Tuesday, March 12, 2013

archiving the first if the FOX NEWS boycott

Filed for Sat, March 2 & Sun, March 3, 2013

A smattering of important info today. First, in big news, Breitbart has reported that GOP House Representative Frank Wolf, long cited at the bottom of this page as a hawk on Benghazi, has done a critically important thing weakling Boehner and crew should have done months ago: He has written two letters worthy of being called events on this subject, and they would have been called exactly that by the left-wing media if this had all happened under Bush.

The first letter shown is a letter to John Kerry, fresh on the job as Secretary of State, replacing Hillary Clinton, requesting the names of the Benghazi survivors. I feel confident that he won't get it from Kerry, of course, who IMO will punt with a slim and unconvincing explanation to Obama who will ignore it, but this is a hugely significant important first step in one of many avenues available to pursue. If nothing else, it adds to our ammunition on twitter by being able to say "It's been three weeks and Obama has ignored repeated requests from McCain, Graham and now Frank Wolf". It sounds minor on the surface, but we have already seen cracks and even some crumbling on this issue on Twitter by Fox hosts and GOP reps and senators - those foolish, enough, quite frankly, to stick their necks out to debate several dozen people making them look like irresponsible, secretive, fraternizing fools.

Wolf is anything but those things. Here's his excellent cover letter to Republicans which accompanied his letter to Kerry (I have created images from the PDF files for those who may have older ACROBAT readers or slower internet speeds. Left Click on the images to enlarge and read)

Here's his equally powerful letter to Kerry

Be sure to tweet and otherwise contact Representative Wolf and support his actions. The brave few need to know they have millions of us at their backs. It's lonely going it alone. Give him the strength to do all he can.

THE TEA PARTY BOYCOTT OF FOX NEWS FOR TWO DAYS this coming weekend (not this one) continues to grow and get steam.

Regarding that, many of our people are running into minor but growing resistance on Twitter and that was to be expected: People mocking Benghazi like they did the birth certificate; saying nothing will come of it to demoralize out efforts (they should read Wolf's letter). Left wingers who know a good thing when they see it in FOX NEWS remaining quiet on those issues that hurt Obama, and so pretend to be patriots, and crying out passionately like a two-day boycott of FOX NEWS would destroy their only chance of salvation. They are the enemy, of course, who go through these make-believe histrionics to frighten people into inaction - an old trick we have seen repeatedly for two election cycles online, now.

As anticipated and apparently leading the charge to ensure that FOX does NOT change its middle-of-the-road, protect-Obama ways is Dakota R, apparently supported in-part by throngs of apparent one-shot wonders who throw themselves at her feet only to vanish into oblivion (we saw the same seeming thing on Facebook during the election: a single figurehead whose word was supposed to be the final say in anything - a very efficient way to control propaganda. (we work differently as you know. Kathy and I lead generally, I here, she on Twitter - from different parts of the country - but we try to make as many voices heard as possible. Sgt Major gives this blog the military perspective (my specialty is media). We will have another soon giving legal perspectives. IMO our apparent opposition can't do that, of course, because if they organize like a business, someone might one day expect them to get something done. 

I ask you to challenge these people openly on Twitter and ask them any of the following what which we - any of us - will answer anytime:

1. How can FOX NEWS be on our side when they pushed Romney, threw Sarah under the bus and refuse to speak on the issues that hurt Obama - the Benghazi witnesses, Obama's birth certificate and Obama's social security number? This is not a rhetorical suggestion - ask them!

2. Ask what they have done to advance the word. "Working hard with patriots" is not enough. What results have they gotten? "Educating America" is not an answer; show some sign of real impact outside their own group.

3. Ask them why they do not join our crowd - we used to extend the offer until Dakota had twitter send me to Twitmo suspension (yeah, that's right) - and hold right and left congressmen and media accountable for the slow progress in Benghazi.  Go ahead - ask them what they do. But be prepared for an insult and beratement by a mob instead of an answer. That's how ACORN works: control the issue with straw man arguments and fake leaders who lead nothing but loud, meaningless blather to see nothing on our political side is actually accomplished and attempt to humiliate dissenters.

However, should any of those attacking our efforts ever grow a conscience and want to help in ways that are positive and results-oriented, America can use all the hands-on-deck it can get.

SPEAKING OF RESULTS, if you follow this blog regularly you know we have a growing list on congressmen, celebrities and FOX NEWS hosts who either support us or mix it up. One of the great surreal experiences in all this, IMO, has been our dealings with Greta Van Susteren, who I once rather liked for covering news without head-lolling fervor. However, as you know, her way of dealing with the issue of the Benghazi witnesses has been less than stellar. I really need to tell this in numeric bullet-points:

1. Got snippy.

2. Asked us to find witnesses for her so she could get interview (I still can't believe that one) 

3. Blocked a few of us on twitter.

4. earlier this week she dropped the "follow us on Twitter" suggestion at the end of the show which has been a long-term mainstay in her close-outs.

5. Then, perhaps in response to me (yes, I did it) citing the fact on Twitter, she put the "Follow us on twitter" back - but in the segment before the close-out. My opinion is that she did not want to look like she was hiding from her own audience on Twitter, but did not want to leave people with the idea to go on Twitter and see our tweets. IMO she preferred instead to make sure the final audience impression was to go to her blog rather than Twitter.

6. Tonight she was out and the fill-on host took a new approach: Follow Greta using the hashtag #Greta! Now unless she is the only Greta out of hundreds of millions of Twitter users, that won't amount to much. IMO it was again intended to appear to not be hiding while avoiding having her larger TV audience start asking her what many others already do: "Why aren't you covering the issue of the missing Benghazi witnesses?"

What is remarkable - and another example of our effective now-large-group effort - is that that this is all we are doing: asking her to cover the issue of the missing Benghazi witnesses, and if she won't, why not? It isn,t like we are harassing her (read the four-letter epithets other hosts and people like Trump tolerate daily in a country with a 1st Amendment!), personally insulting her, or the like. We as an audience are doing what audiences have always done: demand what we want if they want us to "pay the ticket of admission" so to speak. However, the way she appears to be twisting terribly in the wind rather than cover the answer or explain convincingly why she won't is positively remarkable.

This whole situation has become, IMO, surreal. From Representative Rohrabacher telling us he was not aware that there were any survivors and "now is not the time" to issue subpoenas (he's supposed to be a Republican!) to many other things, to watching the seeming endless tortured contortions of van Susteren to, now, apparent ACORN-style trolls online pretending to be conservative and bemoaning a boycotting of Fox News that will last all of a mere two days and designed to send a message from the audience that we want them to be more conservative, has been astounding.

I have no doubt that for whatever reason van Susteren will not have Rep Frank Wolf on her show, who has been a repeated guest on many national news talk shows, to discuss the Benghazi witness pleas he wrote to Kerry - which is definitely news. It is only my opinion, but this whole thing about the Benghazi witnesses stinks of a cover-up that is truly massive and extends well outside the walls of the White House.To bad those involved have to deal with us on twitter, where they cannot censor our remarks, which get seen by the world.

If there is any movie speech that speaks for us and this movement, it is this. You you feel the same way, join us.


Stay tuned. Here, not there!

Filed for Wed, Feb 27, 2013
EDIT/UPDATE Fri, March 1, 2013

I am leaving this at the top because unless breaking news happens, we want to keep the Tea Party 2-day Boycott of FOX NEWS front and center until it happens next Friday and Saturday. This update is to announce that Tea Party organizers,  libertarians and just about every kind of conservative have been enthusiastic beyond anyone's wildest dreams. So far any negative response to the 2-day boycott of FOX NEWS has been at maybe 2% of those who have responded. Granted, of course, those not in favor of sending a loud and clear message to FOX to TURN RIGHT are less likely to say anything at all by a large margin. But even that being the case, it seems that one could glean that a minimum 50% of the current (remaining, as many have already abandoned FOX) FOX audience are in favor of the boycott. If even half of those respond, that would drive the FOX ratings for the 2 days down 25%, which is a devastating percentage to lose simply because audience members are fed up. Almost unheard-of in television.

I add only this today, additionally, to what is written below the boycott banner: there will be a temptation to turn on FOX to see "What is happening with the boycott". Naturally, tuning in defeats the purpose. Rest assured if no one else tells you, you will know what will happen by reading here, because when today's (Friday's) and tomorrow's ratings  are released, I will post them here ASAP. Then we will have today and tomorrow to compare against next Friday and Saturday and comparing ratings numbers is the only way to find out how the boycott is going or went; FOX won't tell you. So please do not tune in to FOX at all next Friday and Saturday. Friday is a weak day entertainment-wise on FOX anyway, because little breaking news is released on Friday, and Saturday's shows are repeated on Sunday, so you won't miss much if anything, but your absence on those days will send a powerful message to FOX which could shake the rafters even though they will not announce that news.

If you are a Tea Party person, libertarian or other Conservative and want your only TV media voice speaking for you back again, forcing FOX to come to us is the only way top do it, and a boycott - or series of boycotts if they fail to respond - is the only way to do that.

Get the word out. Obama's agenda must be legally stopped, and that will be many times more difficult as long as FOX continues to make loud noise about tabloid journalism but refuses to deal directly with those issues that can actually damage Obama politically.

Tea Party leaders and people all over the country are getting on-board at record speed. We can do this. Consider this an Instant Tea Party Rally about FOX being too far to the left. It's "Instant": just add YOU.

AS PROMISED, we have gotten enough thumb's up on this idea from Tea party organizers and various others around the country to lead this announcement. The art above speaks for itself in terms of the basics, but I'll elaborate anyway. This is our first warning salvo to FOX that we won't be taken for granted. This isn't some hollow threat on the internet: we have their keen interest now, and if you follow this blog you know that (if you're new here, read a few of the memos below and you'll see the very manifest proof of that) and interest in this idea has been uniformly enthusiastic from Tea Party organizers since we floated the idea. 

First, let's be clear, Fox News has been no friend to conservatives for a while now. The degree to which they embrace RINOs like Karl Rove - the "loser" as Donald Trump calls him; pushed Romney (a good man but not in any way whatsoever the conservative's conservative to be sure); mocked millions of us by calling us crazy over the Obama birth certificate issue which while still, incredibly, unreported, has nevertheless proven us to be right - the birth certificate is a fake.  Certainly if George Bush, too, had a social security number from Connecticut as well, CNN would be all over it. Indeed, with many times more contributions from Fox bigwigs to Obama than Romney, Fox might have covered it much more as well. As it stands, they have not covered it at all of which I am aware. They very recently apparently threw the brilliant and beautiful Sarah Palin under the bus - an unspeakable act - and on top of it all they are actually fighting us - yes, us - in their resistance to cover the issue of the missing Benghazi survivors - and the survivors are the only ones who can say what really happened in Benghazi, give justice to the dead and hold Obama accountable for what happened. That last one is the last straw.

Clearly utterly unprepared for the evermore powerful effects of our Twitter activity every single night, their very badly conceived responses have been a wonder to behold, with Greta and Pirro giving the most incredible one, as you know: (paraphrasing) "Send us the name of a Benghazi witnesses and we'll talk to them - maybe." Now there's investigative journalism at its finest.

The timing of this boycott seems about right, because unless my ears played tricks last night, for the first time in ages Greta tried to corral her viewers at the end of the show exclusively to her blog where she has the kind of censorship control she cannot impose in twitter. What she forgets, of course, is her audience is us, and we're not happy. I actually expect, in short order, the other hosts to drop twitter references on-air and find alternative outlets in which they can be totalitarianism masters of free speech in their own little universes. Therefore, it's time to go for something bigger, now. And make no mistake, this is not harassment and is totally legal. For centuries before there was a United States of America with it's First Amendment, entertainers have always been at the mercy of their audience. 2,000 years ago a thumb's down from the crowd sent a defeated gladiator to his death. Shakespeare's audiences hundreds of years ago could be merciless to even the Bard himself when he  was not up to snuff. In Victorian England - and in its last days at the same time in the Old West - a bad comedian would get eggs and boos hurled at him and the call would go out to "Bring on the dancing girls". What does Fox do when their jokes, so to speak, are no good. They look the audience in the eye when the complaint is heard and says, following the metaphor,  "If you don't like our jokes, send us some different ones and we will perform them for you, maybe, no promises." In the old days people walked out of the theater in protest. They still do. And theater owners and show managers learned and still learn their lesson  Now it's our turn to teach Fox a thing or two; THE AUDIENCE IS NOT HAPPY.

What is happening on twitter is clearly slowly becoming a PR disaster for them and every move they make demonstrates it's clear they know it. Now, while rare momentum is on the side of the Tea Party conservatives, it's time for the next step: not just to boycott them for two days, but let them know we are doing it. Let everyone know that the Tea party, libertarians and other free American citizens are going to boycott the RINO news network from March 8 to March 10 so they will see the correlation in their ratings drop and know that besides the PR disaster befalling them on twitter, we can shut them off as well, and if we conservatives shut them off, they know in time we can shut them down. Their financial situation would become a disaster, as their advertising revenue is based directly on their ratings scores: the bigger the ratings, the more they can charge advertisers. Fox is a very expensive operation now, and if Tea Party conservatives who are a fundamental foundation of their audience walk away, their house of cards immediately collapses - and they know that, too. Even a loss of 10% - 20% of their audience on the days they know we are boycotting would - or at least should - send screaming sirens all through NewsCorp. They would - and may - deny it, but then they told us Obama's fake birth certificate was worth a damn, too.

They have done worse than take us for granted, IMO (and again, media's been my biz for a long time), they have manipulated us: they have mocked us, chided us, embraced candidates we told them we did not want while at the same time they tell us without them we have no one in the world to love us. Well that's bullshit; we have each other and a world of solid and reliable alternative media that grows every day, as they were once the alternative before they betrayed us.

So that's the deal: conservatives all over America will send a warning shot across their bow: fly right or do without our money, and convince your advertisers you are still solvent without us. How will you know how successful this has been? Well I for one will post the ratings numbers and links here, like this one.


One presumes Fox would be ratings-sensitive right about now:


Here is a graphic for your Facebook account, btw, if you have one, sized just exactly right:

That's the plan. TEA PARTY, TAKE BACK FOX, TAKE BACK AMERICA. If Fox won't play  the show our way, we'll go somewhere else and to hell with them. 

Let the games begin.


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