Tuesday, April 2, 2013



Filed for Wed, March 20, 2013

THE 2ND TEA PARTY FOX NEWS BOYCOTT STARTS TOMORROW, 6 AM EST, March 21, 2013 and continues through 6AM EST, March 24, 2013. 

Boycott #2 promo art sized for your Facebook account

I'd like to clear up a few repeated questions and address a few issues before the date of the second Boycott.

1st: Coordinating Tea Party leaders across the country and bringing the world's largest news organization to the table by slamming their ratings 22% for 2 days is no mean feat. It goes without saying that there are implications of tremendous power and prestige in such an accomplishment, and already we see a few medium-sized activists and groups advertising the 2nd Boycott and forgetfully failing to mention where it came from and who was responsible, using the vague "join US" which itself has different implications. 

The boycott originated here, under me, using media skills honed over many years. However, the person who earned the credit for making it happen among the grassroots activists and bringing it to life is primarily Kathy Amidon, whose combination of marketing skill and good will among the Tea Party bigwigs brought the concept to life(she previously arranged, for example, for Newt and Callista Gingrich to supply personalized autographed books for prizes for a series of conservative online challenges I devised, and it was Kathy's support which made those challenges extremely successful.) Tea Party Fire Ant / Conservative activists on twitter, Janson Smithers, Sgt Major, Stan H., Mom Mary, Sounding Aloud, Betsy, B.P.,and a few dozen others independently and under Kathy reached out to Tea Party leaders and we managed to bring together 700,000 of their closest friends to boycott, knocking FOX ratings down 22% as a boycott warning to meet our demands. 

The credit goes to Kathy. For sure.  Follow her on twitter: @Kathy-Amidon and accept no substitutes. 

2nd, people ask why not all mainstream media? Why just Boycott FOX? The answer, again, is that FOX needs the Tea Party/conservatives more than the conservatives need FOX after FOX turned left, basically selling out the people who made FOX successful in an attempt to earn an extra buck. FOX is extremely vulnerable to these boycotts while the rest of the MSM doesn't need us at all, to speak of. If we want a voice between now and July 1st, it must be FOX, and if they don't, they can watch us migrate to the upcoming conservative network, One America, starting July 1st. 

We have seen FOX suddenly get very loud about Benghazi after the 1st boycott, but conservatives are conservative because they are not stupid.  We recognize, easily, loud noise which is low on substance. In other words, by whining loudly about Benghazi without the kind of hard-hitting investigative reporting that brought down Nixon over Watergate, what we are seeing from FOX IMO is smoke and mirrors; a trick, to fool us into dutifully genuflecting at their alter of their arrogant hosts who throw us crumbs with one hand while insulting us with the other. If we want FOX to get serious, we're going to have to keep hitting them hard. And that is just exactly what we're going to do.

3rd, we have reasonable expectation that this boycott will be more devastating than the last one. While many Tea Party groups together invariably must overlap, the number of pledged groups this time is about twice what it was the last time. I won't make a prediction about the numbers, because when we saw that the 1st boycott knocked FOX down by 22% you could have scraped me off the floor. But it happened. Probably because people are so sick of FOX betraying their trust for a buck that they were just waiting for someone - anyone - to say, "Do it now". We did, Kathy was brilliant at coordinating the campaign and we're going to do it again. And again and again and again and again and again and again, each one longer, each one with more participants, until FOX meets our demands quickly or simply vanishes. July 1 is around the corner. The fact is that their elimination by their own hand is easily sustained now, because One America is coming; OA saw the vacuum FOX created by moving left and swooped in to fill it. We may, in fact, be seeing the end of FOX, because once their ratings are no longer a threat to the left, the left will stop "monitoring the enemy" and then FOX will have no one left, IMO, and their numbers will make MSNBC look huge. And good for them, because FOX did the unthinkable: IMO took for granted, eventually insulted and then eventually betrayed the audience that made them successful. I have never seen any history of a media, entertainer or news or entertainment organization whose behavior has been, IMO, so outrageously unconscionable and contemptuous.

Send the message to FOX: TURN HARD RIGHT - Benghazi, birth certificate - all of it, 24/7, like a serious news organization going after a politician which has always been the job of the media - or just go away.

Oh, yes, you can stop talking to us like we're stupid children while you're at it, too. 

Backstabbing friends are something conservatives don't need. We have enough of those already.



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