Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Filed for Thursday/Friday, Jan 31/Feb 1, 2013

Please share so we're all on the same page strategically.

Ancient bamboo copy of "The Art of War" at the University of California, Riverside

"KNOW THY ENEMY" is a famous quote attributed to an ancient Chinese military treatise by General Sun Tzu called "The Art of War". It states, fully, "Know thy self, know they enemies. A thousand battles, a thousand victories." In The Art of War, there are several chapters which even today are regarded as a pretty good template for winning a war. While those who physically murdered our people in Benghazi reside in other countries, those who are keeping us from knowing the truth live and operate right here in the United States. Obama once referred to Republicans to an Hispanic audience as "the enemy", while feigning, Satan-like, the accent of those to whom he was speaking to gain their trust. By Obama's own political precedent  then, we can refer to Obama as "the enemy" who is keeping us from knowing the truth, and keeping us without the facts he is, clearly deliberately. Therefore, it might be of some value to apply the tactics outlined in "The Art of War": to the legal and political strategies to find out what happened in Benghazi. 

First, we need to understand that we have two enemies: Obama, and the GOP House which seems determined to do nothing. This is not an assumption wrongly concluded: Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator John McCain, Senator Kelly Ayotte and other very high-ranking Senators are furious about the Administration's handling of Benghazi. Graham has vowed not to confirm any Obama appointment until the person presently in that point, if in anyone way knowledgeable about Benghazi, has testified before the Senate, and this includes Leon Panetta.

However, the House is a different matter. The degree to which they are not fulfilling their exclusive congressional oversight obligations is becoming a nightmare. Nowhere is this better illustrated than the following exchange from three nights ago between patriots, led by Kathy Amidon, and so-called ranking Republican House member Dana Rohrabacher, whose insensible defenses for not issuing subpoenas, rude and sarcastic demeanor and absolutely not credible claim - illustrated in these screenshots - that was not even aware of the Benghazi survivors until the time of this conversation - three days ago - is infuriating, clearly punctuated by untruth and makes him a clear example of someone who is an "enemy" (your first instinct may be to assume that this is not the real Representative Rohrabacher, but if you check that account, you will see it is followed by his daughter and at least one other rep, Jason Chaffetz, so this is the real deal):

Click on any of the images for a larger, easy-to-read version.

What we have here, absolutely incredibly, is this: a confirmed ranking Republican member of the US House of Representatives, the job of which is oversight and investigation, claiming - literally - to be unaware of the fact that Benghazi survivors even existed - not until Hillary testified months after everyone else was talking about the survivors, but - until after  when a video of Hillary confirming the fact, was made available to him by - pardon my french, but I must -  shoving it under his big fat face on Twitter at Two O'Clock in the frigging morning - a time of day, IMO, which  demonstrates that the Rep does not take his job seriously. That is what we're up against, and it's pathetic, infuriating, and screams "replace me in 2014", whether because of seeming unbelievably lazy oversight incompetence or apparent lies because for whatever he may not want Benghazi investigated while Senators of far greater prestige than he has are demanding it. For anyone anxious for  justice for the Benghazi slain and the release by Obama of the Benghazi witnesses who remain - where, nobody knows, not even congress - Rohrabacher is an 'enemy".

What would Sun Tzu say about this? Let's apply the themes of the chapters of his masterwork to the quest for attaining Benghazi-Truth:

Laying Plans/The Calculations explores the five fundamental factors (the Way, seasons, terrain, leadership and management) and seven elements that determine the outcomes of military engagements. By thinking, assessing and comparing these points, a commander can calculate his chances of victory. 

Way: motivate GOP House; Season: Now; Terrain: varied depending on Rep's political constituency leanings; Leadership: Find the Benghazi hawks and support them; management: motivate yourself into taking action on twitter to talk to the Reps as soon as you are finished reading this article.

Waging War/The Challenge explains how to understand the economy of warfare and how success requires winning decisive engagements quickly. This section advises that successful military campaigns require limiting the cost of competition and conflict.

Way: Convince the GOP House to act quickly and stress that our money is being wasted by their delays as surely as it will be spend investigating and prosecuting. More money, still, will be wasted by repeating these mistakes if we do not find out not just how they were caused, but who caused them, because those mistakes will continue until that Person is legally removed from his authority to make such murderous blunder - if it all wasn't intentional anyway - and that includes Obama.

Attack by Stratagem/The Plan of Attack defines the source of strength as unity, not size, and discusses the five factors that are needed to succeed in any war. In order of importance, these critical factors are: Attack, Strategy, Alliances, Army and Cities.

Way: Attack: convince the GOP House to prosecute Benghazi; Strategy: Tell them Tea Party candidates will be found NOW to challenge them in 2014 primaries if action is not taken immediately. There is no longer any reasonable excuse to delay.

Tactical Dispositions/Positioning explains the importance of defending existing positions until a commander is capable of advancing from those positions in safety. It teaches commanders the importance of recognizing strategic opportunities, and teaches not to create opportunities for the enemy.

Way: Never give an inch of ground in an argument, as Kathy demonstrated above. It's easier to get-long, harder to fight, easier to destroy, harder to create. They work for us. You are the boss. Give it to them straight: work or be fired, not give excuses and be re-hired. It's as simple as that.

Energy/Directing explains the use of creativity and timing in building an army's momentum.

Way: Get all your friends involved on Twitter, Direct message them and Group tweet to set up times to gather on the reply area of a GOP House member and have a discussion between yourselves. Talk of how the GOP needs to get to work on Benghazi, and name any great replacements from the tea Party that could be offered in in 2014 to replace them. Do it in public on twitter. In other words, scare the living shit out of them so they get off their asses and get to work.

Weak Points & Strong/Illusion and Reality explains how an army's opportunities come from the openings in the environment caused by the relative weakness of the enemy in a given area.

Way: This was demonstrated by Kathy who boxed in Rohrabacher by fairly exploring his own claim to not know that survivors existed by making him appear ignorant in front of his constituents, either by pointing out the true ignorance or by causing to backfire the lie of ignorance. Either way, it put the Rep into an untenable position which can now be fairly exploited forever.

Maneuvering/Engaging The Force explains the dangers of direct conflict and how to win those confrontations when they are forced upon the commander.

Way: There are few direct disadvantages in confrontation in this war, but if you are uneasy about it, get a friend or two to join you in  conversation in the response area of the Rep's latest post; talk about how poorly they are performing on Benghazi and agree with each other that a tea party alternative must be found quickly to replace that Rep. Doing so in public like that is good motivation for the rep to do his or her job of oversight and investigation.

Variation in Tactics/The Nine Variations focuses on the need for flexibility in an army's responses. It explains how to respond to shifting circumstances successfully.

Way; once again, Kathy showed how by throwing a video up when the Rep made the astonishing remark of being unaware of the survivors. Ask twitter friends for a video that makes your point if you feel stuck - we'll be at your side in moments.(I DM'd a video link to Kathy, for example)

Start talking to your twitter friends now, choosing a Rep or group of Reps, and start calling them out now. Re-election to their easy jobs on the backs of the people is all politicians have ever cared about. Threaten that and they will work. This is nothing new. Doing it on twitter may be.

See you on the battlefield.



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