Wednesday, March 13, 2013


This is an archived Memo from the parent blog, Go there to read the latest and see the results of the CONSERVATIVE "FOX NEWS, TURN RIGHT" BOYCOTT! FOX DOWN 22% DURING TBE BOYCOTT. No internet craziness - a proven fact!

Filed for Mon Jan 16, 2013

I am taking this blog off-topic for once, but only slightly. Benghazi is in many ways very much about armed people protecting unarmed people from other armed people. So is this.

Depending on when you read this, Obama reportedly will or has used children as propaganda props to sell the idea of the first step of de-arming the citizens of the United States when he announces his intention to use executive orders to take away the most effective guns to fight a tyrannical government: assault weapons - because we "don't need them to go hunting". This would have been like our Founding Fathers taking away muskets and telling the people of their time that they could catch animals with traps and knives as an excuse for seeing to it that they could not fight back against the tyranny of a government gone wrong.

Politicians have always kissed babies to look loving and sensitive, that's nothing new. But at no time in the history of this nation has a President been so brazen and so manipulative as to use the image of children to soften resistance to people having their weapons taken away. Until now. 

But it has happened elsewhere. 


Once the people were disarmed, Hitler killed 5 million Jews.


 Once the people were disarmed, Stalin killed 20 - 40 million of his own Russian people.


Once the people were disarmed, Mao killed. Final death toll? Nobody knows.

Today Obama uses images of himself next to children to sell the idea that people will not need guns because he will love and protect them, and that guns hurt good people who love their country. This is exactly what Hitler, Stalin and Mao said before they murdered countless millions of their own people. As Obama gave a stand down order in Benghazi  assuring without a doubt that Stevens and the rest would be murdered, do not assume that Obama is not cut from the same cloth. And when 2 navy seals broke ranks and saved 30 survivors who were witnesses to the events in Benghazi, Obama ordered them whisked off, and after 4 months not even Congress has been told who or where they are, information that is usually given to Congress within 48 hours, according to GOP House Rep Jason Chaffetz. This elimination from the world, of witnesses, and apparently their families, is just exactly what people experienced under Hitler, and Communists Stalin and Mao - and don't assume the media back then told them any more than most of society is getting right now. If not for Fox News, Chaffetz would have had no venue to tell what he knows of this tale, and FOX is a shaky source for truth at best.

When this very disturbing video came out:

It was mocked for seeming like this:

Mocking it was the wrong response. It should have sent out alarms, but like the victims before us whose fate we may also share, we as a society are too frightened and angered by the emotional pain of disappointment when our expectations for a safe immediate environment are confronted by unpleasant reality - so most reject the reality to make the pain go away. The common-sense understanding that Nazism was a strict but benign necessary political construct is how the German people in the late 1930's reacted, certain that their enlightened society would ensure that such nightmares of which some were warning were no longer possible. It's the mistake that the Russians made when they were certain that such a loving man as Stalin, with his wide and charmingly, thickly moustachioed smile, could very obviously never be such a monster. It is the mistake the Chinese people made when they awakened one morning to discover that believing evil among their leaders was impossible was the only choice left allowed to them by the state. 

Those people not so long ago did not live in the stone age. The elites who espoused the tyrants and the media that self-censored itself to the accommodation of dictators were generally intelligent, very well-educated, versed in the classics, poetry, drama, followed style and fashion and regarded their technological age, decades well-into the industrial revolution, as far-removed from barbarism. They, too, mocked the town criers as crazy people and assured themselves that murderous Cesars could no longer be a realistic possibility to the common-sense citizen until the streets ran deep in their own blood.

In every way, now, Obama has been found to be following, point-by-point, the strategies used by and behavior exhibited by those evil, murderous tyrants: His election was marked by intimidation and fraud as the dead voted again by proxy though Obama operatives; Obama's sometimes rambling and unhinged speeches were marked by words like "revenge" - when he was already the President; he has demanded total media obedience, and when Fox News resisted, Obama and his operatives tried to convince America it was not a legitimate source of news information; he is bypassing the legislative process to rule by fiat, already in violation of Constitutional restraints and so far unchallenged by congress; he has ruined the US economy seemingly in pursuit of a communist political structure in America which demands that the capitalist economy be decimated before communism can be ushered in to replace it; he has reduced to rubble our space program and ordered us to now rely on communist Russia to handle everything from our communications satellites to space defense systems; ObamaCare is nothing more than the same socialized medicine used by those prior Tyrants to allow opposition members - or people in areas heavily populated by those known to be among the opposition - to die for need of help while those who support the party are allowed to thrive and vote again in larger proportionate numbers; Obama has politicized religion, and now in Obama's America Christians clinging to their Bibles and supposedly oppressing good people are Obama's stereotype equivalent to what Hitler's stereotypes of Jews were minus the demand for their extermination - for now - and what all religions were to Stalin; Obama lives like a prince with vacations and extravagant personal luxuries without conscience on the tax money of the people whose lives he ruined, as did Hitler and as did and do the Soviet/Russian leaders in the splendor of the palace-like Kremlin while tens of millions starved and froze to death, without work or sustenance; and political enemies - from alleged former homosexual lovers to Bill Clinton's best friend Bill Gwatney, whom it is rumored by those who should know was going to make an announcement that Obama was not eligible to be president - have been murdered.

And now our benign fearless leader, up to his neck in the worst possible political associations imaginable, from communist/terrorist Bill Ayres to "mentor" Communist Frank Marshal Davis, whose "poems" were virtually love letters to the murderous Soviet Red Army, surrounds himself with children and assures us for their sake that he will take away America's weapons because they are now unneeded in our modern and enlightened society because our loving and benign President will protect us from all who do - and say - bad things; just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

How do we know that Obama's intentions are for freedom and not tyranny, love and not hate, good and not evil? I use one benchmark: when our people in Benghazi called for help, he told his military specifically to not help them. This was not an unsuccessful attempt to save them. In my opinion it was deliberate murder, because his order was essentially an intentional death sentence for those people and everyone knows it, and instead of an explanation, he lied and told us his orders to the military were to help them. Everyone, including congress, has openly acknowledged that as a lie and other Benghazi lies from Obama, so if you are reading and don't already know all this, be apprised that what you are reading is not internet conspiracy theory. This is fact.

Also fact is the reality that the saved witnesses - unexpected survivors from the Benghazi attack in which Obama clearly made the conscious decision that Stevens and all the rest be killed - have vanished once taken away by the military on Obama's orders. Again congress does not know who they are though everyone agrees the survivors exist. Also fact. Also fact is that this is the kind of thing people experienced in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia and China. Will Obama go the full course and have their memories erased by any number of means which will also remove their identities? Or are they already dead, awaiting an announcement that their hospital had a "disaster"? - but they will be remembered in a somber ceremony by the man likely to have ordered their murder - just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did. Until the unthinkable which has already occurred is rectified and these people are returned to society where they belong, any theory which follows the pattern set by Hitler, Stalin and Mao, is absolutely valid.

As the days proceed we will read online many useless things from fellow conservatives which have done not one thing for us in the last four years: "They will take my guns over my cold dead hands", "We will rise up", "There will be a revolution". Those remarks are the most dangerous things in the world for a Representative Republic, because they give people a way to vent their anger non-constructively and then go back about their daily lives, the emotional need satiated by pontificating passionately onto a screen, leaving the reality of their plight in the real world unaddressed, allowing evil to eat their country from within like a cancer via nothing less than a communist regime which has taken control, and with the power, in theory, to kill them.

There is only legal way Obama can be stopped, now, and it's a thin but actual hope: For the next two years the House of Representatives will be controlled by the Republicans. In that sliver of a window of opportunity, Benghazi must be investigated, prosecuted and Obama impeached. Obama's removal from office is a trickier matter, but having no clear way forward on removal does not mean we should wait for a master plan before proceeding with resolute action on investigation and prosecution immediately. The United States did not have a sure-fire master plan to beat the British when our Founding Fathers declared independence - they just did it and persevered as the circumstances evolved and what they did was truly dangerous.  Our presidents had no master plan on World war I and World War II; we just fought as best we could, tried to lead, and reacted as best as humanly possible when leading proved impossible. If we wait for a master plan we're finished as a nation because while we suffer from paralysis by analysis, Obama will complete whatever plan it is exactly that he has in mind, and whatever it is, like his other plans and often expressed thoughts, it won't be pretty.

Our primary stumbling block is a country-club, do-nothing GOP House (the minority in the Senate, ironically, has more will to fight)which has the legal power to do it all. The only way they will save this nation, these lazy and quite frankly often not very bright men who if smarter would have chosen more challenging and financially rewarding careers, is to have their easy, three-half-day-a-week work schedule threatened by an angry primary electorate. Already tea party groups are re-emerging from the shadows, but they will fail without you. Public humiliation and concern is what motivates those men because their way of maintaining their easy lifestyle is to convince the public that all is fine. Once the public rises up publicly and states publicly that things are not fine, they scramble. 

Your job is an astonishingly easy one compared to generations past. You don't even need to leave your home. Presumably you have a Twitter account or the chances are you would not even know about this website. Go to Twitter, search the following names: John Boehner, Ted Langford, Lindsey Graham, Peter King, Darrel Issa, Frank Wolf, Jason Chaffetz, (our argumentative Twitter pal, who I still like, Representative) Dana Rohrabacher, Trey Gowdy, John McCain, Kelly Ayote and any others you know. Go to the Twitter page of each. In the "reply" areas of posts/threads already started by them, tell them you want Benghazi investigated and prosecuted and don't be genteel about it, give 'em real hell. If you just post to them directly no one will see it unless they retweet you, and they won't do that. You need to and can put your angry demands, every day, as a reply to their posts and then they are stuck with it, in public, where the people who they need to vote them back into office will see the unflattering demands about Benghazi you write. We need all of you to make this work. Don't assume you will be lost in a crowd - there is no crowd without you. Tell them you want Subpoenas for the witnesses. Tell them you demand to know where the survivors are. And tell them you want it all now and feel no need to be polite. 4 Months of inaction is too long. And for God's sake don't be afraid of the hysterical paranoia from the left of black helicopters designed to frighten you into passive and quiet insecurity: I have been a non-stop thorn in the side of all that is Obama for four years and I am still here to tell you that time is now running out for you to take back America. 

Do it, while you still have an internet to enjoy, because if Obama continues the pattern he has set, following (in their case proven murderous) tyrants of the past, then the internet will soon be restricted to "education" for the children while you are allowed only one personal message a day to a relative, provided you can prove they are ill. Don't shrug off the possibility - the pattern of Obama is clear.

Do it: 

1. Log on to Twitter
2. At the top, Search for Senators and Reps
3. Comment for all to see so the congressmen knows he is being outed for laziness in public
4.Repeat until it becomes a daily habit and then addiction. Once Obama gets your guns, your life may depend on it.

A little prayer while you do it wouldn't hurt, either. I'll see you on Twitter as Frank M Davis Jr. We need to do this and we need to do this today. Starting "tomorrow" won't help. Ask the kids in those pictures with Hitler  Stalin and Mao - many of them died at their benign leader's hands because their parents waited too long to act.

This is an archived Memo from the parent blog, Go there to read the latest

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