Tuesday, April 2, 2013



Filed for Mon, March 11, 2013

Original Day Count Graphic by Benghazi-Truth

IT'S THE 6-MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF BENGHAZI. So what do we know? And what do we not know? It's a long list, so hang on:

1. 4 people were killed in Benghazi due to terrorist activity.

2. 20-30 survivor/witnesses exist - somewhere - according to Hillary Clinton in her own congressional testimony and others, such as Rep. Frank Wolf. We also know in the most brazenly suspicious behavior ever manifest by a modern President, Obama refuses to release their identities to congress. FINDING THE BENGHAZI WITNESSES IS THIS NATION'S CURRENT #1 PRIORITY, BECAUSE WHETHER THE SAME MAN CONTINUES TO REMAIN PRESIDENT HINGES ON IT, AND ALL ELSE HINGES ON THAT.

3. We know that the media has remained mostly silent on this issue. Silent, that is, until the nightly Twitter activity of hundreds of patriots exposed FOX's silence to millions, and thus squeezed lame and shallow coverage from them - read below and look at the videos and screenshots if you're new here and are otherwise unaware of that fact - even FOX remained silent.

4. The mother of Sean Smith, slain information specialist, says she has been given no information beyond what little has come from the media.

5. We know that there are only a few voices in Congress taking Benghaz seriously,  whose interest waxes and wanes with the moment. IMO, Only Representative Frank Wold has been consistent and he has a Twitter account, so let him know you support him on his resolution for a GOP House Select Committee for Benghazi. Other powerful voices have been Ron Johnson and Senator Rand Paul. Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte have been good, but are growing shallow and need, IMO, a good kick in the pants to get back with the program. 

6. We know Obama, according to Leon Panetta's testimony, showed essentially zero interest in having anything done at the time of the attacks, and appeared to have made himself unavailable for the duration, coming out from hiding only hours after all were dead. The implications of this behavior are staggering and you can guess the multitude of very bad scenarios, from a frightened, arrogant man; to a man who was too stoned on Coke, a drug he has admitted using in volume; to a man who simply wanted all dead in Benghazi, which would explain the hiding of 30 presumably unwanted witnesses.

7. No family or friend of any of the witnesses - not military witnesses, mind you, but mostly, apparently, civilian witnesses - has come forward. This is extremely alarming  because it is not human nature for the presumably hundreds of people at least these 30 people have touched in their lives to simply all go silent. Someone wants attention, somehwere or a book deal, or is frightened for someone they like or love, or is stirred by conscience, or simply hates Obama's guts so much that they want to expose the Benghazi situation just to expose him. So we have a big problem: Hillary and Wolf's sources and others say 20 - 30 witnesses exist - somewhere - but no one in the world - anywhere - has stepped forward to even suggest they even knew so much as a single one of them. As melodramatic as it sounds, this now has every appearance of Germany in the 1930's under Hitler, and it's clear Obama grew up thinking tyrants were groovy - he essentially admitted as much in the autobiography someone else wrote for him. This reality does not end at the conclusion of this paragraph. It hangs like an iron fist over the nation long after you have turned the page.

8. There is one admitted Witness who remains in Bethesda Navel Hospital according to Clinton and now-Secretary of State John Kerry, and both Clinton and Kerry have claimed to have spoken to this one of the 20 - 30 surviving witnesses, but the person's identity remains undisclosed and Congress is being refused access. The reader needs to know that this kind of secrecy is absolutely unprecedented in the history of the United States. Congress is usually apprised of the names of such witnesses within 48 hours according to several GOP congressmen,such as was the case recently in Algeria.

9. We know, of course, that Obama lied about the cause of the killings, and this blog has pointed out with 100% manifest video evidence from middle-eastern television sources where the lie - blaming a video for the killings - came from: Libyan propaganda which Obama and Clinton dutifully parroted in a seeming collusion with the Libyan government, a government which continues to not prosecute a single of the murders, some of whom are not only hiding in plain sight, but are doing television interviews in the their own countries.

10. When tackled on this issue by an internet youth/blogger, Obama awkwardly tried to make Benghazi go away with the mind-blowing remark stating that there was nothing new to learn about Benghazi. It would be a joke if corpses and missing American citizens were not embedded grotesquely in the punch line.

This is only a partial list, of course. It could be ten times longer, and not a single point would be positive.

So here we are, 6 months later and the usual conservative conclusion would be to end with some defeatist remark punctuated with worlds like "never" and won't". NOT THIS TIME. Our activity has moved a few congressmen to action (we have people who know their people), we have a growing number of celebrities on our side with Twitter followers ranging from the tens of thousands to the millions and that Twitter activity cannot be silenced, stopped or overshadowed. We have squeezed FOX to take action and we will continue all of the above because the anxiety and financial consequences of this PR disaster for them is their problem, not ours, and as long as we stick to the proven strategy we must win. We have made headway as only the Tea Party can - as it did in 2010 - and that continues and grows, and we see cracks and crumbling in the resolve to remain silent from the congress and media; cracks and crumbling which are real, manifest and obvious, because all the world watches this on Twitter by the millions, and nothing can stop us - and they have few answers but their silence is destroying them.

Oh yes, we also know something else, albeit taught to us by our parents and grandparents: "the bigger they are, the harder they fall." This should be particularly of note to feckless and timid GOP congressmen in 2014, and a wise-guy President who will be at their congressional mercy if they will only but decide to invoke their constitutional power and properly investigate and prosecute Benghazi for what it is: a murder where responsibility in the United States so far points to a single person. The same person who is using his authority to hide the witnesses from the world. President Barack Obama.



Filed for Sun, March 10, 2013

Well, our Tea Party's FOX NEWS 2-day boycott ended at 6 AM this morning and we won't know if we made a dent until the ratings numbers for the weekend are released in a day or two. Was our advertising reach far and effective enough? Were people able to break old habits to send a message to FOX to TURN RIGHT? With 50% of FOX viewers already having abandoned the network for going left, were there enough people remaining willing to make a statement? And were the liberal trolls, in their last-minute effort to artificially inflate FOX's numbers to keep FOX on the left, effective? We saw their very energetic drive to counter the effects of a boycott which would return FOX to the status of reporting in a way which would be politically dangerous to their own causes by re-engaging a more active right-wing bias (as it should be, frankly, in a world full of networks which have a left-wing bias. We like to be fair, but we're not fools)

We'll have the numbers in a day or two, so check in often. In the meantime, if this didn't do the trick, the next one will, and the one after that and the one after that. If nothing else, libs artificially inflating numbers or no, FOX will see the slow erosion of their audience, because the libs won't stay with FOX forever, and the core conservative audience which does boycott, having found other avenues to engage themselves politically during the boycotts, will simply decide not to return to FOX.

Happily also, whatever the results of the boycott - a fractional amount of our overall activity - effects our nightly "Instant Internet Town Hall Meetings" on Twitter not at all. This Twitter activity, if you don't already know, is all about Benghazi, where we put the thumbscrews to media, left and right, as well as feckless and lazy Senators and Representatives. Our continued and dramatically growing efforts on Twitter are a complete PR disaster for each and every one of them, and there is no safety in numbers in this matter, because each have their own audience and constituencies, so therefore pointing around and saying, "Look, them too!" won't cut it. If you read this page regularly you know how FOX and Congressmen have now found it necessary to address us directly in whatever way they can to get us to stop. All but one, thus far: PRODUCE THE BENGHAZI WITNESSES. Probably because real work is a new concept to organizations and people accustomed to simply looking busy to win audiences and re-elections.

The final conclusion is we must win. The current PR situation for all, above, is entirely unsustainable for them and we, on the other hand, have time, and our determination, far from being diminished, only grows with each evening, as do our numbers. The reality is we can outlast them - the PR disaster is theirs, not ours. Sooner or later they must come to us, both on Benghazi and for FOX, to also turn right. We cannot be silenced on Twitter - it's impossible - and so therefore we will simply squeeze the Benghazi witnesses and an ideological turn to the right from them whether they like it or not. Incredible as it seems to conservatives who have gotten used to being silenced and rendered moot, it really is that simple, because we're right, and the right voice, determined, long lasting and uncensored, must win when it humiliates and degrades the opposition for all the world to see, and it is being seen by the millions. 

Benghazi is not the birth certificate issue or anything of the sort. Benghazi is the murder of an Ambassador; a murder about which the President lied, and then was found to be at the very least grossly negligent on a massive scale, and, increasingly, seemingly complicit. Obama has hidden the witnesses away for 6 months and we're tired of waiting for the truth. This is an issue made legit by the televised hearings with Clinton. And this issue is not going away because we are not going away.

We're going to stick it out for as long as it takes and we're going to win because those who would remain silent cannot sustain forever our Twitter activity calling them out before millions and no one can stop us. We're going to win. It's as simple as that.



Filed for Sat, March 9, 2013

IF YOU MISSED Hannity's show on Benghazi because you were, IMO, doing the right thing and boycotting FOX for 2 days, yesterday and today, to send a message to FOX to TURN RIGHT, a Tea Party group uploaded the show, in my opinion, as an illustration of poor media coverage of Benghazi. It is presented here, via the Fair Use Act.

Media is my business and Hannity's "Special" was extremely un-special and exactly what I said it would be: the same old information already known for months, repackaged for us as a "Special", marking the 6-month anniversary of Sept 11, 2013 on March 8, 2013, instead of on March 11, 2013. Clearly made for us and broadcast on the wrong anniversary day during the boycott in an attempt to beat the boycott. In other words a trick; a shiny object dangling and spinning, catching the light, leaving us in awe and breathless. They are treating us now like stupid children, and it's insulting and a journalistic outrage. The most egregiousness journalistic move, IMO, is in the final segment in which Hannity rolls out  two guys who were friends with one of the SEALS ("Oooooh", "Ahhhhh") but who have absolutely zero first-hand knowledge of what happened on the ground on Sept 11, but IMO posture themselves - and their brand-new book - like they actually do. 

IMO, what FOX has done with this "Special" is to be expected from a so-called conservative news operation which blatantly insulted its own core audience by mocking what proved to be true and then refused to report it: Obama's birth certificate has been proven every way imaginable to be a criminal forgery including by a law enforcement official with 50 years experience, 1,000 investigators at his disposal and a constituency of 5 million people. 

It isn't real reporting to do a show giving long-outdated and previously-known information, the most recent of which is a month old; this isn't 1937 where people needed to wait weeks for the latest film newsreel footage to be transported via cargo ship from Europe, developed, cut, narrated, printed and sent around the country to theaters so people could see and hear "the latest". This is 2013 and for this kind of thing to be happening when they can - and do broadcast - the latest from people in-the-know on tabloid murder stories of legless athletes and missing young girls around the world is an absolute outrage. Let them know your furious anger about all of this on Twitter.

6 months, 4 dead including a US Ambassador - the first killed in almost 40 years -100% proven, not speculated, lies by the Obama Administration including the President himself about the cause of the killings, and FOX is reporting with a great sense of urgency about how Lindsey Graham is going to send letters  to Kerry and Obama to talk to the witnesses, as if Obama won't throw them in the trash, shake his head with a grin and maybe throw his head back and laugh, himself incredulous at the frightened posturing of the GOP and his own unbelievable continued impossible good luck. Luck which should have been cut short by the GOP in Congress with subpoenas and a select committee months ago.

6 months looks like a cover-up by everybody and lazy journalistic tabloid pandering to an angry audience and the attempt to appear busy to their bosses by a feckless congress. If this slow and meandering drifting isn't replaced by intensely focused, sweat-producing energy and determination and fast, there will be hell to pay in the Neilson ratings and the election polls in 2014.

Linked via the Fair Use Act.(Embedding is not yet available on these videos)






Filed for Fri, March 8, 2013

FOX BOYCOTT, EDIT, 12:40 PM EST: Here are yesterday's Fox News prime-time ratings to compare to tonight's during the boycott.

You will notice that the three liberal news shows at 10:00 PM, rolled together with 1,959,000 viewers, beat Greta handily at 1,711,000 viewers. FOX touts "Number one at ten PM" often, and while that is technically true, it's still advertising BS in the real-world sense. For Fox to really be beating the competition, with right/left so utterly polarized in cable news, FOX should be beating the competition all rolled together, because the competition is hard-core, strident left and FOX is mushy right. FOX did beat them all rolled together once upon a time, when they were more right and their numbers were almost double what they are today, but no longer. FOX has gone left and the right is walking away from TV all together to find alternate avenues, so FOX better wake up and start serving its intended audience. Hopefully the boycott will serve as an alarm clock. otherwise FOX will ultimately utterly crash and burn in the ratings wars. It's simple: their right-wing core audience - us - are tired of their kind and gentle, moderate approach while the left beats the living shit out of us. It isn't complicated. More...

One of the great fictional moments that speaks as well as any to the issue of truth; a moment in cinema that  defined the ideals of political discourse for a generation, to give you some inspiration for the need for tenacity and dedication and as an illustration of just how far FOX has fallen for a so-called "conservative" news channel. Also, something to show the naysayers for attacking Rand Paul on his filibuster, which is not a display of bad manners, but American tradition of free expression at its finest. Only ours is not a "Lost cause", because our now-large group has brought FOX out from their Ivory Tower to spin us, debate us, appease us and distract us - by name. No Capra movie about the little guy making a difference was as true as what is happening between FOX and us right now.

TODAY BEGINS THE 2-DAY TEA PARTY BOYCOTT OF FOX NEWS, designed as a warning shot to FOX to turn right, as we, their conservative base, can make or break them, and we are unhappy with their hard ideological turn left.  Even the fact that they could turn left is distressing, considering they posture themselves on TV as driven by truth and factual reporting and being intellectually honest and pure. How can one be all those things, truly, and pivot on a dime away from the what you espoused for years as truth with absolute conviction just to accommodate Neilson and his rating system? Business is business, and media is my business, but the whole FOX shift stinks of a particularly unsavory form of a manipulative con game, sucking the blood from frustrated conservatives like money-grubbing vampires while denying those conservatives what the feel they want and need. Well, that's the world. No one is any different, generally. But if they are going to broadcast a point-of-view and influence the world with it, it damn well better be our point of view if they want our business.

Of particular interest is this very suddenly announced "Special" Hannity is running tonight, clearly very hastily thought up and put together  as they usually start to advertise Specials many days in advance.

This program is, IMO, designed to appease us and stave off the boycott. Now your question is, I would imagine, "How can your group, big as you all have become on Twitter, believe they are responding to you?" Easy:

1. They have already spoken to us directly on Twitter, Fox website videos and most specifically, on-air on television. Repeatedly.

2. They know more than any other thing, what angers us is their ignoring Benghazi.

3. Most incredibly  HANNITY IS ADVERTISING A "SPECIAL" MARKING THE 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 9-11 ATTACK ON BENGHAZI WHICH IS BEING BROADCAST ON THE WRONG DAY! That's right. Today - the night of the "Special", is March 8. The 6-month anniversary of Sept 11 is, unsurprisingly, March 11th - Monday. It is therefore the opinion of many of us that they chose the wrong day specifically to contrast with the Tea Party boycott and try to win back numbers. It smacks of a cheap trick and it stinks.

It is quite clear, IMO, that FOX has grown spoiled with the devotion of the right - though almost half their audience has left them in the last year - and takes us for granted on the idea that we continue to believe that we need them because only they, among the world of media  will love us. IMO they do not want us to know we have power or demonstrate it to effect. They want us to remain dumb sheep, "Ooohing" and "Ahhhing" every six months when someone makes an oblique reference to Obama's fake birth certificate as though such moments are the word from God, instead of we being furious that they continue to give Obama a free pass in all those things that could really effect him politically.

Remember, under FOX's reliable leadership  Obama won a resounding second term in the worst economy in our lifetimes.

My understanding is that DVRing a show does not show up in the ratings. certainly  like everything else, someone will put it up on Youtube. My guess is we're not going to hear anything new, anyway  if Greta Van Susteren's pathetic "repeat performance' the other night of her interview with Chaffetz is any indication (see previous Memo, below).

BOYCOTT TODAY AND TOMORROW so they - and world - know the Tea Party is still solvent and has real power. And keep demanding BENGHAZI and stories from them on the BENGHAZI WITNESSES every day.

Their defenders' responses will be "They covered it in a special, what else do you want?" I suspect I speak for many millions when I say, "We want Fox to turn right ideologically. They don't have to be 'balanced', we need them to be balance. In a world full of MSNBC, the networks, CNN, etc, who the hell needs to stare at ultra-leftist Bob Beckel's smirking mug while he swears in front of our kids on television?  We want them to know that we know that Arpaio is not some Podunk sheriff, but a skilled law enforcement official with 50 years experience, 30 of it federal, with a constituency of 5 million people and he has pronounced Obama's birth certificate to be a criminal forgery and every photoshop person, from tinkerer to million-dollar-expert agrees, and report it like a real live legitimate f'ing news agency, for God's sake. We want them to know that whatever dollar amount more Sarah wanted that they were not willing to pay to keep her could have been easily gleaned in a many harmless, cost-cutting ways. Experts - real experts, not crackpots -  have made a 100% solid case that Obama is using a social security number that cannot possibly belong to him by legal means. In other words, we want FOX to get with the God damn program and stop playing games. It isn't asking a lot. That's what we want." 

We don't know how successful this first boycott will be; it takes money and effort to get the word out and self-discipline to break old habits. But if the first one doesn't do it, the tenth one will. We're going to the mat on this. And thankfully, whether the first boycott is successful or not, a first-time failure will not effect our work on twitter. Twitter effects FOX, but FOX does not effect Twitter.




Filed for Thur, March 7, 2013

TOMORROW, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2013, STARTS THE 2-DAY FOX BOYCOTT.  There are little bits that need to be updated and reviewed, so I'll try to make this efficient.

1. The purpose, for those who don't quite understand yet, and to combat liberal trolls who want FOX to remain politically right were it is - a very moderate site that does little damage to Obama while still giving the left a media enemy with which to rally their own troops - this is not meant to crash FOX yet, just to warn them that conservatives want them fully back on the side that keeps them afloat - the right. It won't destroy FOX, so enough of that hysteria. This is just an attempt for conservatives of all types to flex their muscles and get from FOX a concession - broadcast what we want or we'll stop watching. Harmless,easy, pretty simple and effective.  

2.If you read this blog regularly, then you know we have definitely already gotten FOX's attention (read some of the screenshots in past memos, below). Knowing that, it is simple to deduce - or assume, IMO - that FOX's sudden extremely energetic interest in the Benghazi Witness - with no news event to precipitate it - is a response to us (Greta Van Susteren, the host of "On The Record" uses a Tweet from a CBS newswoman saying nothing new to qualify their sudden supposed burning interest). Or more specifically, to con us into not boycotting, and IMO a con it is. That's because...

3. They are made a brief, big superficial deal about the Benghazi witnesses, but in way whatsoever did they advancing the story. Greta Van Susteren flew down to Aruba, if I recall,  over the Halloway story - just the tabloid investigation of a single murdered and, with respect and in in my opinion, unremarkable person, except that it happened to a pretty girl, at the supposed hands of the son of a millionaire  in an exotic place. Typical "Tabloid". And then flew up to Alaska repeatedly to visit Sarah Palin before Fox threw Palin under the bus. Bethesda Navel Hospital, where at least one survivor is supposedly being kept - 6 months later?!? (I mean, really, are you kidding me?)-  is a mere modest drive away from the FOX studio in DC and Greta goes nowhere.

In fact, FOX has so not advanced the story of the missing Benghazi Witnesses - people who can tell what Obama did that resulted in the death of a US Ambassador and others - that this interview with Representative Jason Chaffetz from 2 nights ago...

... Is essentially the same as this interview with Chaffetz 3 MONTHS ago. Same questions  same answers, 3 months later.

Watch them both and be amazed at the showboating going nowhere. IMO it's a textbook illustration of absolute, pathetic, 100% journalistic stagnation. Had they been wearing the same clothes, based on the questions and answers, you would not be able to tell the two interviews apart, though months separates them. How many years are we supposed to wait on FOX? they still have not reported that a Sheriff with the 3rd largest constituency of any duly elected law enforcement official in the United States - 5 million people - concluded after a 6 month graphic/forensic examination and investigation that Obama's birth certificate is an amateurish  criminal forgery. 

On the same day as Greta van Susteren's interview, two days ago, earlier in the day afternoon host Megyn Kelly also made a lot of noise about it, also not news - Kerry had said he had spoken to the one survivor weeks ago, but FOX "breaks" it here like it's a revelation.

Is it my personal opinion that FOX is squirming under the Twitter pressure and threat of a 2-day boycott, which will awaken conservatives and remind them that they really have a tremendous amount of power - enough to bring a giant corporation to its knees? Yes, that is my personal opinion. And apparently that of thousands of others. And if you have been tweeting your congressman, Fox news or simply spreading the word on the boycott, you have that power, too.

At this point on the matter of the boycott proper we have solid confirmations of support of enough tea Party leaders that when their members are taken together, exceeds 700,000 members strong. Now figuring the reliability of that number is like guessing the reliability of telethon donation pledges before you get the money. People may decide to just "sneek a peek" at FOX and stay for hours. Or many hundreds of thousands more who are not officially affiliated with a Tea Party group will join in the boycott. The fact is we won't know until next week when the ratings numbers are posted. I susp[ect we won;t have the impact we need this first time around and will need to do one or two more. But then, tea party people mean business, so you never know. Until then, keep explaining this to people and get the word out.

Fox has tumbled in the ratings almost 50% since last year, as disaffected conservatives have walked away. If we demand concessions in the form of satisfying us as a conservative audience and back it up by slamming those numbers down further, one assumes they will have to act to appease us. But throwing us a bone on the Benghazi issue is not remotely enough. There is that issue which needs to be top priority, and to hell with all the cutesy-poo stories about legless murders in other countries. For some people, they want FOX to wake up and put people like Sheriff Joe Arpaio who used to be on FOX all the time and let him report the status of Obama's criminal forgery birth certificate, as good little honest reporters are supposed to, albeit a year and a half late. Getting rid of Rove and bringing back Sarah would not be such a bad idea, either. We want solid reporting that makes real journalistic sense and we want to watch a screen that reflects our values, not the faces of those who mock us.



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