Tuesday, April 2, 2013



Filed for FRIDAY - SUNDAY Feb, 15 -17 2013


TELLING THE RIGHT WING MEDIA HOW TO DO ITS JOB in public is done on a regular basis casually online among conservatives, but it's time we stepped up the game and started making the activity a bit more formal and direct. Hannity, O'Reilly and the rest at FOX NEWS have created a pretty cute game: blaming "mainstream media" for faults of which they themselves are also guilty, while they themselves, with the highest ratings on cable, also absolutely qualify by any measure as "mainstream media". Repeat: Fox News is also Mainstream Media. Play-pretending to not be what they are while projecting their own failures on others has got to stop.

Here are 2 very recent examples of the media handling Benghazi, a right way and a wrong way, from February 14, 2013 - last night as of this writing.

The first one is HOW YOU DO IT RIGHT. It is the excellent Bret Baier on his nightly cablecast interviewing Benghazi hawk GOP Senator Lindsey Graham - Graham one of the few true heroes exposing the Benghazi outrage.

Baier asks Graham what needs to be asked: What about the survivors? Benghazi-Truth only gives this exchange a 70% approval rating because it discusses only procuring the now-hidden records of the FBI/CIA questioning of the witnesses the night of the killings, and not the more salient issue of demanding that the Obama administration release the names of the witnesses so Congress can call them to testify directly. But compared to other news outlets and Fox personalities, it's badly needed Manna From Heaven.

IMO here now is how it is not done. When some of us tweeted Greta Van Susteren, the 10:00 PM EST host of Fox News' "On The Record", she, in her brief responses, gets clearly snippy and asks us - the people - to basically set up an interview for her worth probably a million bucks. That instead of doing the kind of investigative journalism she has displayed on things such as the Van Der Sloot case. IMO, disgraceful responses (click each image for larger, easy-to-read images).

After this first exchange, Greta took what looks at first blush like a meaningful first step, but without mentioning this most important possible of political stories on her TV show, only the following Twitter post, she appears to be only throwing a bone to look busy so she no longer has to deal with the issue thereafter. In the new global town hall of Twitter, assuming your audience is stupid enough to not see this for what it is, is IMO not the way to do it. 

EDIT: TONIGHT, SAT, 2/16/2012: Tonight on Twitter we were attempting to persuade Judge Jeanine Pirro to report on the issue of the Benghazi Witnesses on TV, and at the end of tonight's TV telecast, she addressed us directly and said.... EXACTLY WHAT GRETA SAID, ABOVE, ESSENTIALLY VERBATIM: "If you know a Benghazi Survivor, have them contact me."

Until we can get the video (which you can presumably see on the Sunday night rerun on FOX), all I can offer are at this moment screenshots of the twitter exchanges where she twice, albeit cryptically, mentions the above-quoted remark,"If you know a Benghazi Survivor, have them contact me" although e devoe mentions her remark directly (highlighted in green) Click for larger version:

Now what is one to make of this? Coincidence is impossible of course - ridiculous - as asking the audience to do their (host's) research and set up their interviews is utterly unprecedented at this broadcast level. For both hosts to make this case two nights apart is IMO no possible coincidence. There seem to be only two possibilities for these two to give the same responses: they are either friends and Greta came to Pirro's "rescue" from the bad conservatives who are hounding them to do their most basic job to expose a catastrophic scandal by providing Pirro with the same terrible response she gave us on twitter, above, or FOX, Newscorp or a/some Fox News Exec(s) has(have) sent down the apparent company line on the Benghazi Witnesses: "You do our work for us & we'll do a segment on it on TV and reap the benefits. Maybe. No promises." Unbelievable. 

One thing is for sure: we are making a difference. We have had support and dust-ups on Twitter with Congressmen and celebrities. Now we are being bullshitted - almost by name - on National Television. Presumably if they do not edit it, you can see this moment around 9:50 - 10:00 PM EST on the Sunday Night rerun on 2/17/2013 of Justice With Jeanine Pirro on the FOX NEWS channel.

As always, I remain convinced, now, as do many others, that Obama wanted the people in Benghazi dead. With so many options to save them, it seems that the only way they could be dead today is if he wanted them dead. Here were just a few of Obama's options to save them:

1. Remove them from Benghazi when Britain realized the danger was so severe they pulled their people out.

2. Remove them from Benghazi when Stevens sent his first cable saying they could not survive an attack they felt was coming

3. Remove them from Benghazi when Stevens sent his second cable saying they could not survive an attack they felt was coming

4. Send them military protection when the first or second warning cable from Stevens came or when Britain got out.

5. Send them to the Annex and fortify the Annex with military when the first or second warning from Stevens came.

7. Send military immediately when attack first detected.

8. Immediately contact the Libyan Government to help by sending armed Libyan military to consulate and Annex (the fact that Obama did not contact Lybia until the next day, when all were dead, and Lybia did not contact him, knowing what was happening in their own country, suggests a possible - perhaps likely -  collusion between Obama and Lybia in the killings)

And now that we know there are 25-30 survivor witnesses, confirmed by Hillary Clinton in her congressional testimony, who have not been seen or heard from for 5 months after the military flew them out. Not one stepping forward to tell, not one requested by Obama to tell a story, Obama fighting Congress to keep their stories from being heard. For all we know Obama has had them all killed and is waiting for our interest to get distracted and go away from Benghazi. We have nothing to go on but a pop culture assumption that Obama must be too good for that because he's our President, and from Hitler & Stalin onward, we have seen what happens when "enlightened people" look away from the facts.

IMO, if left to people like Greta van Susteren and Judge Pirro, Obama will get his wish.

On Monday, President's Day, we want to get everyone who comes in once in a while and tweets with the crowd and make a huge crowd activity of it, Tweeting both GOP congress and Media.

Join us.


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