Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Guest Memo by Stan Hjerleid March 13, 2013

Apologies to Stan  but I had to bump the info about the FOX NEWS boycott results back to the top because people were getting confused.

Filed for Wed, March 13
By Stan Hjerleid  


Two of the tweets I received this week concerning the Fox boycott were the following:

"I support your Benghazi efforts but I think you s/b boycotting other MSM, not Fox. At least they are trying!"

"I want truth on Benghazi too but why punish only network covering it?"

OK if you have been reading Benghazi Truth, you'll know why we are boycotting Fox. But it is my observation, most people don't read.

We need to be careful with how we can be manipulated by the media. Again Frank/Proe has covered that in detail on this blog, but evidently a lot of people are naive, me included, but I'm working on that.

Years ago I watched a BBC series called Century of the Self (search YouTube) that showed how media taught women to smoke and the techniques they used to indoctrinate the masses. This series also showed how those techniques were used by Hitler. The same techniques are being employed today. I'm not saying Fox News has this motive but it still behooves us to be vigilant.

Let's look at Sean Hannity's 'Special' on YouTube Part 1
I'm not accusing Sean, only pointing out that we need to be careful on what we see and hear.

Sean opened this 'Special' with a 7 minute dialog and stated:

"Just this week Fox News has learned from Republican lawmakers that they have not been granted access to speak to the survivors of the consulate attack"

Really Sean? Unless you have been living under a rock, we on Benghazi Truth have been asking about the Benghazi survivors for 6 months. And just this week Fox News has learned of it?

Another thing wrong with this opening statement: it wasn't a consulate attack; this wasn't a consulate, it was a mission or meeting place. The State Dept lists no consulate in Benghazi.

In this opening 7 min segment note the careful skirting of the survivor question and steering the conversation to return to talking about Susan Rice, Rice's Talking Points, and of course the infamous YouTube video. Out of this 7 minute opening, a total of 34 seconds was devoted to the Benghazi survivor issue including Graham's response. 2 (?) minutes were spent on events leading up to the attack, and about 2 minutes on the YouTube video.

Later in Part 3, a total of 8 seconds was devoted to eyewitnesses.

That's it. In this one hour 'Special' about 40 seconds of time was allotted to the Benghazi survivors. I don't know if the panel at the end mentioned survivors or not as I didn't watch and can't find a video of it.

So the biggest, most important Benghazi question 'Where are the survivors?' remains unanswered? Why? Is it a cover-up? Why did Greta and Judge Jeanine drop the survivor question? Why didn't Greta quiz Hillary about the survivors? In the end, you will have to determine for yourself if you are happy with Fox's coverage.

As near as I could tell, there was absolutely nothing new on Benghazi. This show could have been useful to someone that had not been paying attention to Benghazi and wanted to know about what happened. But an inordinate amount of time was again spent on YouTube Video and Susan Rice's talking points, both of which have been discredited repeatedly on the media. Why rehash all this old stuff?

I own a business and when customers speak, I listen. If someone complains or makes suggestions, I listen. I evaluate their concerns and if I deem them valid, make the necessary adjustments. When I deal with other businesses, I expect to be treated fairly and honestly. Be dishonest or break this trust, I take my business elsewhere.

Fox is a business. I am their customer. I hold them to the same standards. I expect honesty and fairness. Yes Fox is the best we have. But is that good enough? Since the election there has been a discernible difference in their coverage, more Left leaning. If we keep silent about their shortcomings, then they can get away with shading their coverage further Left. I for one oppose that. They can make adjustments or I will get my news elsewhere.


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