Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Looks like we have found one of the ACORN/ACORN-style moles on twitter, and a few of you were there at the time and saw it go down: supposed conservative activist "Dakota R". During a TWITTER TOWN HALL ON BENGHAZI session, she hinted some info to resolve all on Benghazi would be coming from our old pal Rep Dana Rohrabacher who, if you read this blog and the screenshots,  appears to be steadfast in demanding there are NO subpoenas issued for Benghazi witnesses - so he's no friend of ours. After I asked her why she wasn't joining all the others in the evening's activities, she made a big stink, I blocked her and moments later I was suspended from twitter. No matter how much she may have convinced you otherwise, only a fool would believe it to be coincidence. A few of you watched the whole thing play out in real time. No coincidence.

If You speak to Kathy, Janson, etc, from the old Keep Newt In group on Facebook, Dakota has the same pattern as ACORN people we endured there: Too many followers for someone who does little, best defenders on the boards exhibit same behavior: talk, spin, making loving verbal embraces to conservatives and then basically do whatever is necessary to keep them from getting anything done. When called out, these supposed "conservatives' then gather in the wink of an eye to berate the "offender" (as was my experience just now) even though we're all supposed to be on the same team. 


Obviously, then, we're making headway. You know you're over the target when you start taking flak. They are annoying, but wear such moments as a badge of honor. You'll be back on twitter - as will I - and they cannot stop us. We're going to win this for the slain in Benghazi.

EDIT: Kathy and I got independent confirmation that "Dakota R" gave an order to her ppl to "go after the other girl, too" This all fits. Dakota R & pals are ACORN - we have seen this before. In Keep Newt In all was good until we made progress; that happened when we started to have contests with personally autographed books as prizes sent directly from Newt, Dr Corsi and Calista Gingrich (Kathy knows Calista, a little, who worked it out for us, I got the books from Corsi)for whoever could get the most work done for Newt in whatever capacity was determined by the particular contest. The moment we did that, some other group with a huge number of people came out of nowhere saying "no, WE are the REAL Newt group!" At first we thought them to be attention hounds, but then it became clear that while they claimed to supporting Newt, if you looked carefully, you could see that they were also subversively undermining him (these people need lives, but that's another story - they really work at being trolls). Then those of us at the top found ourselves in a state of near-continuous suspension until we found ways to avoid it, just as Dakota is apparently giving orders to her trolls to suspend us on twitter.

The way it went down is this. They said at first "We are THE Newt group". Then before Newt got out of the race, they started saying, in effect, "Support Newt, but vote for Romney" (an obviously weaker candidate). Then when Romney got the nod they bashed Romney's Mormon faith and said "We support Romney but he's a RINO, you should really vote for...." some totally unknown jerk. You see the methodology:  they kept creeping the goal post farther away from victory and closer and closer to defeat with weaker and weaker candidates. And to whatever impact they had on Facebook, one cannot deny they were more successful than not: Horribly enough, Obama has been elected to a second term.

Now it's clear they have decided to become active in protecting Obama on the issue of Benghazi.

So two nights ago, once we start talking on twitter of forcing FOX back to the right with Boycotts and public things like what is documented in the second memo below this, someone comes on and says "No one puts in more work on Benghazi than Dakota". Well, that's just horseshit, no one puts more work on Benghazi on Twitter than Kathy and I may or may not be number 2. Clearly this was a first salvo to move social media control of the issue on twitter from us to "Dakota" who never lifts a finger on the issue. Ever see her join in on the nightly twitter sessions - her or her pals? No, I didn't think so. All she does is say "Love ya, darlin'" (that damn left-wing stereotype about southern conservatives, again) and make the battle all about fighting Twitter in a scenario which assumes Twitter is taken over by left-wing forces and thus the battle is never about Obama; it's a distraction, a fake-out. 

So several people then jump on that guy who said Dakota does it all, he shuts up and two nights later - tonight -  Dakota tries to wrest control of the issue again by saying "I have big news from Rohrabacher on Benghazi and it will all be settled" (you know, translation:  "you can stop making a case about Benghazi  now")" but she continues to not lift a finger while dozens of people are online at that moment as a group tweeting media and congress to free the witnesses. So I ask her why she is not helping, as I asked that supposed pro-Newt group why they were attacking us instead of supporting our pro-Newt contests, and the same thing happens: thrown off. Suspended. For all we know the methodology is so close Dakota and pals and that anti-newt stealth group they may even be the same PEOPLE (Interestingly, they had 15,000 group members and Dakota has 13,00 + followers. Suddenly that's an interesting correlation in numbers when you consider the correlation in behavior patterns)

Anyway, I have not composed this in any way, just wrote it off the top of my head, so if the writing style is lacking, then mea culpea. But you should know that there are operatives out there, doing the Alinsiki thing as operatives pretending to be friendlies, and Dakota is clearly one, IMO. Beware conservatives bearing only southern hick writing style stereotypes and never lifting a finger for the cause and getting you thrown off twitter when you ask them why they are not lifting a finger. Chances are they are not your BFF.

I expect the next move for them will be to shift the focus from Benghazi to a war between their people and ours. Don't play. IMO and advice: Ignore Dakota, take what she says with a gain of salt and keep at Benghazi every night on twitter. Kathy as 5,000 followers. I have 1,500. Dakota has 13,000. But Dakota has not been called out by Fox hosts, panicked that they are being forced to cover an issue they don't want to cover, nor has she been retweeted on the issue by celebrities, like we have. Also, some messages and graphics, like the Benghazi witness art, have had over 1,500 retweets, probably to a few million people, and public awareness is the key to it all. It's not how big your (in Dakota's case seeming nearly dead) following, it's how well your numbers work. We're getting results. Ignore the opposition and plow ahead. If you feel a need to respond, please say this: "Frank, kathy, Janson and the rest work every night on Benghazi and you do not. I'm with them". If they want to get serious on the issue, let them show it. But if they are who I think they are, you will never see them dare lift a finger, lest they do real political damage to their actual political Lord and savior, Barack Obama. Keep at it. we're winning this battle on Benghazi now for sure: Hosts from the highest rated cable news network don't deal with Benghazi because of you when you are failing. Stay it it. If you do we're going to win. 

Once again, if they make a fuss about this, just ask them to join or ask them why they are not joining.  I assure you they will never dare, and then you know, no matter how seeming impassioned the indignant excuses, they are the "enemy".

Stay on-target. Objective: THE BENGHAZI WITNESSES MUST TESTIFY, AND SOON. This is winnable; we have members of congress on our side this time.


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