatever it may mean, there appears to be only one likely scenario now, as mind-bending as it may sound: This was a premeditated set-up to kill Stevens by the Libyan Government who had their excuses in place in advance, and the Obama administration was either complicit in the plan/murder itself or a cover-up after the fact. The Libyan government has too many of the usual unknowns accounted for less than a day after the murders for an outfit claiming to be unaware of who committed the actual crimes.  

The most alarming aspect of all this is that that all the surviving witnesses, flown out of Benghazi on a US C130, remain hidden by the Obama Administration after over 5 months - the most alarming fact after the murder since it reeks of a Soviet-style silencing of the witnessing (before you dismiss such a notion, never assume that "it can not happen here" - that is what the very well-educated German and Soviet people, who were well-read in the classics, art, philosophy and fashion, said before the streets ran deep in their own blood). Even Congress does not know who the survivor witnesses are are, where they are or why, though Congress has started to make it clear they're getting impatient on this matter, particularly, though even that seems Johnny-come-lately. Congress is usually apprised of the info of such info, according to House Rep Jason Chaffetz (R- Colorado), within 48 hours. It's going on 5 months. 

Unfortunately, all this plays into the idea that Libya and/or Obama wanted Stevens dead, and the presumed original plan was that all would die. Then ex-seals Woods and Doherty screwed up the plan by disobeying stand-down orders and rescued 20 - 30 unwanted witnesses with with which the administration has no plan to handle - witnesses Obama clearly does not want to speak, since witnesses from Algeria, for example, were made available immediately after that event. This scenario is now my personal belief of wheat happen in Benghazi and why. Obama does not comes from a peaceful political background or ideological outlook. Indeed,  he is the only President in US history to use the word "revenge" when discussing addressing his political opposition. The idea what he would - by an act of seeming negligence, done deliberately -  murder people who could prove to be politically difficult for his plans for re-election is not a remotely implausible theory to attribute to a man who advocates Revenge upon people for no other reason than they stand in the way of his own political ambitions. 

So, while the House dithers and FOX NEWS calls everyone but themselves "Mainstream Media", what is happening to these survivors? Will they turn up with "tragic brain damage sustained in the attacks" or will the world be told that the original records were wrong, there was only one survivor, in Walter Reed, and that all doctors agree that his brain damage was caused by the attack? Impossible? Ask the man who advocated "revenge".

The GOP House needs to issue subpoenas for Clinton (to return), a Grand Jury for Obama,  immediately subpoena the records that will identify the remaining witnesses - the C130 manifest and the FBI records to start - and subpoena them to testify and should not stand on ceremony. The GOP House needs to find its inner rage and they need to issue subpoenas for all of the above and they need to issue them now.

FOX NEWS HAS AN OBLIGATION TO INVESTIGATE.SO DOES CONGRESS. Many of us are tired of supplying Fox News with their ratings from which they glean advertising revenue and tired of paying for the electricity in the GOP house offices while both refuse to do the jobs for which they beg our attention and votes. Playtime is over. It's time to get down to work. 

FOX NEWS hosts and reporters - If you need to be given a template with which to set you to your jobs investigating Benghazi  just do this: All of you pretend that you are Dan Rather and Obama is a Republican. If I need to explain that, then please resign. We're running out of patience.

We're also tired of being asked to do your jobs for you as is apparent in the screenshots from FOX hosts and Rep Rohrabacher. WE PAY YOU BOTH. GET TO WORK


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