Tuesday, March 12, 2013


12/30/2012 - 1/4/2013

Edit: The Representative has since responded back to me on twitter again citing that such matters take a long time to handle the legalities properly. My response: At least talk on TV like you mean business to keep America tuned-in to issue. EDIT 1/4/2013: the Rep & I are having an interesting back-and-forth on Twitter now. He says in effect, "be patient and learn your history" and I say "Watergate took 1 year from start to finish and House Benghazi 'investigation' has used up 1/3 of that much time in tech-savvy 2013 and so far we have not seen so much as a single subpoena & house is manifestly falling down horribly on the job for which they were elected." Which point of view do you agree with? Comment at bottom of page if you want.

Rep Rohrabacher, you have been one of the more outspoken voices regarding Benghazi, and as a media man, I personally like your onscreen television persona, which is all-at-once straightforward and approachable. No one I know wants to find himself or herself at odds with you in a confrontational discussion online. However, you posted something in response to someone I know pretty well online, Janson Smithers, which, considering you are one of the most outspoken voices regarding Benghazi, I found unsettling-to-alarming: 

"Watergate not quick event. perjury only crime. Benghazi maybe same but this coverup includes killing & perhaps blackmail."

I certainly agree with the second part, but the first sentence is in response to Janson demanding quicker action. The fact is that things are not so austere in the Halls of Power that they work fundamentally differently  from the rest of the world in regard to things that can be done now. Here is a short list of same regarding Benghazi. If I am in error on any point, I look forward to being corrected in a way that makes sense. 

1. Subpoenas can be issued now. They can be issued to Hillary ClintonJoe Biden - who as expert on international affairs in the 2008 election for Obama - can be subpoenaed on his probable consultation during Benghazi; White House aides who were on duty at the time;for White House security videos of the halls leading to the situation room so we know if Obama, Clinton and whoever else was there and when. If this sounds like fantasy to anyone reading,  Nixon and Clinton, both,  found that they had to abide by subpoenas - you can read about it here (and elsewhere). Read the last paragraph particularly. We are not talking about the President, here, only those under him. This can be done now, so what are you waiting for?

Do subpoenas somehow seem extreme to the GOP House? Remember the fuss the Democrat-led Senate made over Bush simply eaves dropping? Click Here. We have a dead Ambassador, others with him and twenty witnesses whose names have not even been released to your House of Representatives by the White House after four months.

2. You can find out the identity of the rumored survivor from Benghazi currently supposedly at Walter reed Hospital according to Greta Van Susteren, on whose show you have appeared repeatedly. What have you done to find out who he is? He has information about Benghazi and America would like to know. Since no one in the House has said a thing about this, I must assume the House has no idea what to do. Therefore, here is Walter Reed Hospital's published telephone number and address if your fellow GOP reps need help in establishing a starting point. Call the hospital as a US rep and ask if there is a survivor there from Benghazi. Then take the next step, whatever it may be. Tell your GOP fellows to do their legwork or you can show them how it's done!  
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
8901 Wisconsin Avenue | Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
1-800-526-7101 | (301) 295-4611

CLICK HERE for their website. Yes, I am being a little bit sarcastic for effect here, but only barely, as four months is too damn long to hear nothing but, ultimately at this stage,"Hillary will testify".

GRAND JURY FOR OBAMA. Obama's now very widely recognized lie about the cause of the Benghazi murders (we have discovered where he got the story he used to cover the truth, as you can see in the "Breaking News", below) is, it seems to us, in itself probable cause enough of obstruction of justice to warrant getting the gears rolling for an eventual Grand Jury appearance and testimony by Obama. If you recall, on August 17, 1998, a Grand Jury was called in which Bill Clinton testified about obstruction of justice in the comparatively insignificant civil case, Jones V Clinton. You can read it at the left-leaning Washington Post HERE or watch it, edited, below.

Rep Rohrabacher,that is plenty regarding intentions and potential scenarios that can at least be openly discussed in the media as an indication of the GOP House Rep's seriousness about pursuing the Benghazi murders to justice within the boarders of this nation.

This blog, started a mere three weeks ago with no more advertising than a few people initially tweeting the address to their followers, has now grown to a rough average of 1,000 views a day. We expect that to increase dramatically rapidly as that now appears to be the trajectory. I say this so you and your esteemed colleagues in the House will understand that with each day that goes by, people grow more impatient  because none of the above appears to have been mentioned to the media by the House, and we, the people, need to know that you are as serious about the murders of an Ambassador and three others in Benghazi - as well as the twenty missing American witnesses still unaccounted for- as the Democrats were about a second-rate break-in and as much as your GOP predecessors were about a president perjuring himself in a deposition about a civil suit stemming from no more than an extramarital affair.

People are dead, the American people were lied to and the press is covering for Obama with a veil of silence on this issue. Please inform your esteemed fellow House Representatives that we expect them to begin to at least look as though they are serious about doing their jobs.

You may wish to also read the memo, below, dated Dec 29, 2012. If Boehner is the stumbling block, use the upcoming vote to get that stumbling block out of your way. We pay Congress to work, not enjoy the Country Club.

We all look forward to strong and determined statements from the House supplanting the complaining and grandstanding which has thus far been the pattern. Thus far the House seems to have one mantra: "Hillary will testify". The obvious truth is that relying on a single - in my opinion - cold-bloodedly politically ambitious rattlesnake - who has certainly been less than gracious in the past to the House - to tell the world exclusively the truth of what happened on the night our people were murdered by terrorists in Benghazi is infuriatingly naive and below-par for what needs to be done in the bigger picture. People died in Benghazi; Watergate and the Clinton affair were given hundreds of times more diligent attention than the House is outwardly giving to Benghazi.

I remain, myself, still supportive of your efforts. But as you can see online - as you do something your GOP fellows might try - keep your finger on the pulse, four months is too long to stumble around focusing on a single, big-name witness, and people are getting angry and impatient and for very good reason. Annoyance is turning into fury, and fury will be remembered at the polls in 2014.

As do many, I look forward to your strong and determined leadership on the issue of the Benghazi terrorist murders.

EDIT: Rep Rohrabacher responded on Twitter saying in effect that this is a slow process to ensure all is done properly, legally. What he does not address is why they are being so silent about it in the media. The smartest thing he could do is telegraph their intentions to subpoena to the world, rattle Obama into making a political mistake and/or someone else into coming forward to get ahead of the oncoming tsunami to cover themselves and raise public awareness so people get angry and demand answers loudly. The quiet the House is exhibiting may be good in the country club-style cocktail dinner parties in Georgetown (been there) which are marked by low volume, placid conversations, but if these guys don't want to mishandle this into a complete failure which results in Obama turning into the next Hitler because he feels he is invincible to everything, they better get some surface energy going. Media is my business, GOP House members, and you are doing a terrible job so far and your sense of superior esteem will not change that.


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