Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Filed for Monday Feb, 18 2013



Let us look with unabashed candor at just exactly what it is we, as Tea party conservatives, managed to help inflict on ourselves by not being as politically activist in 2008 and 2012 as we were in 2010, and cite what Obama has done in 4 years. 

Yes, what we have in part done to ourselves, because we have sat too idle, to be blunt about it. While 20 million of us listened to Rush,  liberals were brainwashing the other 320 million who were not. While we watched FOX News as though they were a conservative outlet, they mocked the birth certificate issue, refused to the cover the very viable question of Obama's social security number, gave people like Sharpton a platform into television legitimacy and now ignore the alarming missing status of the 30 Benghazi witnesses - US civilians all. We attend rallies, talk online, call into talk shows and get together all and openly with each other when we should be shouting all day at congress, tweeting people outside right wing political groups, challenging the media in front of the world and calling FOX out for being exactly what it is, IMO: Mainstream Media Light, and sometime not-so-light.

So on President's Day, let's view Obama through the same prism that he told Hispanic democrats to view us: as the "Enemy". Here's a point-by-point re-assessment of Obama on President's Day.

1. He is clearly using a fake social security number since he was not living in the state it was issued - and has never lived in the state it was issued. His political activist/terrorist/communist pal Bill Ayres is on record as saying that using the identities of dead people is one way he established new identities for Weather Underground members who then went out and bombed public places.  Obama has a fake social security number.

2. He is hiding his records which would confirm or disprove what Sheriff Joe Arpaio - who has the 3rd largest constituency of any duly elected law enforcement official in the United States as well as 50 years of federal and state law enforcement experience - has concluded with his experts: Obama's birth certificate is a fake. 

3. Obama forced through Obamacare when 75% of American people polled made it clear they did not want it. This from a man who as a Chicago Senator promoted the idea of infanticide - killing - innocent babies who survived abortions. This is not internet craziness, there are videos of he, himself, making the case back in the day when he was open about his views.

4. Obama's ability to affect a confident swagger while blatantly lying through his teeth about his - non-existent by any normal standard - accomplishments is breathtaking. As time has worn on and he has grown more comfortable in his role, he has clearly lost the - frankly insulting -   "white man accent" he affected in 2008 and now sounds in tone and cadence much like an obnoxious drug dealer on a playground, lolling his head arrogantly while punctuating sentences with the word, "man". The professor is gone and the punk is back.

5. While the nation spirals into an historic great depression, Obama has taken more vacations than any President in memory, and this is a clear window into his lack of any ethics or conscience: these vacations for a President are incredibly expensive, running tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars. Planning, security at every stop and with him, the operation of Air force One, his accommodation - even the food he eats needs to be bought and prepared carefully for security reasons - nothing is left to chance on an incredibly vast scale. In other words, he is living large and partying on the tax money of the people whose financial lives he's ruined, and he clearly feels its his ethical right since he has the power to do it.

6. He has basically gutted the space program we need to defend ourselves from sophisticated nations, and has - apparently intentionally with very bad motivation - put us at the mercy of Russia's space program. Yes, that's right - communist Russia, currently presided over by Putin, a warlord-minded ex-KGB officer; the same KGB who routinely interrogated hundreds of enemies of the state at any given time by strapping them to electric bed springs which were wired for electricity. That's not rumor; CNN and others reported such horrendous torture devices in the KGB Headquarters when the Soviet Union fell. That is the man to whom Obama has ensured we must go to protect ourselves from..... him.

7. Obama is making a seeming power-mad grab for the guns people own. We know why we have the right to bear arms - so we may protect ourselves and our families from our own Government should the government fall into a tyranny. There has not been one time in history when a leader took guns from the people and it turned out to be a good thing for the people. What happened, for example, is that they would up strapped to the electrified bed springs in the KGB headquarters.

8. Obama may be crazy. Literally. For real. Watch this for yourself. If you think he is acting normal in this collection of clips, then ask those who love you if you are acting normal.

9. Obama has seemingly made every move a President could make to ruin this nation financially. The most troubling thing, particularly, is that is how communism teaches to defeat a free, capitalist nation: ruin the capitalist economy and replace it with a communist model. Obama is 100% on-track and if he is not stopped he will likely see to it that he succeeds before the end of his term, because as disturbed as he clearly is, he seems to do nothing without a nefarious plan at the center of his motivation.

10. Obama seems to want the power to do something both chilling and incomprehensible to the American mind: he appears to want the power to arbitrarily determine who constitutes a "threat" ("to the State" as they said in the Soviet Union) with no due process whatsoever and use drones to kill those people within the boarders of the United States. Now, absorb that for a moment. Let it settle. Let it settle firmly. Obama apparently wants to be able to murder any citizen of the United States he simply does not like, and do so at will. If this comes to pass, we will have entered into our own moment where we will have become, IMO, a high-tech version of Hitler's Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union. That's not an exaggeration. When a President gives himself the power to kill anyone he wants at will, we are Nazi Germany. Remember, the Russian and German people were not uneducated peasants. They were well-learned, versed in the classics, quoted the great philosophers in casual conversation and were sharp in the arts, fashion and higher learning. But they could not come to grips with the reality that Caesars still could exist in their wonderful countries, and millions of those same people payed for their self-assurance by dying horribly, their stiff, naked corpses piled high in concentration camps by the tens of thousands. If Obama gets the power he seeks, we only have his word that he will not behave like Hitler - there is no other governing agency that can stop him. If Obama gets that power, only Obama can stop Obama.

11. Finally, there is Benghazi. An Ambassador and three others are killed and the first thing Obama does is lie about the cause for two weeks, including to the United Nations Assembly. His talking points about the cause are, as Benghazi-Truth discovered manifestly - no doubt - lifted directly from the Libyan propaganda issued within hours after the deaths with a degree of detail impossible to be known to a government that did not even know who the killers were. It was a lie, known as a lie for other reasons also, acknowledged by mainstream media, and Obama repeated the Libyan lie,and that makes Obama and Libya appear to have acted in concert in the murders. Obama had every chance to save those murdered in Benghazi as we have detailed here. He chose not to, obviously. And the filmmaker who was blamed by Obama on false pretenses and whose life has been ruined is in jail for his "crime" where his life remains in mortal peril, and Obama does nothing to help him.

And now we call out on twitter for hours every day, "WHERE ARE THE BENGHAZI WITNESSES." Thank God we are making a little progress in eliciting Congressional response and public awareness. Most agree that if Obama broke any laws whatsoever in Benghazi, that his Presidency probably screeches to a fast and final halt. That makes the prosecution of Obama on Benghazi a bit more pressing than justice for the dead - it means perhaps literally the survival of many still alive. We have no idea what Obama is capable of if given unlimited power, but he seems to want to stretch his hand out and grab anything that he can which gives him power for its own sake, and that, IMO, makes the situation appear rather dangerous.

So if you see someone Tweeting a Senator, Rep, any public figure, regarding Benghazi  don't just "favorite" and "Retweet" it, find your voice and add your own comment, because it is in large numbers where we can be truly successful in turning the tide on Benghazi. The life you save may just be your own.

Happy President's Day.

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